An Unholy Redemption chapter 2
By keener_45as
- 353 reads
Chapter Two
“Lucifer wake up, wake up!”
Cautiously, Lucifer opened one eye to see who was addressing him. But he could
not see anything apart from white light and the throne on which he was sitting.
“Who is there?”
“Why don’t you recognise the voice of the Most High?”
Lucifer thought for a while then a look of disbelief came on his face on hearing a
soft but authoritative, recognisable voice. “It’s a trick. You would not let me back into
heaven, you cast me out. You are here, but your mind and spirit is so full of evil and
hatred you are not able to see Paradise and me. Nooo!” Lucifer said angrily, as he
struggled to stand from his throne, but the chains bound tightly around his wrists and
ankles held him fast. “It is no use struggling to free yourself from that throne. You can’t escape the confinements of your own greed which that throne represents. You wanted power and authority. Well, now you’re trapped in the chair of your own self-indulgence.”
“How can this be? I beat you and your angels in glorious victory. What a sound it was
to hear Gabriel command a retreat and watch as he and your other cowardly angels
disappeared into my red sky.”
“But you did not win. Look where you are now still trapped under my power.”
“That might be so, but I defeated your commander, Michael. That in itself is a
victorious act.”
“Hello Lucifer,” Lucifer turned his head and heard Michael’s voice resonating out
of the white light. Michael voice was almost remorseful at tricking Lucifer. “It was
a great battle; you fought well but underestimated the power of the Most High. I am
very much alive.” Lucifer struggled to find the right words. “How can this be? I struck you down with my own sword and joyfully watched as you fell lifeless to the ground below. Gabriel even carried your body back into heaven.”
“Gabriel did not even know that I was still alive. I was the only one who knew of the Most
High’s plans, which were given to me before descending to earth. My instructions were to give a command of retreat to the army at the right moment then allow you to defeat me, but not kill me, for I was under the protection and love of the Most High.”
“But why not just defeat me in battle? It would have been easier.”
With commanding authority, the Most High’s voice silenced them both. “Why do you think I
planned this Lucifer? With a blink of an eye I could have laid your body out to rest a long time ago.”
“Perhaps you and I are not so different after all?” Lucifer said. “It seems you were playing a sick game in which you wanted to humiliate me again like the time when you cast me out of heaven.”
“No!” The Most High’s voiced roared light like a lion. “I wanted you to grow in confidence, power and authority. I allowed you freedom on earth to corrupt nations and in my great design you became the most powerful leader of angels and men. Your power and glory on earth was second to none, but that is what I wanted you to think, even to the point of allowing you to defeat Michael and his army. This was all staged to make you realise that even while you were in your most powerful and glorious state of mind, I still had the power and authority over you. With very little effort I still could take away everything you had. It is a harsh reminder of how powerful I am and how powerless you are, a fact you seem to have forgotten in your own arrogance. So all your life, thoughts and actions were, in fact, an illusion. I am very sorry Lucifer, but you have been my puppet in a demonstration of my authority over you, and my love for humankind on earth.”
Lucifer’s veins throbbed against the skin of his head and arms as a violent rage rushed through his body. He struggled to free himself, but the chains that held him remained tight. In fact, as he anger grew, so did the strength of the chains, reminding him that his anger was the very tool holding him tight.
“Love?” Lucifer spat. “You don’t love humans, you don’t even know the meaning of the word. You abandoned them a long time ago, as you did me by throwing me out of Heaven.”
“Lucifer, do you still not realise that I did not throw you out of Heaven?” God was now trying to communicate in a more reassuring voice. “You left when your mind turned to envy of me and my love for mankind. The very action of looking upon me with envious eyes was your own downfall. You allowed this envy and jealousy to turn into fear and anger at the very thing you did not understand, my mind. The word of my mind is what keeps the earth turning, lets the fire warm their hearts, the air fill their lungs and the water quench their thirst. This knowledge has lasted since time began. By what authority did you assume you had this knowledge?”
“I did not think it was a right,” Lucifer said. “I just didn’t understand why this knowledge cannot be shared. If more angels had this knowledge they could have helped you look after mankind more effectively.”
“How dare you judge me,” the Most High’s voice roared like thunder “My great design for earth and mankind is working perfectly and is in no need of a secondary caretaker wanting to be my equal.”
“I did not want to be your equal. I just wanted to know what you knew, and in denying me, you turned me into this evil soul, as defined by you, that I am today.”
“No, Lucifer.” The Most High’s voice was now speaking more sorrowfully. “I did not deny you the knowledge of my mind. You like everyone else do not have the capability of understanding me and the essence of what I am. If that happened there would be no reason for me to exist. What place is there of a god in the minds of gods themselves because if they had total knowledge that I possess then they would be like me and not need me.”
“But if this world you created and the whole of existence is so perfect, why have I had so much influence and power in creating so much killing and hatred on earth?”
“When I created men, I gave them souls. With their soul, they were given free choice to choose whether to do right or wrong. You see, Lucifer, you and I are not to blame for human nature, because we are not human ourselves.
Inside each and every one of them I have installed a life energy, which comes from me, the very source. This life energy does not recognise good and evil, it just is and exists. It is only the mind of man that defines this source as good or evil with positive or negative actions.”
“What do you mean I am not to blame for their evil actions? I am the very embodiment of evil. I make them do those things on earth. I glorified myself in their sins and watched eagerly as man turned against man creating a hell on earth.”
“I am sorry Lucifer, but you are wrong again. Some humans choose to be good and others
choose to be bad and this reflects on the balance or vibration resonating in human minds, If more humans decide to do bad, more evil is created and vice versa. It is a very delicate balance. I want to show you something.” Lucifer looked down at his feet and watched as the white light started to disappear. It gently faded away like a cloud dispersing in a sky, allowing a vision of the world to appear. In this vision, Lucifer could see humans on earth fighting in war.
“What do you think they are fighting for Lucifer?”
“I hope they are fighting against your system of faith.”
“Not quite, close though. On one side of the battle you have an army who are fighting in God’s name; on the other, you have an army who believe in worshiping things they can see like the stars and planets. Who is in the right? Are the army who fight in God’s name, whatever that god is, just in their actions? Or the army who have no concept of a god? If the army of God lost, then everybody would assume their god was weaker, or worse still did not exist. The worship of planets would become the new religion where everybody would fear to offend Mars or Venus. Because that side became victorious, it would have to be accepted as good; it must be, because it won and that proves it exists, doesn’t it? What you see here is a shift in human philosophy. Both sides are doing what they think is right; it is only their judgment of each other that determines who is right or wrong There is no conception of good or evil, only two sides fighting for their purpose and belief.”
Lucifer again struggled with his chains, trying to secretly slip his arms through the clasps
holding him in place. The vision switched to reveal two men constructing a building. The Most High continued his explanation. “One was from a very wealthy family and the other was bought up in poverty. Because of their different upbringings, they learnt different values. The wealthy man learnt that respect and popularity were measured by how much money and friends you had. The poor man however learnt to respect the little things he had, very few friends and only what nature had provided for him. They had both been given a task by me to construct a building fit for me. The wealthy man used his abundant finance to employ hundreds of expert craftsmen to draw up the plans, construct and build a glorious edifice. The finest stones, precious metals, gold and silver were shipped in from other countries. The glass was cut to precise measurements. The building was all completed within two years. However, the poor builder had only a few helpers and workers. Slowly and diligently they gathered wood from a local forest, cut and carved the wood until their hands bled. They worked through all weathers, not stopping through all the blood and sweat, until its completion after five years. With that vision Lucifer, who do you think loves me more and who is the better builder to build a home for me?”
“Why are you asking me about love? “Lucifer shook and lowered his head in an act of frustration and boredom, “I do not know of it anymore, I don’t want to. I am tired of feeling like a student of morality. Haven’t you forgotten I am the one who stands against the very thing you stand for? I do not need lessons in morality because I don’t want or have any.”
“Well, let me tell you anyway. The poor man loves God more because he designed, built and
completed the building with a lot more of self-sacrifice.
Whereas the wealthy man only paid for other people to design, build and complete the construction. Now if you take everybody else away on the earth and just leave the two men in their buildings and I decide to visit as a mortal, where do you think I would feel safest if either building started to collapse?”
“I suppose you would feel safer in the wealthy man’s building. I know I would because it is
bigger and stronger.”
“No, I would feel safer in a poor man’s house because of the fact he knew his building. Through all his self-sacrifice, he gained complete knowledge of its foundation and that which made it strong. The wealthy man through his complacency did not know of the true meaning of the foundation laid a foundation which made it weak. Here is the lesson, Lucifer. Don’t you think that as God I thought of everything when I designed the world as a safe home for mankind?”
“You spoke about this delicate balance earlier and how it can change between good and evil.
Look at the state of this safe house of yours. Now I want to show you my vision.” The Most High allowed Lucifer to state his case as the clouds temporarily joined together then opened again to reveal visions of men killing men, people dying of hunger through poverty and disease and natural disasters like earthquakes played out beneath them. “Don’t you think these acts demonstrate my power and authority, on earth even though I am chained to this damned chair? I am still in control.” Lucifer smiled as a rising feeling of confidence
and power entered his body again. “Your house, as you eloquently put it, is becoming more and more godless. People are asking if you exist or, even better, cursing you for their misfortunes, when all the time I am in control and to blame. It is wonderful when I hear them saying that you are to be blamed for my actions. When they say God has forsaken them and the devil is in control that he must be because God would not allow this to happen, that is my victory. I put it to you the Most High that my will is stronger than yours. It is this will, inherent in every mortal that manifests into what you see in this dark vision.”
“I think you still do not understand me properly. Let me try to elaborate in a way you might
understand. Prepare yourself for what I am about to tell you it will confuse you but I can assure you I speak the truth. We are not the ones in control of our destinies, the humans are.”
“What! Nonsense.”
“As I have already explained, when I created everything and from the beginning of time,” the
Most High continued. “I created man and gave him a soul and he was perfect. Unfortunately, he decided he wanted to be more human than spiritual, taking part in earthly pleasures such as the gratifications of flesh, wealth and greed.”
“I thought you said they were perfect? It did not take me long to show you their imperfections; tempting them was so easy.”
“Wrong again, that is what you have been led to believe. But in fact you only exist because of
the dark side of human nature. You did not create the evil in them. They created you out of their own evil actions. Think about it how would mankind justify their bad actions and how would they decide if an act was bad or good? Men, in their search to understand their own human nature, could not understand or accept that they were solely responsible for their own actions. So what they arrogantly decided was to place the blame somewhere else, and they created YOU.” Lucifer s eyes opened wide, his mouth dropped, but then he started laughing at what he thought was an absurd statement. How could that be?
“That’s ridiculous.” But Lucifer’s laughter turned into anger as he began to question his own existence. “No, no.” Lucifer shook his head to reassure himself of any doubt. “You lie, I am in control, those disgusting creatures you created are not in charge of my destiny. How dare you suggest such a thing?”
“It is true. I gave them free will, which contains an inherent longing for knowledge of what
and where they come from. This search for knowledge led them to explore all aspects of human nature, although unfortunately some of these acts involved carnal knowledge. In their pursuit they discovered some actions were not to everyone’s liking, so they said the devil was responsible, a fitting scapegoat for the dark side of their nature. It’s ironic they seem to have forgotten that they still have this knowledge. It has just been buried and blinded in their futile search for what they already have.”
“So if I am just an illusion of the human mind, how is it that I can remember you throwing me out of Heaven? You said my own jealously and envy cast me out.”
“That is true, but do you not remember the other reason why you left Heaven?”
“What other reason?” Lucifer asked with contempt.
“The other reason you were cast out, all those thousands of years ago and times before that.”
“Why was that? I cannot remember.”
“All in good time. First I want to draw your attention to what is happening now. Humans are
becoming so evil in nature and their love for me has taken a dramatic shift. It is evident that my existence is becoming less and less while your strength in their minds grows all the time. After you finished your war and rampage on earth, you left behind you a nearly godless world.”
“You said it was all in your big design, a big act to make me feel powerful on earth. If I remember rightly, you called me a puppet.”
“That is true, but there is a bigger picture here which I only know about and unfortunately it
cost quite a few human sacrifices.”
“A few? Let us be real, how about thousands?”
“You should feel honoured. It was all in your name. However, their loss will not be in vain,
although they all helped play an important part.”
“An important part in what?” Lucifer asked urgently and angrily.
“That I cannot tell you at present because it is only for me to know the plans I have for you.”
“Untie these chains and I will show you who has plans for whom.”
“Lucifer, when are you going to learn? Maybe one day you will.”
There was a deathly silence, which to Lucifer seemed to last a lifetime, as he tried to look into the light to comprehend what was happening. “Lucifer I have decided on your punishment.”
“What! More punishment? How could the punishment be worse than it already is? What could be worse than being defeated in battle, humiliated and held here against my will, told that my whole existence has been staged to get me to where I am now, in this damn chair? Oh, I nearly forgot, I do not exist do I?”
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