By hilary west
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(Hermione’s Bedroom)
(There is a knock at the door)
Ewan : Who’s that?
Hermione : Quick, you’ll have to hide. Get into the wardrobe.
(Hermione pulls on a robe and answers the door)
Oh, Mum.
Betty : Why aren’t you dressed? It’s the middle of the day.
Hermione : I’ve just taken a bath.
Betty : We found these on the patio. (Betty presents Hermione with her panties)
Hermione : They can’t be mine, Mum.
Betty : No. I see Ewan was in this afternoon. I said hello to him earlier on.
Hermione : Oh, I haven’t seen him.
Betty : Get dressed, Hermione. People will begin to talk. I think Justin saw those pants.
Jasper : Ewan is wild, Hermione. I can see it in his eyes. You should be dressed during the day.
Hermione : I’ve had a bath for goodness sake.
Jasper : Well, just be careful. Remember we share this house with two young men.
Betty : Two young men whose sap is rising, although I think Justin can be kept under control.
Hermione : Yes, Mum. I understand what you are saying. There is nothing going on though, you are imagining it. I’m sure Ewan has some girlfriend somewhere that takes up all of his time.
Betty : More than likely.
Jasper : Come on, Betty, we’ll let Hermione get dressed.
Betty : Okay, but be careful young lady. Two young studs and a fine flower.
Hermione : Bye, Mum, Dad. I’ll be alright.
(Justin and Ewan’s kitchen some time later)
Ewan : She’s gorgeous.
Justin : Who. Tamsin?
Ewan : No, Hermione. I made love to her just now. Her parents came up to her room so I hid in the cupboard, then when they’d gone we made love.
Justin : Tamsin’s coming again tonight, isn’t she?
Ewan : Yes, they wear me out but I’m having to keep both of them happy.
Justin : I’m going out with Amanda tonight. Maybe I’ll quicken up the pace just a trifle.
Ewan : Look, Justin, you need to quicken it up a lot. Get her to bed here. Betty and Jasper don’t know what goes on in our rooms. They only came up to Hermione’s room because they found her panties.
Justin : That would be the bundle of lace that Betty was grasping earlier on the patio.
Ewan : Yes.
Justin : I didn’t think Jasper had divested them of Betty, besides they were too scimpy for someone as robust as Betty.
Ewan : No, they were Hermione’s. She whipped them off when she got frisky in her room. I’m telling you there’s no stopping her when she gets going.
Justin : I don’t think Amanda would whip them off.
Ewan : You’ve got to coax her, Justin. Use your charm to get what you want. Women always give in. They do with me anyway.
Justin : Okay I’ll give it a try.
(The door bell rings)
Ewan : That must be Tamsin.
Justin : What are you going to tell her?
Ewan : Going to tell her?
Justin : About what has happened.
Ewan : Nothing of course and don’t you blurt anything out or I’ll kill you.
Justin : But surely it changes everything.
Ewan : Don’t be naive, it’s still on with me and Tamsin. I like her, she’s good for me.
(The door bell rings again)
I’ve got to go and answer the door, remember nothing has changed.
(Ewan leaves the room, he returns with Tamsin)
Tamsin : Hello, Justin, everything alright?
Justin : Oh yes, everything is just fine.
Tamsin : I shouldn’t think much happens in a quiet house like this, does it? It must be good for studying.
Justin : Yes, not much happens.
Tamsin : Are you studying tonight, Justin?
Justin : No, I’m going out with Amanda.
Tamsin : Bring her back here, Justin, then we can all meet her.
Ewan : Yes, Justin. We’ll be back fairly early this evening, around ten o’ clock. Bring Amanda back for a coffee.
Justin : Okay. I will if she’ll come. She’s fairly shy.
Ewan : Good, that’s settled.
Justin : Right, I’ll see you later. I better be going.
Tamsin : See you.
Ewan : Bye.
(Justin leaves the room)
Tamsin : We can be alone together at last, Ewan.
Ewan : I thought you wanted to go out for a drink.
Tamsin : I do, but we can talk a bit first can’t we?
Ewan : Yes, I suppose.
Tamsin : Is Hermione still bothering you?
Ewan : No, I think she’s given up, Tamsin.
Tamsin : Good, she must know she’s wasting her time. If I saw her I’d give her a piece of my mind for suggesting anything in the first place. I’m your girlfriend. You’ve told her that, haven’t you, Ewan?
Ewan : Mmm I think I’ve mentioned it, yes.
Tamsin : That will have put her off, Ewan. Maybe she’s not that bad after all, not just a loose tart.
Ewan : No, I think she’s come to terms with the situation.
Tamsin : Well that’s the sensible thing to do, just to know you are spoken for.
Ewan : Yes.
Tamsin : You don’t really like her, do you, Ewan, I mean sexually?
Ewan : Oh no, there’s nothing there, Tamsin. I could look at her naked and nothing would stir below.
Tamsin : I’m so glad, that’s a weight off my mind. I can tell you I’ve been worried all day that she might try to ensnare you into a cunning little trap when you both live so near to each other.
Ewan : I don’t think so, Tamsin. I don’t think she would know how. Truth is I think she’s dull.
Tamsin : What does she do for a living?
Ewan : She’s a shop assistant.
Tamsin : Not very exciting.
Ewan : No, and she’s a snob too.
Tamsin : It’ll be because they own this place, Ewan. This area is pricey you know.
Ewan : Yes it is but then so is all of London. I doubt it’s worth more than your home Tamsin and you’re not a snob.
Tamsin : No, I don’t like snobs and quite honestly I don’t think I’d like this Hermione if I did meet her.
Ewan : Well I don’t think there’s much chance of that. She’s always out or with her parents.
Tamsin : Are we going out then, Ewan? I want to get back to meet Amanda.
Ewan : Yes, we better go.
(Ewan and Tamsin leave the kitchen)
(The Patio. It is about 8 o’ clock in the evening)
Jasper : It’s still warm, isn’t it Betty?
Betty : Yes, it’s lovely here, Jasper. The night-scented jasmine is beautiful. It is a pity our climate isn’t good enough for bouganvillea though, isn’t it? The cascading racemes of those beautiful pink flowers was enchanting.
Jasper : Not as enchanting as you, my precious.
Betty : My days of outshining bouganvillea are over, Jasper.
Jasper : Rubbish, Betty. Your cheeks are pinker than the deepest flower bracts.
Betty : Another brandy, Jasper?
Jasper : I don’t mind if I do.
Betty : What do you think was going on this afternoon with Hermione?
Jasper : I don’t know, Betty but I don’t like it. I think Hermione should be discouraged from seeing the guests.
Betty : So you think she is seeing Ewan?
Jasper : Well it isn’t the bookworm Justin, is it?
Betty : No, he’s an innocent, Jasper – a true gentleman.
Jasper : I think we’ve got to face it, Betty, those panties were Hermione’s.
Betty : Well we don’t know for a fact.
Jasper : As good as, I’d say.
Betty : Well if they’re playing those sort of games Hermione must be protected. Do you know a girl called for Ewan?
Jasper : Yes, I saw her approach the front door about an hour ago.
Betty : He’s two-timing her if Hermione is daft enough to see him.
Jasper : Maybe it’s not a girlfriend.
Betty : Oh don’t be naive, Jasper. That man would stop at nothing.
Jasper : Well how are we going to stop Hermione getting in this up to her neck?
Betty : You are going to have to have a word with her, Jasper. She’s always listened to you.
Jasper : I don’t think so, Betty. She has a mind of her own.
Betty : Something must be done, we can’t sit here as if everything in the garden were rosy when only this afternoon I find I’m clutching Hermione’s knickers. You’ve got to act, Jasper before it’s too late.
Jasper : We’ve always been happy, haven’t we, Betty, not like Hermione who doesn’t seem to know what to do to find true happiness.
Betty : Yes, Jasper.
Jasper : You are a flower and a jewel, Betty.
Betty : Another brandy, Jasper.
Jasper : I don’t mind if I do.
(Ewan’s Bedroom : Tamsin and Ewan enter by the door)
Tamsin : That was a nice evening, Ewan.
Ewan : Yes, I enjoyed myself.
Tamsin : What time is it?
Ewan : It’s only 9.30.
Tamsin : Oh is it? Maybe we have time for a little you know what before Justin gets back.
Ewan : Let’s forget Justin and go to bed.
Tamsin : I’m not going to bed but I’m going to strip off. It’s hot isn’t it?
Ewan : Good. Strip to your bra and panties - we’ll have a sex romp. I’ll strip off too.
(Tamsin strips to her bra and panties and Ewan strips to his thong)
Tamsin : I need to be free, Ewan. Free of all the strictures that society imposes upon a single woman.
Ewan : I didn’t know that society did impose strictures on a single woman.
Tamsin : Oh all the time. The milkman on the lookout for men leaving my house early in the morning. The neighbours going on about the solidity of their marriages and the joy of having babies in wedlock. Everything has to be above board and respectable. I’m sick of being respectable.
Ewan : Well you’ll get a piece of the action now, Tamsin. You’re a very attractive woman. I want you. My body is aching for yours.
Tamsin : Me too, Ewan. You can take me, take me to places I’ve never been before.
Ewan : I can hear someone coming down the stairs, Tamsin.
Tamsin : Can you?
(The bedroom door opens and Hermione is stood there in her bra and panties)
Hermione : What is going on here?
Tamsin : Who are you?
Hermione : Who am I? I’m Hermione Kesteven, Ewan’s girlfriend.
Tamsin : Oh no you’re not. I’m Ewan’s girlfriend, you aren’t going to have him.
Hermione : You bitch. And as for you, Ewan, I haven’t been gone two minutes. In fact my bed isn’t cold from earlier on. How could you? How could you do this to me?
Ewan : Wait, I can explain. Tamsin is just a friend. She spilt something on her dress and was just changing it.
Hermione : Do you expect me to believe that, you two-timing bastard?
(Hermione picks up a paper weight and flings it across the room. It hits the fire alarm bell and starts the fire alarm going)
Ewan : Hermione, calm down. Tamsin, please, it’s not what it seems.
Tamsin : I must have been simple-minded to have been taken in by you.
(On hearing the fire alarm Betty and Jasper Kesteven come running into the room, followed by Justin and Amanda who is also in just bra and panties.)
Betty : Hermione, I don’t believe it, a scarlet woman. As for you, Ewan, you’ve turned my house into a brothel. Where’s the fire?
(She turns the fire extinguisher on and it drenches Tamsin and Hermione who are clinched in combat)
Ewan : There’s no fire. Everybody calm down.
Justin : We thought there was a fire.
Ewan : Is this Amanda?
Justin : Yes.
Ewan : Nice pair of tits.
(Hermione and Tamsin scream)
(The next morning : Justin and Ewan’s kitchen)
Justin : Looks like it’s all over, Ewan.
Ewan : Yes, they’ll probably ask me to leave.
Justin : Whose fault was it really, Ewan?
Ewan : Certainly not mine. Women are to blame for everything. Hermione threw herself at me from the start.
Justin : Yes, even Amanda turned out fast, Ewan.
Ewan : So I noticed but at least you are getting it right at the wrong time. Before you were just getting it wrong.
Justin : Yes, I’m learning from you, Ewan ,but I think we’ll both have to find somewhere else to live.
Ewan : Well it doesn’t matter. We’ll start again. I won’t be seeing either Tamsin or Hermione again. And you, well you can see as much of Amanda as you like.
Justin : Yes, I guess so.
Ewan : Maybe we should concentrate more on our friendship, Justin. It would get us into less trouble.
Justin : I think you are right.
Ewan : But with Amanda, Justin, there are several things you should be doing to keep her interested. Let me tell you a thing or two. I’ll make sure everything goes smoothly, after all, Justin, I have plenty of experience with the opposite sex.
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Too much experience is not a
Too much experience is not a good thing for men like Ewan. I'm glad Hermione came down at the right moment, otherwise Tamsin would have done something she'd regret.
The sad thing is, that there are men like Ewan out there who never believe they're in the wrong and will always blame the woman.
I enjoyed your story Hilary, it was nice and easy reading, which I like.
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