Goth Girl Gone Runway Chapter One
By KarissaRawr
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Well, to explain how this happened I guess I have to start with how I got kicked out of my school.
I was in a public school and thanks to my dad got kicked out.
Yeah, all his fault.
He always came and went in my life and I was trying to get him and my mom to live together and he was staying with us I was in the last month of sixth grade at a public school and was in the living room my high-strung mother was trying to find money to pay the bills and was frantically running across the living room.
Dad walked in and a bag of weed fell out of his coat pocket, the last thing I wanted was for them to have a fight before I went to school so I grabbed it and stuffed it in my backpack before my mom could see it.
What dummy puts it in a coat pocket?! I was eleven and knew better! My dad just was not smart at all! He slept around enough I guess blood could only go to one place at a time and it wasn't his head. I did have respect for my dad in a few ways though, he had used some of the cash from his sales to help out my mom a few times ofcourse, she had no idea about it.
I liked my public school, careless teachers who just gave everyone C's and mostly kids from broken homes and stuff. It was nice for me and there never really was any trouble there. Sure, kids smoked dope in the bathrooms and passed acid hits around homeroom and there had been a few pregnancies because some girls developed early and had too much ectasy to say no but, that never really bothered any of us. Honestly, we all loved each other and accepted each others weirdness at my school excluding the teachers they were just there for the paycheck. I never did drugs by the way, never they sickened me probably because my dad always reaked of cheap perfume from women mixed with pot,crack,beer,wine and tuna fish. I know the tuna fish didn't fit in there but, when he gets munchies he'll down ten cans. I'm not kidding by the way. I have no idea how my mom never smelled him but, she never did.
Anyways, I got dropped off at school as usual but, everything was different. Half my homeroom was crying and my teacher even hugged a student. Dude, who died? It must have been someone importantmy teacher hugged someone?! "Hey whats wrong? Who died? Everyones here today it can't be that bad" I said. Sate looked at me and shook his head. I looked at him and saw tears. No freaking way! We're talking twenty piercing, two tatoo, green mohawked Sate! "Whats wrong?!" I ask. "Our schools being checked today" he said."We're all gonna be forced into random boarding or alternative schools". My jaw dropped. Just then ten dogs ran into our classroom pulling out bags of drugs and two police officers stood there. Suddenly a huge, ugly, brown mutt or something like attacked me and knocked me to the ground. I screamed my bag of Dad's weed was pulled out.
They found over eighty ounces of drug parafanalia that day. We had 200 students. Our school was shut down and we were all taken down to the police station. They stole our school-given cell phones and put us all in a seperate cell until our parents arrived. I sadly, waved goodbye to my friends one.
Ofcourse, I was the only one left at the jail and had to sit in a cell an hour after all my friends had gone.
Finally, I heard my name being called "Kaysen Adessis Evans".
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Hi karissa, there's a story
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Courtney-B holy cow i love
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