We’re all made of star stuff and angel dust .....
By karl_wiggins
- 521 reads
This country is hurting right now
It’s off-course. The politics and in fact the emotions and spirit of the whole country are polluted, oily, and rank
I took these sentiments, if not the words, from the recent Elvis film, and they refer to America in the 60s, i.e., the Cuban missile crisis, widespread protests and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam, tensions boiling over from the growing Civil Rights Movement, the killings of JFK and Martin Luther King …. Followed eventually by the Summer of Love and the counter-culture of the Hippie movement that originated out of the Beat movements of the 50s
The Beat Poets (Jack Kerouac, Neil Cassady, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, William Blake, William S. Burroughs, Herbert Huncke etc.) It was that old jailbird, Huncke, who, ‘dragging himself through the Negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,’ first coined the phrase ‘beat’ in a conversation with Jack Kerouac, who was interested in how their generation would be remembered. ‘I'm beat,’ was Huncke's reply, meaning beat to his socks. Kerouac used the term to describe an entire generation which was frowned upon and offended many American sensibilities. Interesting that, isn’t it? The traditional conservatives of middle America were offended by the jazz, art, drugs, sexual promiscuity, mystical Christianity, Zen, Buddhist-inspired beliefs, and what they saw as morally reprehensible behaviour.
It seems, as society moves forward, there will always be someone who gets offended
Ken Kesey, owner of the Magic Bus that Neal Cassady drove to Woodstock, and writer of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, was the link between the Beat Generation of the 50s and the Hippies of the 60s. The Beats were ‘Hep Cats’, a term they borrowed from black jazz musicians, and later morphed into ‘Hippies’ as dark sunglasses, polo-neck jumpers and goatee beards gave way to colourful psychedelic clothing and long hair.
Well, THIS country is hurting right now in 2024, as, I suspect also is America. 2023 was a ratbag of a year. A year of easy virtue, if ever there was such a thing. A number of people, mainly politicians and the exceedingly wealthy have shown their true colours, leaving us with the inescapable conclusion that we’re being lied to all the time, and possibly nothing we believe is true. The supervillains we all read about in comic books as kids, those who wanted to take over the world, well they’re here right now. The front line is not half a world away anymore, it’s not even across town, it’s in your own home as soon as you turn on the television.
Think about it; Soaring energy prices and the cost-of-living crisis, £4 billion charged to the taxpayer for PPE during Covid, £37 billion for a failed track & trace system, again written off for the taxpayer to cover, the flags of Palestinian and Hamas terrorists being flown brazenly without retribution or punitive measures while Jews are frightened to flag their own flags, small boats arriving daily and those migrants being allowed into the country with nobody checking their credentials, £8 million a day of taxpayers money to house illegal immigrants, which is now at an all-time high, the country practically paralysed by striking doctors, teachers and train drivers, NHS waiting lists getting longer and longer, £4.6 billion of taxpayers money committed in military assistance to Ukraine so far, even though Ukraine is a country that wouldn’t piss on us if we were on fire, the Northern Ireland protocol remains unresolved, systemic failures in the social care sector, the age of retirement being raised so that the elderly have to continue working longer and longer before they’re eligible for their pensions, People finding it increasingly harder to heat their homes in the winter, the Bank of England raising interest rates which hit those with mortgages hardest, so higher prices and increasingly expensive debt mean that people rein in their spending, meaning less money is flowing into businesses, and therefore the economy shrinks, so the stock market begins to wobble, an increase in unemployment, and both job vacancies and wages falling.
Poverty and financial stress are likely to rise over the next few years. More people are going without basic living essentials, such as food and a warm home, causing increased risk of mental health problems and lower mental wellbeing.
Yes, there is darkness growing in the world right now, but just like the Summer of Love, 1967, one of these days you’re going to wake up and realise that you’re beautiful, influential and magical as fuck! And that’s going to be an excellent day.
You see, the ancients believed that 1% of each generation are the Chosen Ones. On a planet of seven billion people, that’s seven million light workers, seven million people who are Awake.
There are a whole army of lightworkers out there acting as one, although they don’t really know it yet. Something much bigger is taking place. I’m convinced that this is the metamorphosis time for humanity. So don’t buy into the fear. Stay strong. Keep your vibration as high as you can.
Lightworkers offered their services before birth to encourage the planet to regenerate from the effects of fear. And if you’ve got this far in this piece, nutty philosopher that I am, then from a young age you knew you were different. And that’s what makes you exceptional. That is your power.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m sure you’re down to earth and deep-rooted in reality by your responsibilities, but your soul is fierce and untamed, always set on finding mystical ways that others take for granted. Lightworkers are like a rose growing in the mud. Your life may not have been a picnic by any stretch of the imagination, I’m not saying it was, but all that was part of an exceptional schooling for your mission.
Lightworkers don’t look like pixies or elves, you know. They’re not meant to look all noble and worthy and dignified. Who knows, you could be an angel in disguise. That way, you can reach out to the wrecked ones. Those who have been judged and scorned and left behind. Those who are tainted.
You’re not just a soul, you are the soul, and you don’t even know it. How fucking weird is that!
Count the rainbows this year, not the storms. Diarise the times you’re happiest, the times you feel blessed. Notice what you’re doing, and who you’re with at those times. And despite the fact you may have travelled through wildness, or even madness, to get here, this is your flow, your Zen, your path, your angel dust, and you’ll see the things of 2023 that caused you anxiety and anguish for what they are, and you’ll feel that in 2024 you’re starting to transcend the superficial trivialities that people are concerning themselves with.
If you keep looking back at the last few years, you’ll never move forward. Forget about looking back, and you’ll be able to leave those small-minded people in the shade.
All the negative energy that has endeavoured to bring us down will come to an end in the next few years. The dark and murky thoughts, the overthinking and the doubt will leave. ‘Pack your bags’ we’ll say, as clarity will replace confusion and bewilderment. Hope will replace the fear and blue funk we’ve become used to. Lightworkers will shimmer and glimmer so intensely that nothing can dim their radiance.
So don’t let it bother you if the whole planet seems to be turning upside down right now. Nobody ever guaranteed you any tomorrows anyway. And who says that whatever you’re used to now is better than what’s to come?
Now some may feel that I’m going all balanced chakra and moon in the seventh house on you, but I promise you, I’m not at all. However, if you feel that way, then I wish you a wonderful future …. But you’re missing the point
But for those who get it, Keep the Faith! The universe always lends assistance when you step outside your comfort zone. Our journeys aren’t the same by any stretch of the imagination, but if we meet each other on a certain path, we can inspire each other, and boost our morale a little bit. And I’m willing to bet that you inspire people who pretend to not even see you.
But be aware of one thing …. as you raise your vibration, dark forces may oppose you. They’re scared of your power. But, just like a star, when the heavenly bodies align and your mind dances with the universe … that’s spiritual synchronicity.
Now is the time to wake up and take control before it’s too late.
There’s no denying that there is murky darkness hanging over the earth, but in contrast the earth’s luminosity is much more vivid and radiant. Those are the laws of balance and the cosmos. ‘Hate cannot drive out hate,’ said Martin Luther King Jr. ‘Only love can do that. And darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that.’
So when I see a strong person, I think to myself, ‘I wonder what darkness you conquered on your journey.’ Mountains don’t rise without earthquakes, and rainbows don’t appear without a storm
One bad year doesn’t mean you’ve had a bad life. Hang on in there. Better times are coming. As long as we keep believing in the light, darkness will never win.
And if you don’t feel you fit into this world anymore, well good, read my book ‘Searching for your Tribe: Wrong Planet People,’ because in that book I discuss people who don’t fit in with what I call the Rag, Tag & Bobtail Tribe. Give me people who don’t fit in over the ‘respectable, decent types’ any day of the week. A lot of people don’t like you and me because we’re different, but deep down they all long to have the chutzpah to do the same.
What if the fact that you’re a little weird is essentially your brilliance? What then?
Well, maybe if you don’t fit into this world, it’s because you were born to create a new one. Who knows? But I’ll tell you something; it’s only when you’ve experienced shadows in your existence that you can grasp the true significance of the light
In the fullness of time, everything will make sense, so for now, laugh at the disorder and chaos, smile through the tears, and carry on reminding yourself that this whole caboodle has come about for a reason. This panic that is going on right now might look negative on the surface, but you’ll soon become aware of space being created on your path, space for something new to manifest
We are here to create an uprising unrelated to anything that has gone before. An uprising that will sweep the earth and jiggle and joggle the World Management Team to its very core.
A hauntingly tranzkulc̸hərəl ethereal uprising which will convert the unattached fragmented cultures of the planet into one sweeping global and cultural phenomena, transcending the boundaries of geography, class, race and religion, in which the unparalleled diversity of every nation, of every soul and every Tribe is highly regarded and treasured.
And now look at you, aglow with light, and becoming a magnet for good vibrations. You’re practically rhapsodic! I’m proud of you.
We’re all made of star stuff and angel dust anyway
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This is such a brilliant
This is such a brilliant piece of writing that I completely understand and connect with. Your philosophy shines like the sunshine and the brightest star on a dark night.
Happy New Year to you.
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