
By kaz2988
- 1758 reads
I'm late! Run! Oh whatever, who cares? I'm late already, no point in panicking. Relax, carry on walking, listen to music. There, that's better. Ooh, I love this song! "If you wanna do it right, do it with me." You can't go wrong with Wham!, even if it is something mum and dad would listen to.
God, I need a fag. Urgh, all I have are those shitty Mayfairs Dave gave me. It'll havta do I s'pose. Now this fucking lighter is playing up! It's just not my day.
Lily. Her name is Lily. She looks so pure and innocent. The utter personification of her namesake. Beautiful - although she doesn't belong at a funeral. Haha, good joke, I'll have to remember that. That's why she should take the cigarette out of her mouth. With her rosebud lips, and silky voice, her nose stud is the only mark of imperfection. She has to be pure perfection. She has to stay perfect. I have to save her.
That's better. The fag is calming my nerves. I just can't get all these weird things out of my head. We've been getting prank calls, where a man just says my name, then hangs up. He sounds like a perv, makes me squirm. I've also had these really weird letters. They're addressed to me in perfect handwriting, but open the letter, and not a word is there! I can't stop thinking about it, haven't been able to sleep. Anyway, get home. Mum and Dad will screw if I'm any later.
That song. Wham! She's sending me a message. She does want me! Need to double my efforts, complete the last hurdle. Then, she'll be mine. I'm her man.
* * *
Oh. My. God. Either there's a major coincidence, or I have a secret admirer who's some kind of weirdo. There's an ad in today's paper, saying that Jacob Cameron Biggs loves Lily Anna Marie Pragnell. It reads, "Lily, you will be mine forever. Love you, Jacob. I don't know a Jacob, but how many Lily Anna Marie Pragnells are there? Shit. I'm seventeen, and there's someone after me.
She must have read it. I saw her take in the newspaper. I mean, who takes the newspaper in and doesn't read it? I hope she likes it. As soon as we meet, I know she'll fall into my arms. My little Lily, my perfect Lily, my lamb.
* * *
Work now. I don't want to go. I have to walk - mum won't give me a lift. Through the woods, or I'll be late. I'm already on my final warning. I don't think the weirdo is following me though. I should be safe. Just take the MP3 player and I'll be fine. I won't hear any strange noises. Ghosts don't exist, and nor do pervy old men who are obsessed with me. I hope.
She's coming out of her house. She must know I want to meet. My heart is thumping, I can't wait. Get the ice ready, it's almost time. This perfect specimen will soon be mine!
Light a fag, solve all problems. Ha, no wonder Paul and that call me fag ash Lil, I never stop smoking! I feel better already. Better, much better. Now, concentrate on walking. It takes fifteen minutes. What can happen in fifteen minutes? It's only quarter of an hour, just fifteen minutes. Fuck, turn that song off! No, it'll be stuck in my head now, "Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you." Not a good song when you're paranoid. I swear someone's there. I'm not in the woods yet though, don't have to worry, I can still turn back.
She's walking too fast. She might be a bit hesitant, true love is a frightening concept. I'll be patient though. I'll wait for her. I'm saving her from the cigarettes, from the loss of innocence, from everything. She is a damsel in distress, and I, her knight in shining armour. Armour, amour. Not much difference between love and armour.
There's a man behind me. Around thirty, quite tall. Alright looking, but very creepy. He's carrying a holdall. It seems like he's following me. Don't jump to conclusions, check. You have lots of friends on this road if all else fails. Try crossing the road. Shit! He followed me. Try again. Ohmigod, he followed me again! Shit, I'm at the neck of the woods. Can't turn back, have to go in.
She's almost running. She should let me save her. She has nothing to be afraid of, she is an angel. No matter what happens to her, she will always be an angel. And I won't hurt her - unless I need to.
Run! Run for your life! Run, Lil! The music is jumping, and my heart is pounding. It's like something out of a movie. Where's the creepy music? It isn't there, there's only some cheesy pop. Running with S Club 7 and my own heavy breathing in my ear, very glam. This isn't glam though, this is scary. He's running after me. How long will I be able to hold out?
She's in a full sprint now. I have to catch her. She will be mine.
Hand in pocket, where's my phone? C'mon, I can feel it, just get into my hand and out of the damn pocket! Gotcha! one, one, two. Yes! I can call for help. This number can track where I am too, this perv will get arrested!
Fuck! I can't see! I've fallen over some log. The phone has fallen out of my hand. How can this happen? No, no, no! And there are some eyes staring at me: yellow eyes. Is this man a demon? Shit, it's jumped on me, it's scratching, hissing, clawing. Get up, get up, run! I've lost my phone, but it doesn't matter. I have to move! Fuck, it was only a cat! I could have got away, but now the perv is really near. My energy is going fast, I can't go on for much longer.
I'm gaining on her! If I catch her, I will have to stop her. She is resisting, but she will be saved. It shall be me doing the saving. So near now, one more foot and I can slip my arms round that petite waist of hers.
Yes! She is mine! I have my arms around her. But - no! She has collapsed. Lily, come back, come back, so you can see me, see your knight in shining armour!
Keep pretending. Keep. Pretending. He will only hurt me if he thinks I'm awake. Shit - but he might kidnap me if I'm unconscious. I can't win! He has me, I'm as good as dead. He's slapping my face now, he wants me awake. He's saying he's going to save me, that he's my knight in shining armour. More of a weirdo than I thought, but I have to try and appease him. Then, he won't hurt me. Wake up.
Awake at last, my beautiful Lily. I have missed you. Her crystal clear eyes are fluttering open slowly, it almost brings me to tears. I did it. I'm saving her. Tell her she will be OK, she will get used to it. True love can come suddenly, and it is hard to fathom. I know, I'll fan her with a big leaf until she is properly awake. The air will do her good, will clear her mind. The stalk is more than big enough, and the leaf is huge. It is acceptable. Only the best for my little princess. Once she is awake, I'll get the ice out. She shall be saved.
He seems to be almost caring. He's fanning me with a big leaf. Its stalk is bigger than his hand. Ironic. Stalker, holding a stalk in his hand. That holdall's behind him though. No way am I going to find out what's inside. I'll run away again as soon as I can.
Now! Break from his grasp, start to run! Shit, he's too quick! He's caught me. I never even got a chance to run. I'm dead meat. Please make it quick, whoever you are.
Bitch! She tried to run! I have waited for this moment for so long, waited for her for so long; it can't go wrong now! I caught her though. Mam always said I had quick reflexes. Lily reminds me of Mam. It was too late for Mam, but it won't be for Lily. Only seventeen, she is. Still has that spark of innocence, naivete, purity. She's my little lamb. In more ways than one. If I make her mine, she will be Lily Anna Marie Biggs - LAMB. My lamb.
He's getting the bag. Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. Scream for help, dog walkers might hear. But what if that infuriates him? I might get some of that liquid anaesthetic you read about in books - whatsit, chloroform? I don't know what he'll do if I'm truly under.
The bag is open. It's full of ice. That could be for anything, but only something bad. He might want to cut out my kidney and cover me in ice. That's an urban legend. I know legends aren't true, but the stories have to come from somewhere. Why can't it just be over with? Let me go!
Tell her you love her. Her eyes are wide with fear, they need to be perfect. She needs to be perfect. That's why I brought the ice. I am going to sew up her nose. No, that sounds wrong. I'm going to sew up her nose piercing. I'm no doctor, but I will love her more if she has something of me as part of her.
And she will no longer be known as Fag ash Lil. I am making her give it all up for me.
Why is he putting the ice over my nose? He's taken my stud out, what's he planning to do now? There's a needle. I think I know what he's going to do. God, please give me a sign. I promise I'll stop smoking, or whatever you want. What does this man expect from me?
Try and tell him it'll heal up on its own. Please listen to me! C'mon, believe me, it's true! It'll make it worse if he sticks that thing in me, and I hate needles. My hands are sweaty. I can't believe I'm more scared of the needle than I am this man! He's still scary though. I've never felt so afraid.
Sirens! Is that why she had her phone out? Betrayal! How could she do this to me? I need to get us out of here, or do something. She cannot go back to anyone else. She has to be mine. It is a matter of life or death.
Yes, oh yes! Sirens! I knew that first aid course would come in handy. They said, ring 112. It's the mobile version of 999, they can TRACK you!! Hallelujah, I'm saved! I really thought my phone would have disconnected. Thank you God, thank you whoever is up there! I'm over here - save me, please!
What do I do? Run away? Take her with me? Kill her? Kill her then take her with me? Let her go? No, I can't let her go, I love her. She loves me. She does. She only called them because she doesn't realise it yet. She will come. I will have to sew up her nose hole later.
No! Put me down, I need to stay here! They won't find me! Scream now Lil, you have nothing to lose.
Yes, it's working! He's putting me down. I'm so relieved. Run away psycho, run away and leave me alone! I can't stop the tears. It's been so scary, and now it looks like it's over.
She's crying. Because I'm leaving her. I can't do that to her. I could never resist the tears of a woman. I'll take her. The sirens are too loud for her delicate ears. Come on baby, come to Papa.
Shit. Why's he picking me up again? I bet it's 'cos I cried. His sick, perverted mind must have liked it, or thought it made him special or something. A fireman's carry. I can aim, and try to get away.
Right in the balls! He's doubled over, can't move. Have to run towards the sirens! My life literally depends on it. I can see light - I'm near the end of the woods! I can see people, thank God! I've never hoped so much in my life - see me waving, I just know I'm going to faint!
So much pain. How can such a little thing cause so much pain? My heart is broken, as well as other things. She's nearly at the edge, nearly reached the people. She's fainted! If I can run, I can catch her before they see her! I'll teach her what pain is!
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