Tales of Virusgeddon: Genesis Part II
By Ibahas1
- 610 reads
2 weeks after initial infection:
I think it’s finally started to work! Over the past couple days my beloved wife has turned from a cultured, serene (if backstabbing) woman in her mid-thirties into an angry bitch with a hair-trigger temper. While a bit trying on my end, watching her intelligence drop as sharply as it has is an absolute delight. She can barely even remember the dog’s name half the time! No change in Mister Pendejo yet, but a recent blood sample proves that the virus did indeed transfer. Hopefully results will be seen sometime in the next month.
2 1/2 weeks after initial infection:
That cheating whore is finally dead, though I might have made that virus a bit too effective. I was asleep after our latest fight (the bitch could barely even speak without slurring her words!) and having the nicest dream about what I would do when I was finally single when I woke up to find my wife standing in our doorway. This wouldn’t be all that unusual, since she always goes to the bathroom at around 3 am, but this time was a teensy bit different. Instead of apologizing for waking me up, she was holding a machete and snarling. Actually snarling!
It took my brain a couple seconds to process this, during which she ran up to the bed and started chopping...well flailing really. She never really was that coordinated and the fact that her brain was having a meltdown really didn’t help. Still, you only have to hit somebody once with a machete to ruin their day. It was after she got my right ear that my body finally figured out “hey, this crazy lady with a machete might just kill us if we don’t move”. So in a move that would make neo proud, I dodged a chop aimed at my belly and grabbed the .45 we kept stashed under the bed (crime happens in the best of neighborhoods!). Thankfully it was loaded, so dispatching her was short work.
4 weeks after initial infection:
Mister Pendejo is no more. I’ve noticed that in both cases that while the incubation period for the virus was different, the rate of neural decay is around the same when the virus activates. The last few days of his life were exquisite to watch. Usually Mister Pendejo did superb work with an almost obsessive attention to detail. By the end of it, though, the stupid spick could barely even mow the grass right. It was the police that got him in the end. Out of nowhere he just turned savage and snipped one of his employers in half with garden shears, managed to get a few other people before police just gunned him down. Going to wait a month to see if any other cases show up. Combining my savings and my wife’s fat life insurance check, I have enough cash to live out the rest of my life comfortably in some middle of nowhere country...maybe in Africa. Despite the savages, I love the rainforest...ah well what happens happens.
6 Weeks after initial infection
I guess my whole “move to Africa” idea wasn’t such a huge joke after all. The CDC just reported its 16th case of this new “murdervirus” and it doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots between my research and the fact that my wife was the first known case. I’ve moved most of my funds to an offshore account and plan on boarding the plane under a fake name. Apparently it takes less time to get a fake passport than a real one! Something’s been bothering me lately though...one of the cases was a child. The obvious answer is that this child was molested, but I can’t shake the feeling that maybe the virus has mutated...all the more reason to get out of this godforsaken country!
12 weeks after initial infection
Sorry if it’s been a while diary, but i’ve finally settled into my new home in the beautiful country of Niger, living in a modest, but luxurious house in the middle of nowhere. Seems my little virus has spread farther than I thought it would. Much farther. According to the news the entire United States is under quarantine, no real word on the casualty figures but rumors put it as high as 60 percent. Turns out there was a case of this supervirus BEFORE my wife went nuts, so the blame was shifted to the entire virology department, leaving me off the hook! I seem to have passed the estimated incubation period myself, so I guess I wasn’t infected.
14 weeks after initial infection
Scratch my last entry. It seems that I was wrong. I am getting worse. it doesn’t help that my servants are incompetent idiot savages who wouldn’t know how to work a spoon if it was in front of their heads. That migght be the decy talking. IDFK at lest Mister Fucking Penjedo know how to do his job. I am surrounded by morons1
15 weeks after initial infection: UN Investigator’s log
Subject is a male in his late 40s, pale skin, American according to the natives. According to servants usually very calm, started having uncontrolled bouts of anger a few days ago, seemd to get stupider and more angry as time went on until subject had a violent outburst and killed two servants, a female and a child. Other servants then proceeded to beat him to death. His head servant said he kept a diary, but it was unable to be found after searching the premesis. Symptoms are consistent with “Mad Man” disease, urgently requesting a WHO team pick up the body for further analysis.
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Some elements of dark humour
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