Ode to Adultery
By JackJakins
- 374 reads
Why so low, you sorry fool?
Drooping your head down on your stool!
That pretty lass, she’s casting the eye,
Pull up your garters, give her a try!
Oh you’re married you say? Well so am I!
Oath bound and chained till I must die,
But you see good sir, so was she,
Until she found another and married he!
So why waste all on this love affair,
When there’s women around who haven’t a care!
Ah for love you do say, well isn’t that fine,
I’ve tried it myself, a feeling divine
But all men must stop and sip the brew
See what life’s like in another man’s shoes
Good sir that is cheating, adultery, brash!
Well wouldn’t you if you could afford the cash?
A night on the sly, with nothing to lose
If something to fall on a blame of the booze?
No you still say? Why isn’t that grand,
All of this for but one person’s hand,
So pull up your socks and enter the trance,
Go on, ask fair lady her hand and a dance
I’d like to see how much you will win,
Likely a tickle, a throw and then kin
Then what will you do, when all else is gone,
Relying on memories of loves distant song?
So drink up today! Drink till you crawl,
Take home a lady, both stumble and fall
A night of lust is Gods sweet reprise,
Not worthy a minute is a damned loved ones cry!
I’m wrong do you say, a face glowing red
Friend you must control your temperament!
I loved in the past, have I told you so,
The finest fair lady, my dear little bo,
It ends do you see, there’s no doubt there,
She’ll leave you with nothing, renouncing all care,
You’ll drink all pain and sorrow away,
And simply go on awaiting the day,
That she will come, return to you,
But in your heart you know what is true.
There is no love, do you not see?
And so now I live by a new decree,
A drink full and true, a woman of bust,
And a soulless night indulging in lust.
Does that not appeal, you sorry young man?
You see no way that such a thought can
For you love another, it’s so sweet and true
But let me warn you she’ll be running you through
Perhaps not this day, next or last,
But let me tell you, sure-set and fast
One day she’ll be gone, unable to stay,
But you will keep loving her, until your last day.
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