The Pennyfeathers, Part Two: Ewart
By Horseinabathtub
- 358 reads
Doreen screeched in pain as the bread knife sliced into her thumb. Her wrist seized up and her hand froze in a claw position as blood started to drip out onto the kitchen counter. Within seconds there was a hand beside hers offering a towel. It went against everything in her to stain one of her master’s towels with blood, but she made the exception this one time so as not to make more of a mess elsewhere.
She wrapped the towel around her thumb and shut her eyes to conceal the tears. She felt a hand rest against her back.
“It’s going to be okay. Show me your thumb.”
She immediately recognised the voice. It was master Ewart.
“No, no master it’s fine. I’ll just run back to my quarters and fix myself up.”
She turned to leave but he clutch her shoulder and stopped her.
“Don’t be silly, now sit down and let me see. That’s an order.”
She could never disobey an order from master Ewart, so she complied.
Ewart went to a nearby cabinet, under the sink, and pulled out a first aid kit.
“I know you knew this was here.”
He raised his eyebrows at her. She turned away in shame. It was true. She could have patched herself up here but it would be uncourteous of her to use a medical kit from the main mansion. What if someone else needed it? It would be her fault that it was unavailable. He sat down next to her and opened the kit.
“You know, in my old age, my mind begins to slip every now and then. So when I saw you at the counter I thought you were your mother for a split second. Especially when you said her catchphrase.”
“Oh Crumbs.”
“Yes that’s the one. For as long as I knew your mother and her mother, they have always been saying that.”
Ewart’s reply had been quite jovial and reminiscent, not realising that Doreen hadn’t been answering to his phrase but instead was just noticing the trail of blood coming from the kitchen counter.
Within a two minutes Doreen had been successfully bandaged.
“There we are. Feel Better.”
She nodded. The pain had eased significantly.
“Yes master, thank you. You are too kind.”
Ewart shook his head.
“Please, it was nothing. You do for family.”
Ewart smiled as he looked at her but she did not meet his gaze eye to eye. He pressed his hand against her cheek and turned her head toward his.
“Despite the slight age difference, I practically grew up with your mother. Just like the way it happened with you and Bruce. Even though most of the time she was caring for me, we were genuine companions. I always thought of her as a type of sister, even if it wasn’t written in blood. So when you were born you were easily welcomed into the family with open arms. Did I ever tell you that I was the first person to hold you?”
Doreen shook her head and Ewart’s hand seemed to follow along with it. He hadn’t yet let go of her face. But she wasn’t going to protest.
“Indeed, I remember it well. We brought in the family doctor to take of your mother when she went into labour. Naturally you were as efficient as ever and you came out in about three hours. It took Bruce over twice as long. So anyway, once you were delivered I was by your parent’s side and the doctor just handed you to me. I was somewhat confused so I just passed you along to your mother. But those few minute have always been quite special to me. We were the first people to see each other.
“Now look at you. Still the young vibrant woman I always remembered, who is carrying on the family legacy. You should be proud to wear that uniform and say “Oh Crumbs”. You may be the last to do it. Just know that whatever the future holds I promise that you will be okay. I can sleep soundly at night knowing that that is the truth. You have always been like a daughter to me. You’ve definitely been more of a daughter to me than Bruce.”
Ewart spat out laughing. Leaning forward in his chair and wheezing to great delight. Doreen allowed herself a sly giggle. She hadn’t giggled in years, it was unprofessional of her. But if there was any reason to laugh, she was glad that it was Ewart to make her do so.
“Well, I’ll see you around. I hope your finger gets better.”
Ewart grabbed her hand and gave the bandage a quick little kiss. He stood and strolled out of the kitchen whistling “Oh Canada”. He was a strange man. But Doreen always loved him and enjoyed his company.
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