Shadow Guardians - Part Five - The Phoenix Staff of Rebirth

By K. N. Thorn
- 493 reads
Verra could barely contain herself. She knew everything there was to know about the Phoenix Staff of Rebirth. Created during the first war with Vaeron, Terra's familiar, a golden phoenix, gave up its power of rebirth. Forever freezing it between death and life, the magical bird took the form of a staff. The staff contained tremendous power, the phoenix also bestowed a wondrous gift on Terra at this time.
"This girl summoned the staff, the actual staff, the Phoenix Staff of Rebirth."
"Yes, she did Verra. I swear it on my soul and spirit," Mirra told her friend calmly. She couldn't believe it either, could this little girl really be Terra, the first guardian, reincarnated?
Verra got closer to the girl, "In what way did you summon the staff little one?"
"I didn't summon it, it just appeared when that great big monster broke through some kind of barrier."
Verra eyes got big and round behind her glasses and her tail bushed out, "It appeared, you say, when you were attacked. You didn't say anything or do anything, it just appeared."
"Yes, that is what I said. This great big monster called Vaeron attacked us when I first met Mirra at some kind of temple."
"Vaeron! You didn't say anything about Vaeron Mirra! What in all the realms happened!"
"Vaeron tried to escape when Lillie first entered the Shadow Realm. This lovely girl was there just in time to summon the staff and she give Vaeron a solid THWACK. She got him good too, right in the face." Mirra giggled at her last statement, she had a special distaste for Vaeron, "After that we had a run in with a gravling and once again this one took care of it quite nicely."
"Thank you, Mirra... I think... but I really don't understand any of it. Why am I in these weird clothes and what is this staff really for. You wouldn't be so excited if it wasn't extremely important." Lillie showed the staff to the vixen and cat, impatiently waiting for a reply.
"The staff..." Verra was cut of by Mirra before she could even begin with her endless facts.
"It starts with a prophecy Lillie. 'Casting his black shadow upon the world all things will know true misery and a veil of darkness will encase our most beautiful universe.' Terra spoke those words on her death bed but right after everyone left and only I remained she continued. 'Mirra,' she said, 'one day my staff will appear again when I am reborn into this realm, for that is the gift my most loyal and trusted friend bestowed upon me, the gift of rebirth. He divided his soul in half to do this for me and the staff will only work properly again when we are united."
"Yes Mirra, but there is even more than that, that you are leaving out. Don't you think she should know everything?"
"Yes but it is very complicated, the girl just got here and has already been attacked twice."
"No, please tell me. I want to know everything I can now so that I will understand it better, hopefully."
"Very well then. The only reason Terra was even on her death bed was because she had sacrificed something very important to imprison Vaeron. Her love, and without it we would already be consumed by complete, never ending darkness. Sacrificing her love like that created such a hole in her heart that she could not survive without it. One day she would be reborn and come back to reunite with the staff so that she could destroy Vaeron instead of him merely being imprisoned."Mirra took a break and looked Lillie over one more time. "You are her Lillie, you are the reincarnate of Terra, the first guardian. You have awoken the Phoenix Staff of Rebirth and have even commanded it. You are here for only one thing and that is to once and for all destroy Vaeron so that the universe will live in fear no more. You could not have gotten her any sooner. Vaeron has been viciously attacking and breaking through our barriers and our spells have been weakening over time. We will not be able to contain him for much longer and I fear what will happen if he is succeeds."
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