By Jaysa Lawton
- 544 reads
Hands are one of the most useful extremities of the human body. They are used from the moment of birth, the wonder of a newborn baby clutching a finger of someone as it’s placed in the palm of the hand. They are also clenched into a fist when the baby is feeling pain, hunger or wanting attention.
As a baby progresses, it will clutch at anything within sight. It will balance a feeding bottle and guide the teat into its mouth. A baby will learn to wave its hand when the command, “Wave ta ta” or “Goodbye”.
Soon it will learn to feed itself with a spoon until they can complete thus task with great dexterity. As it progresses in age, the parent’s hands will be used, to give it a gentle tap when it shows bad behaviour.
It may learn to play a musical instrument from the age of four years. It will be crayoning and holding pencils long before this. At school it will be taught to hold a pen properly and learn how to write. The art of dressing oneself will be learnt by this time.
As they are growing up they will learn how to throw and catch a ball, use hockey sticks or cricket bats and tennis racquets.
As one matures past puberty one realises what pleasure hands can give on another human body. The erotic areas can be stroked and give much pleasure to another person.
After giving birth the wonder of stroking one’s new baby is awesome.
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