Stalker Love Story, Part One: Beach
By Horseinabathtub
- 1148 reads
Some called it obsession. They were right, I was sick. His name was Arthur. To most people he wasn’t much to bat an eye at but he was the apple of my eye. There was something about him that just compelled me to love him. He was my everything and I would have given anything for him to feel the same about me.
I could have been like a brother to him. We could have had fun and just hung out together. I could have been a mother to him. I would have cared for him. Given him anything he wanted and his smile would have been the satisfaction that kept me going. But the greatest dream for me was if I could be his lover. I would have ravished his body. I would relish any and every sweaty, heart-pounding moment in which I made him feel the true euphoria that he gives me every time I see his face.
It was the end of June, a week prior to my birthday. The sun had been blazing all week and he was a man that was prone to being sweaty. It made it all the more enjoyable to touch myself to. I just so happened to overhear that he would be going to the beach. My stomach dropped. I almost passed out, knowing that he would be in a place in which he walked around with less clothes was too much for my brain to process.
It was Saturday morning. Things went as planned and he got the 11:45 bus. I got the midday express. We lived in the city so the beach was a little over an hour away. I closed my eyes and before long I was asleep on the bus. I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. There was a lot of preparation for today but I got easily distracted at my telescope. Arthur was trying on bathing suits. Each of them looked great on him but it was the in between moments that I savoured the most.
I live on the sixth floor of the apartment block just across the alley from Arthur’s, where he lives on the fifth. Our windows are directly across from each other but my view is slightly above his which leads to the perfect angles. His shower window is distorted but he opens up the smaller portion on the top half of the sill to let the steam out. I can see right in when he wets himself and rubs warm soap all over his body.
As I slept the vivid dreams began to creep up again. It was the one of my father. He was always a nice man who raised me well. We had a good home but we just became distant when Mom died. In the dream he walked up and slapped me. It was something he never would have done in real life no matter how much he may have wanted. I knew there was nothing malicious behind it but he always said how disappointed he was because I was following Arthur. He always told me to follow my dreams but I guess it only counted if it was something appropriate that he could understand.
A single bead of sweat rolled onto my hand and woke me. It was incredibly hot in the bus and me leaning against the windows directly in the sun didn’t help either. I peeled my face off of the glass and re-focused my eyes to the bright outside world. The next stop was the beach. Call it fate or some form of Pavlovian effect but my body always seemed to know when I was drawing closer to Arthur.
The beach was packed. It was a good day for it so I shouldn’t have been all that surprised. But this just meant that I had my work cut out for me. I couldn’t have someone calling me out on my perversions. It might draw some unwanted attention and I learned the hard way how irritating that can be. I stared up and down the sand. To my left there was a surf shop and maybe a kilometre down further was a pier. To my right I could see a small row of buildings. I considered my surrounding for a moment. Arthur would want to be in the shade, and he does enjoy boats so near or under the pier would be a good spot for him. But if he is with people he would insist on being the one to get drinks, he always was such a sweetheart like that, so a better bet would be down toward the buildings, there may be a shop. I chose to head right. I was right
There he was. His red cap and aviator sunglasses, blue flip flops, the green t-shirt with the monkey on it, a classic staple in him wishing to be sociable and attention grabbing, and blue swim shorts. It was mysterious why he chose those as he had spent the longest time staring at them in the mirror as if to be unsure with them. He wouldn’t looked as long if he knew he was going to pick them, he wasn’t much of a model. The next part was the trickiest. Where do I set up?
The beach was lined with long grass. A good place for cover of my equipment but not so much for myself. Too conspicuous. There was a good spot about fifty metres on the far side of him. But the problem with that was that I would be left out in the open. I would look to noticeable with all the crowds but it was on a rough path between him and the shop which would be a guaranteed visit for him. It was a tough decision but on the beach was the lowest risk I could take despite visibility being a wild factor.
I parked myself in my spot, set down a blanket and put up a parasol. As far as people were concerned I was just an everyday beach goer. I took a minute to get the best spot in which I could get a view of Arthur’s setup and analyse who he was with. Two people. James, he was fine he was a casual friend at best and he never really got in the way of my work so I never had a problem. Unlike Kara. I never liked the way she looked at my Arthur. She would always touch his arm when she laughed. I know he’s funny, he the greatest man alive but she didn’t deserve to hear his greatness. As far as I cared she could rot in hell like the scoundrel whore she was.
The day progressed fairly slowly. The three of them spent most of the opening hours just lying around. I got to have a few good shots of his bulge but it was nothing I didn’t have before. Not to say that I wouldn’t cherish my new material. I was relieved to find that James had brought food for them. Now there was no risk of Arthur going to one of the shops. They ate at two. It took them another two hours before they finally made a move.
I almost began drooling as Arthur stripped of his t-shirt. His imperfect body that just so happened to be perfect at the same time. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his cheeks as he strode toward the ocean. I would have given anything to be a fish in those few precious minutes where Arthur splashed and played. His smile always made my heart warm but it was made even sweeter when it happened because he was splashing Kara, the bitch. After about fifteen minutes they finished with their water games and made there was back toward their stuff. It was in that sweet moment that my life reached its apex.
The sun wasn’t at its highest point anymore, so it was starting its journey toward the oceans horizon. The mild orange tint was seeping its way into the blue skies. I could have spent hours setting up a studio but it would never have been as perfect as this. Arthur walked down the beach. The sun slightly to his right, just far enough so its light was catching his most of his front. Tiny gems of water glistened across his body. His soaking swimming trunks gripping his skin in all the right places. It was like a divine gift from God. There, right there. I got the perfect picture.
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This is an intriguing
This is an intriguing beginning to your story. This person sounds like a stalker, but then maybe I'm wrong in my thinking. Will look forward to reading more.
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This is an intriguing story
Fascinating. I know it's supposed to be creepy but it's not, yet. I look forward to the next chapter or part.
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