021 A sum
By Juliet OC
- 1972 reads
"77 green berets hanging on a wall"
4 little words, I love you more, and always will. May 2003 + 6 =
10 tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, kissed one by one. June 2003 + 1 =
11 years old, and you ask me why there are wars. July 2003 + 6 =
17 years old, and you fall in love and out again. August 2003 +1 =
18 birthdays, and you join the army to protect your country. September 2003 +1=
19, have we learnt nothing since Vietnam. October 2003 +5 =
24 little hours, change my life forever. January 2004 +1 =
25 years, I wave you goodbye, and pray. February 2004 +1 =
26, chapter, Matthew. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. June 2004 +1 =
27, chapter, Qu'ran. So put thy trust in Allah. July 2004 +4 =
31 percent, Bush's latest approval rating. August 2004 +3 =
34 people I know, who think all soldiers are thugs. September 2004 +2 =
36 months since the "official end of the war. October 2004 +4 =
40 days and nights, and fire rained upon the earth. November 2004 +1 =
41 seconds I held my breath, when the doorbell rang. December 2004 +10 =
51 times I have cried since then. January 2005 +1 =
52 blueys, in a cardboard box, ink smudged. March 2005 +2 =
54 words to say, you died for your queen and country? May 2005 + 1 =
55, one more son, gone. June 2005 +3 =
58, three more soldiers, died for whom? July 2005 + 3 =
61, and on and on and on. September 2005 + 2 =
63 days since you left for Iraq. October 2005 + 1 =
64 tabloid lies I have read about our soldiers. November 2005 + 1 =
66, the route you were going to travel on your honeymoon. January 2006 +4 =
70, three score years and ten. Do I want to live that long? February 2006 +1 =
71 hours before you arrive home, wrapped in a union jack. April 2006 +6 =
77 British soldiers killed in Iraq since the end of 'the war' so far... x 2 =
154 Parents buried a child. ' 152 =
2, your dad and I, now we are ' 1 =
1, son, mine, gone... ' 1 =
0, the amount of people who noticed your death.
"And if one green-beret should accidentally fall, there's always more green berets ready to take the fall
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