Another Art (Villanelle-esque!)

By jennifer
Wed, 31 Jul 2024
- 149 reads
Another Art (Villanelle-esque!)
Jennifer Pickup, 31.07.2024
(Inspired by ‘One Art’ by Elizabeth Bishop)
The art of waiting is hard to master –
Patience in humans is never innate,
Always craving bigger, better, faster.
Practise waiting every day. You must learn!
In shops, for buses, friends, drinks and, vaster –
For the wind to change, for the tide to turn.
Then practise waiting longer; buses late,
Card machines broken, friends delayed, the yearn
For cold cider on warm days. Contemplate.
I waited for death to come. Grave concern.
A blessing rather than great disaster –
You light a candle, watch it slowly burn.
I wait for time to heal. And still, I wait…
Your watch has stopped, and yet things go faster –
Before I know it, we’re back to the date.
I’m expert now; I’ve mastered this one art –
Upon the stage of patience, play my part.
Waiting is never something that’s innate,
But learn it, for it is a valued trait.
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