By J.E.Giffard
- 411 reads
Inspired by 'Little Gidding' by T.S.Eliot
A pilgrim on life’s way, I seek to find
The place within whose hallowed walls confined
In prayer together those of pious mind
Seeking through faith life’s utmost mystery
Worship in reverential unity.
Although divisive their beliefs may be.
By power of prayer together they aspire
To call upon the all refining fire
To cleanse the contrite soul of all desire.
I journeyed, in the crisp, fresh morning air
Guided towards the holy commune where
The pious seeking wisdom kneel in prayer.
In the misty dawning of the day
A figure gilded by the suns first ray
A stranger: Yet familiar in some way
A learned and a spiritual sage
Vaguely remembered from a former age
In life’s great book , a now remembered, page
He gazed on me and in his deathless eyes
I saw the boundless knowledge of the wise.
Forever captured, though the body dies.
We journeyed onwards and I bade him speak.
To give to me the answers that I seek
Enlighten me for I am frail and weak.
Reluctantly he turned his gaze on me
‘Things that are past and gone are history
Pray that they be forgiven. Let them be.’
For follies of our youth we are to blame
Of deeds ill done in the pursuit of gain
Ambition, avarice and jealousy remain
‘The ageing body and the ageing mind
Are to the mortal being most unkind
But man must go to seek that he might find.
The curses of the past ma y be forgiven
When to repent its wrongs the soul has striven
Then will the cleansing fire descend from heaven.
Then will the holy dove come down in peace
Then will the tortured soul find its release
The mystic rose. That love that will not cease
Virtue will triumph and all will be well.
I counsel you again all will be well
All manner of things you’ll find will all be well
Go forth alone towards that shining light
Banishing ills and sorrows of the night.
A horn sound and he disappeared from sight
I journeyed onwards till I found the place
Where I might join the learned men of grace
And wrestle with my demons face to face.
The paradox of life to comprehend
Is more than mortal man can apprehend
Immortal man may learn it at the end.
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