Summer hit 2013
By Itane Vero
- 396 reads
For who loves the summer. In this universe we
call a campsite. Peace on earth. The sun is like
an iron. The swimming pool is boiling. Birds are
melting in the trees. People are looking for
shelter. A piece of shade, a dark spot. We
yearning for the deepest: a breeze. But there is
no wind. There is only this metal vibration of
hot air. As if we live on a highway in Nevada.
That's why we open our coolers. Coke and beer
cans are lying around us like a coven. Someone
turns the page of a book. Drops of sweat are
falling on the ground. It is obvious. Today, the
summer keeps us in a stranglehold. To compare
it with Yesterday. By then, we were telling
exiting stories at the campfire. We sang cheerful
songs under the starlight. We were the lords of
the lawn, the dukes of the barbecue. We started
to interpret the world around us if we were
visiting Disneyland. We explained our reasons
of existence as if we were to make a shopping
list. But for now. The heat sears our memories.
And we are continuing what we are doing so
well in this sweet inferno. Surviving. Seeing out.
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