Shoulda wrapped it
By kellyb
- 444 reads
You shoulda just wrapped it.
This story is as old as time
Played out on every soap opera
In every Wednesday night living room
On every Monday morning chat show
So you would think it no drama
Nothing special
I should get on with it
Well you shoulda wrapped it.
You can't stand there in front of me
Deny responsibility
As if we were never in love
How can you justify this
What excuse will you make
When little one grows up?
Well son
I guess I shoulda wrapped it?
You want me to get rid
Or risk getting rid of you?
Because you can't cope
You're not ready
Tryin to get me in baggy clothes
To hide my ripening belly
Baby you shoulda wrapped it.
Didn’t see you worrying
When your hands were round my waist
And your mouth was on my breasts
Callin me your princess
Right before you slapped my face
Shoulda known then
You were wired up wrong
That I couldn’t count on you
Not for long
Its my fault
I shoulda made you wrap it.
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