Take a Hint
By Zuku
- 920 reads
Jasper to Angela – 11:08
Hey Angela!How u doin 2day? Its jasper th funny guy u met at Lcr lst nite. Remember my joke about the whore? Lol. Was hoping we cld meet up + get 2 no each other. wen r u free??
Angela to Jasper – 11:12
Think u have wrong the wrong number. Ive never met a jasper. Sorry!
Jasper to Angela – 11:14
its not wrong, I got u 2 phone my mob to make sure it was right. Remember?
Jasper to Angela – 11:20
Hello? Did u get that last one?
Jasper to Angela – 11:25
Angela r u ok? U arnt answering my calls..
Angela to Tamsin – 11:30
Tams, help! Somehow Ive given my number to a creep. Jasper? Dnt even remember him. He wont leave me alone argh.x
Tamsin to Angela – 11:33
Eek! thats rly bad. He was the guy who kept following Ella home last year. How drunk were u!! Just say piss off then ignore him. Hell probly stop..
Jasper to Angela – 11:35
I guess your havin a bath or sumthing. I woz thinkin we cld go 4 a walk behind the lake. Waja say?
Jasper to Angela – 11:38
Angela to Jasper – 11:45
Jasper. I was v v drunk last nite. Also v v busy this week/ generally. btw my fone is broken – cant take/ make any calls. Texts r tricky too. take care.
Jasper to Angela – 11:48
Angela!! Thanx so much for responding (eventualy) LOL. So wen are u not TOTALLY busy? I
am basically free the whole time so can work with ur schedule. Txt bak quik b4 ur phone breaks. Xx
Jasper to Angela – 11:49
p.s. I have a PS3 if u wanna come play it..?
Jasper to Angela – 11:51
ive only got two games tho. Do you like pro evo soccer 5? Its the only edition Ive got..
Angela to Jasper – 11:55
Tams, he is a bigger freak than I even imagined!! He wont stop txting me! Im actually quite scared. What shal i do? Call me NOW I have no credit. Im on my last text. Xx
Jasper to Angela – 12:01
Angela, who is 'Tams'? Was that text meant for her? Who is the freak? You didnt mean me did u? That wld be mean and make me rly rly upset. Kind of crazy angry upset – LOL NOT REALY.. But I hope its not me.
Jasper to Angela – 12:19
Angela Im rly confused. Who did u mean in the txt? If it was me plz just say so. I think we need 2 meet up + sort it out properly.
Jasper to Angela – 12:40
Hi its me. I guess ur phone is rly broken now. we shld speak about this, so im gona come round to ur house if thats ok. think I remember where u live. Hope its cool, c u in a bit. Xx
Jasper to Angela – 12:43
Just givin u heads up in case ur fone starts workin agen. C u in 15 mins. Jasper. Xoxox
Jasper to Angela – 13:02
Hey. Dunno if u get this but Im outside ur house and no ones in. I guess Ill wait for u to come home..
Jasper to Angela – 13:30
One of your windows was a bit open so I kind of let myself in. Just sayin so u dont get surprised 2 see me in ur room..
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