By jay_frankston
- 557 reads
IT ALL STARTS WITH ME. I am the experience. I am the source. I am the light and the knowledge and the wisdom. I am the center of the universe, its only reality. You see by my eyes. You breathe by my breath. Your spirit lives by my trembling. Your lamp is lit by my flame. You ARE . . . by my BEING.
YET I AM AWARE. Awareness is the mirror that reflects my living that I may know what I am doing, for I am good by nature, and if I know what I am doing I shall never do wrong. And so I have never done anything that I’ve regretted and I have never regretted anything that I’ve done.
And for my goodness, and for my kindness, and for my good deeds, I take no credit and seek no reward for I am not an altruist. I do it for me. I help myself as an incident to helping others rather than help others as an incident to helping myself.
I expect nothing from you for disappointment comes from expectation, BUT I LOVE YOU. I love you just the same. And though I may not love you best, perhaps I love you better. I love you not because of what you are but because of what I am. For you are not what you are but what you are to me.
I try to avoid any feelings of bitterness in me for my own sake, for my own preservation. I cannot afford the waste of energy that hating requires. So I don’t hate. If I hated, the object of my hate would be totally oblivious to my resentment and free from it. Whereas I would be bound up in it, and that hate would churn in my stomach and turn sour, for HATE HURTS THE HATER NOT THE HATED.
Then again, love is a feeling while hate is but a thought. Hate can be explained. There are reasons behind animosity. Hate is caused and motivated, consciously or unconsciously, but caused.
Yet love has no reasons and seeks no explanation. Love is sufficient unto itself. And my love sings, and my love dances, and my love flows, like sweet honey it flows within my being.
I AM THE CENTER OF MY UNIVERSE. I am the keeper and well shall I keep you. Mine is the garden and therein I plant no weeds. I plant flowers. And I tend and care for them, and water them every day with my love.
And as I am the center of my universe, so you are the center of yours. You are the light and the knowledge and the wisdom. You are the keeper. You are the gardener. And YOURS IS THE GARDEN WHEREIN I GROW.
Jay Frankston
Little River, CA 95456
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