The Firm - Prologue - Interview
By J. A. Stapleton
- 1026 reads
Joseph Arnold STAINES
DCS1996 We have agreed that the time of the interview is 15:42 am (1542) and the date is the 12th of June 1968 (120668) and have explained to MR. STAINES what will happen to the recordings at the end of this interview. For the benefit of the tape can you make clear that you have understood what we have previously explained to you.
DCS1996 Good. So can you tell us (PC719) what happened earlier on today?
STAINES Not much. When the boss went for lunch one of the waitresses dropped a glass.
DCS1996 Pertaining to the incident around lunch time I mean.
STAINES Oh yeah. Well I remember checking the clock and it being three minutes to twelve (11:57) (1157) and it was dead.
DCS1996 And what do you mean by that?
STAINES It was empty. There were three gents in suits in the corner with a posh city girl and were about to get off their lunch break and there were two blokes who had both been barred sitting by the window with a regular who is a mate of theirs. It was smoked up and because of my asthma I gave the bar a quick wipe-down put a few bottles in the fridge wiped the heads and went out front to clean the ashtrays it was sunny out for a change and the local alcoholic’s dog was fast asleep by the step someone had emptied gin into the dog bowl again so I collected the trays and went to go back in.
DCS1996 And then what Joe?
STAINES I caught this odd smell like pepper so I stopped and looked around then there was this crash from out the back and then the bomb went off I heard a woman scream and dived under the ledge with the dog and there was a bang. The windows got blown out and some of it tore my shirt the next thing I know there’s smoke coming out the windows I could barely breathe or see so I stayed put. A few seconds after the explosion two fellas holding guns and a man with a tea cosy over his head with blood on his shirt walked out they got into a parked van and drove off.
PC719 Could you describe the men for us Joe?
STAINES Sorry I didn’t get a proper look but the guy they were holding was with the two gents by the window.
DCS1996 Are you sure?
STAINES I’m positive.
DCS1996 OK son nice work can you tell us anything about this man?
STAINES He’s a regular he’s quite fat always wears a suit smokes like a chimney and wears glasses and from the company he keeps he’s probably gay.
PC719 He is a homosexual?
STAINES Errm yeah I suppose so.
DCS1996 Anything else about him?
STAINES He started a fight in the pub once but apart from that one time he tends to keep to himself but my boss doesn’t like him being about.
DCS1996 And why is that then?
STAINES She says he’s bad news some gangster from the east end apparently.
PC719 Who?
STAINES I just know him as MR. FRANKLIN.
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Good start. Liked the bit
Good start. Liked the bit about gin in the dogs bowl, if you hadn't have put that he was asleep you could have expanded that part a bit. Something like " someone had put gin in the dogs bowl and the poor thing was staggering around like a pissed up sailor". Look forward to reading more.
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Liked the device of the
Liked the device of the police interview, and the gin in the dog bowl made me laugh as well. Good lead in to the next part - looking forward to checking that out.
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