The Staggers

By Kilb50
- 134 reads
An old man walked a sheep run
skirling at the dawn
his mouth agape with thorn heads
his red eyes sunk and drawn.
The birds stopped their singing
the cattle chewed the crud
as he fell into the stink pit
and lay within the mud.
‘What’s wrong ?’ I said, clear and loud
‘Where would you rather be ?’
He wiped a tear and cursed the sky:
‘It’s The Staggers that’s gone ‘n’ got me!
The Staggers did me father
and his old dad before -
now I’m the one to suffer
nature’s uncommon law.’
‘Here’ I said ‘I’ll pull you out
as brisk as brisk can be
then wipe you down with dock leaves
to soothe your misery!’
He said no need, it was too late
his fate was sealed and done -
‘Once The Staggers has got ‘ee
there’s no where else to run’
So I left him in the mulch
to mourn his final days
and reached the crest of the
oldest hill to satisfy my gaze
‘Will ‘ee stay up there and watch ?’
he shouted ‘for as long as long can be ?’
I said I would for I was sure
The Staggers would soon take me.
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