Gallarion (working title) part one
By Julie Kyed
- 521 reads
Kal paced restlessly in what humble space the inside of his cabin allowed him. The room had no windows thus not revealing any indication of time and a small lamp in the ceiling was all that showered the room in a dim light.
It must have been an hour at least. Surely they must be back soon.
Kal sat down at the broad metal desk placed at one side of the room and tried to concentrate on the plans unfolded on the surface, even though he had already spend hours studying them. It was no use.
Had something gone wrong? No it couldn’t’ have, they had been scouting for days and they both new to be careful… So why weren’t they back yet?
Weary of this unbidden apprehension Kal pushed back from the desk and crossed the room in two long strides towards the door. He pressed the button on the wall that made the metal door slide up, stepped out on the walkway and made towards the lift that would take him to the upper levels. The fore section of the middle levels was dominated by the sleeping quarters. The walkway had 5 cabins on either side, each with their own metal door, and the slightly larger captain’s cabin at the end. The aft section held the bath compartments and a small infirmary.
Kal walked with swift determined strides as befits a captain, a role that had always assumed him easily, but did not come without difficulties. A captain could never afford to despair; if his crew saw him uncertain they had already lost, Kal knew.
At the end of the walkway was on one side a lift with thick glass doors only large enough for two people and on the other a ladder with rusty metal rungs which would take you through the three main levels of the ship. Kal chose the lift and watched the interior of his ship flash away before him in a blur as he slid upwards until the lift stopped and the doors parted revealing the crew lounge. The lounge was occupied by only three of Kal McCannen’s crew: at one end of the long table sat Vespa spreading a brown pasty salve on the wounds of Bron’s right hand before dressing it in a fresh bandage. Her hands, small and delicate, were working deftly at his strong and hard one while humming softly to herself. The displeasure was plain on Bron’s face but he remained silent. Brontus Bayne was an immensely large man all hard and muscled and he so resented being nursed like a child every time he caught a scratch. But every time Vespa insisted and every time she somehow got her way. Kal found it quite amusing; Bron could knock a man unconscious with one blow, but he couldn’t defy sweet little Vespa.
In a corner sat Saanjae sulking in one of the soft chairs while cleaning his nails absentmindedly with the point of a dagger. He was obviously offended that Kal hadn’t sent him out on any of the scoutings. Let him sulk, thought Kal, he’ll get his chance soon enough.
Saanjae Kadeem was the newest addition to Kal’s crew. He had the distinct black hair, bronze colored eyes and rough sandy skin of The Desert Planets, and the extra set of arms marked him to be from Scorpus, and gave him a distinct advantage in a fight, which he had been sure to mention on more than one occasion.
Saanjae Kadeem was a former head of the galactic trade company Macumbus turned rogue when the federation had taken it over and demanded full power of attorney plus a significant amount of their yearly income. When Saanjae had tried to refuse them they only had him removed from the board, but Saanjae used his high-placed connections and knowledge about galactic trade to form a widespread smuggling operation right under the federation’s nose. When he was eventually sold out the federation had put a prize on his head making him a wanted man in all sectors as far as to The Blue Planets.
He had been at port on Phoee, seeking a ship to take refuge on, when Kal met him and agreed to take him into service.
So far he had proven useful, Kal reflected, with the plans unfolded on his cabin desk in mind. Yet he still wasn’t sure that Saanjae Kadeem was to be trusted, but he was undoubtedly better a friend than a foe, and he undoubtedly had no more love for the federation than Kal McCannen did.
“Still nothing?”
Kal knew the answer to the question, but he asked all the same.
“They will be back soon I’m sure”
It was Vespa who answered and she tried at a comforting smile, but her eyes betrayed her and Kal knew she was growing anxious too.
He had thought some company would help ease his mind, but now he only wished he had stayed within the solitude of his cabin. Still, he crossed the room and took a seat opposite from Vespa and Brontus.
“Where is Pollus?” Kal asked.
Vespa’s mouth made a slight uneasy twitch and even Bron shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“He’s down in the cargo bay”, Vespa said warily. “He’s preparing the explosives”
Kal sensed Saanjae stir in his corner
“If only the old Stormhead won’t blow us all up before he can get them in place”, he muttered sourly, but loudly enough to not go unheard.
“If you believe that you can do a better job at it then feel free to switch places with him”, Kal said coolly.
Saanjae held his gaze for a long moment, but Kal did not flinch so he just sat back and continued at cleaning his nails.
Pollus might be what you’d call eccentric in want of a better word than mental, but he was unquestionably the most capable of the crew when it came to handling explosives. Besides, Saanjae was the kind of man who could not be allowed too long a leash; he had to be reminded who was captain. Kal would not usually bicker with his crew before an important mission, though. In the morning he would need them at command and he would need their full allegiance, and then a cruel jape the night before might be the difference between success and failure.
Kal McCannen returned his attention to Vespa:
“And Thess is still in the engine room?”
It was a notion as much as a question and Kal could almost feel Saanjae rolling his eyes:
“The whelp fusses over that engine like a mother over her child! If he spend half that time getting a woman in his bed he would have his hands plenty full. Not that he would know what to do with her, I’m sure, with no wires or bolts to screw”
Saanjae had a sleek grin on his face and Kal thought he saw his eyes linger on Vespa for the briefest of moments.
Her jaw was clenched ever so slightly, but she held her tongue. Vespa was never much the type to take up a quarrel, as befits a Woodlander, but the slight Saanjae had made against her gender bothered her, Kal knew.
Surely, the view you had on women on The Desert Planets was quite different from the Woodlanders’, but Saanjae Kadeem seemed to be thriving on being offensive to practically everyone who wasn’t Saanjae Kadeem and even though he claimed it was all in good jest some of the less tolerant of the crew had not taken it in that spirit. Vespa’s gentle nature kept her from taking the bait, but that did not prevent Saanjae from making an attempt at her from time to time.
Kal admired her tranquility. Saanjae had, too, managed to set him off at times, especially when it involved Thess and even now he couldn’t just let his comment pass:
“As the girls you acquire are usually paid for the deed I wouldn’t exactly call you an expert on the area, Saanjae”
Now it was Kal who held Saanjae’s gaze daring him to make an unwise move.
Saanjae might be smart mouthed, but he was not stupid. He needed the protection Kal and his ship provided just as much as Kal needed his connections, and he knew that Kal needed only say the word and Brontus would do to him what he had done to get those wounds in the first place.
“I only meant that the boy would do well to have some company other than rusty metal”, Saanjae finally said trying not to lose the edge in his voice, but he knew he was defeated… for now.
Kal stood from the table and went back to the lift. He turned and regarded the three of them one last time before he pushed the button that made the lift doors slide apart.
“I’m going down to check on him. If you hear anything of Scully and Xasha I want word immediately”
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