By hilary west
- 748 reads
(Several hours later in their own kitchen. Ewan is sat reading the paper at the table, the door bell rings and he gets up and leaves the room. He returns with Tamsin.)
Tamsin : The traffic was terrible.
Ewan : Come here.
(Ewan takes Tamsin in his arms and kisses her)
Ewan : Have you missed me?
Tamsin : Yes, I’ve been thinking of you ever since our last time out together.
Ewan : What do you fancy doing tonight?
Tamsin : I know a good club in town.
Ewan : Club it is then.
Tamsin : Do you have two kitchens? You didn’t bring me to this one last time.
Ewan : Oh yes, that’s right.
Tamsin : This one is plainer, Ewan.
Ewan : Mmm, it’s a big house with lots of facilities.
Tamsin : Are the owners back from their holiday yet?
Ewan : Yes.
Tamsin : You said they have a daughter. What’s she like?
Ewan : She’s nice, Tamsin.
Tamsin : Not too nice, I hope.
Ewan : Well, she bats her eyes.
Tamsin : Now look, I’m not sharing you with anybody.
Ewan : You don’t have to share me, Tamsin. I’ve said it’s not on.
Tamsin : Is she good-looking?
Ewan : Not really.
Tamsin : But she’s after you.
Ewan : Yes, I think so. Don’t worry I’ve told her there’s no chance of anything.
Tamsin : Does she know about me?
Ewan : I don’t think so, no.
Tamsin : Well, tell her. I’m not playing second fiddle to anybody.
Ewan : You don’t have to.
Tamsin : I don’t like the fact you are living under the same roof while I’m away elsewhere.
Ewan : Don’t worry, I’m not going to let her get to me.
Tamsin : If you do it’s over, Ewan.
Ewan : Yes, Tamsin, I understand.
(The same kitchen the following morning)
Justin : Getting on alright with Tamsin then?
Ewan : Yes, it’s going like a dream. I made love to her last night.
Justin : What did it feel like?
Ewan : I’ve said, like a dream. If you get off with Amanda you won’t have to ask.
Justin : I don’t think she’s really interested.
Ewan : You students these days. One time students were known for it. Not anymore, it’s left to workers like me to keep the population going.
Justin : You’re not going to have a baby, are you?
Ewan : I hope not, but you can’t always tell. I leave it to the women, things like that. If they get it wrong then it’s their fault. I’ve told Tamsin that Hermione is interested in me by the way.
Justin : Was that wise?
Ewan : Well, I didn’t say that I quite liked her.
Justin : It’s not your nature to be faithful is it?
Ewan : Well, Hermione has done nothing but pester me yet.
Justin : Everything is so casual.
Ewan : You are lecturing me again, Justin. Just show more corporeal interest in Amanda and then maybe you’d understand.
Justin : I think you are out to corrupt me,Ewan.
Ewan : Yeh, yeh, yeh. I’ve got to get to work today, keep the money coming in for Jasper’s grubby little hands.
Justin : Yes, work is money for you, Ewan. For me work is the very elixir of life.
Ewan : Good, I’m glad it’s money for me. Workers must be better off somewhere along the line.
Justin : Capitalism works, no matter what your actual politics might be.
Ewan : I’m off, see you later.
(The next day in Ewan and Justin’s kitchen)
(Ewan is seated at the table, Justin enters by the door)
Justin : Morning.
Ewan : Morning.
Justin : Did it go alright then, your night out with Tamsin?
Ewan : Yes, she’s in love with me.
Justin : You’ve told her the usual lies then.
Ewan : She’s had the benefit of my usual charm yes. Women find me irresistible. I’m just one of those good-looking men women fall for. No, seriously.
Justin : Yes, Ewan. Your head’s expanding uncontrollably again.
Ewan : Please yourself. I’m only telling you as it is. They always go for me.
Justin : I think it must be a pact with the devil. You’ll never be short of female admirers will you?
Ewan : No, I’ve had that many I’ve lost count. I just love women. I love making love.
Justin : What do you tell them.
Ewan : I just tell them what they want to hear, that they are the most beautiful women I’ve ever known.
Justin : It sounds simple enough. I quite like Tamsin. You know at first I thought she might be a prostitute, then I changed my mind when she knew about Giotto. By my subtle probing I found out she was intelligent and not lying about her job. You owe me one.
Ewan : I owe you one? I knew she wasn’t a prostitute anyway. I wouldn’t go with a prostitute.
Justin : She could bea high class one these days. Students have sugar daddies now to get them through university. So how can we be sure?
Ewan : Do you think she looks like a prostitute?
Justin : Well, quite honestly she was a bit tarty.
Ewan : Her dress was short, wasn’t it?
Justin : Yes, call girls can be very presentable today. It’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference.
Ewan : But we’ve decided she’s okay.
Justin : Yes, I’ve given it some thought and I’d say she’s definitely okay.
Ewan : Thanks a lot, for your confidence in what I bring home.
Justin : Hermione will be home today.
Ewan : And?
Justin : And......I know she’s interested in you.
Ewan : I prefer Tamsin, at least I think I do. The Kestevens can be such snobs.
Justin : You’re right there. Betty and Jasper need our money but you’d think they were doing us the favour by letting us live here.
Ewan : Yes, it’s a privilege indeed, isn’t it?
Justin : And the proximity of Hermione their daughter an added bonus.
Ewan : Hermione fancies herself.
Justin : No more than you do yourself. You’re probably well-suited. I wonder if any of you are really in touch with reality. You propel youselves along in some kind of dreamworld living off your own sense of superiority.
Ewan : I am superior.
Justin : Who to?
Ewan : Well, I can’t think of anyone in particular.
Justin : Well, Betty and Jasper Kesteven wouldn’t have it, would they? They are king and queen of this rather large and crumbling castle, and you, Ewan, are a mere subject.
Ewan : Snobs.
Justin : Well, that’s how the land lies. You know our rooms are furnished rather cheaply; our carpets are worn and our ornaments and pictures trashy. They have all the good stuff. Betty and Jasper were telling me that they have some genuine blue Murano glass vases. Our ornaments extend to a broken music box from one of the Costas and a chipped pixie from Devon.
Ewan : That’s true, and something essential like an ash tray nowhere in sight.
Justin : You’ll have to give up smoking you know, you smoke too much.
Ewan : It calms my nerves. Living in Betty and Jasper Kesteven’s house I need it. In fact I need one now. (Ewan lights a cigarette) Do you want one?
Justin : No, I’ve given up.
Ewan : When do you think they’ll be back from holiday?
Justin : Well, I should think Turkey had enough of them well before last week, but no I think they’ll be back around 8 o’ clock if I remember rightly. Betty said early evening and thought it would be about 8 o’ clock by the time they’d got a taxi back from the airport.
Ewan : Hermione will be tanned.
Justin : So will Jasper and Betty.
Ewan : Yes, but I’m not interested in their bodies.
Justin : So you are interested in Hermione.
Ewan : She’s a woman, isn’t she?
Justin : And Tamsin?
Ewan : I like Tamsin but it’s not as simple as that. Women are attracted to me. They take over. It’s out of my hands once the attraction starts to work.
Justin : I could take Tamsin off your hands.
Ewan : I doubt she’d have you. She’s older than you anyway.
Justin : How old is she?
Ewan : She’s about my age – thirty-five.
Justin : How old do you think Hermione is?
Ewan : I’d say she’s about thirty-eight.
Justin : I knew you’d make her older than yourself. It’s because she’s a snob. Subconsciously you want to snub her. You aren’t attracted to her at all I’d say.
Ewan : Although the Kestevens are snobs Hermione isn’t a snob about what I do for a living.
Justin : Making stainless steel bowls and things.
Ewan : Yes, she’s not bothered that I work in a factory.
Justin : How could she be she works in a shop?
Ewan : I think you’re a snob.
Justin : No, I’m just saying she does nothing very exciting.
Ewan : Well I think she’s okay. She’s less of a snob than Betty and Jasper with their blue Murano glass collection and expensive landscape paintings.
Justin : She has both in her room, glass and landscape paintings. She is as middle class as her parents. We are the poor and deserving cause here.
Ewan : I don’t think of it like that. You have an inferiority complex to the Kestevens.
Justin : No, I’m just facing facts. They’ve got things and we haven’t. They’ve been to Turkey for two weeks while we’ve watched the rain drip down their windows. They are living in luxury while we just get along.
Ewan : Maybe but there’s nothing wrong with working in a factory. It pays well. I might buy my own place one day.
Justin : Hermione probably realizes that.
Ewan : I don’t think she’s like that. You are cynical.
Justin : Time will tell.
Ewan : Will tell what?
Justin : Time will tell just exactly what’s what.
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It's funny, but at the
It's funny, but at the beginning of this part, Ewan seemed really up himself, but at the end I begin to understand that he's not really a bad person at all, just feels like he's lost and doesn't know what he wants.
I definitely think Justin is after Tamsin though.
As always you write a good play Hilary. Always draws me in.
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