One Dark Night (A Gothic Horror Tale)
By jennifer
- 1334 reads
Night was as black as an inkpot. World was still as stone. An owl cackled like a witch getting high. She crept like a mouse up to the front of the grey stone manor house. Ivy dangled like frozen, grasping hands. The door gaped open like the jaws of a large wolf, welcoming her with dark promises of what might lie inside.
Feet were reluctant to enter. Head was braver. Heart was a lion, straight out of an epic tale. Hand crept forward slowly, reaching out Fingers like tentacles. Feet were dragged reluctantly by Legs over the hungry threshold.
Darkness waited with baited breath. Silence lurked like a bored teenager. Fear followed her like a small yappy dog, snapping at Heels. Floorboards creaked in protest as Feet edged across floor, step by reluctant step.
She had expected cobwebs to be strung like washing lines across the rooms, but found none. She had anticipated dust to be laid like carpet on the floor, but the boards were clean. She had envisaged the panelling to be broken and split like chapped hands, but it was perfectly intact.
The candelabra sprung to life as if invisible beings had lit them as she approached. Time waited in the wings like a nervous actor, waiting for the First Act to develop. The corridor was a series of photographic stills, image following image like dominoes falling past her as Curiosity forced Body to move.
The door at the end of the corridor swung suddenly open like a crevice opening on hinges as smooth as silk. Light beamed out like a beacon, signalling her approach. Feet quickened, growing more eager as the river of adrenalin flowed through Veins. Every Pore on Skin screamed out loud. A voice entered her, piercing Brain as shock registered. It intoned only three words…
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