Dear Agony Aunt

By Kris
- 464 reads
Dear Agony Aunt,
During the high season I come home late most evenings,
exhausted, my wife ask the same question every day, "How Was Work"?
I always answer with a blank expression, "Same, All Good Babe", with a peck on the cheek.
A routine action or reaction? Its like pushing the pause button......
Or is it a loving tactical maneuver just to keep the peace, resulting in some space in time, buying some unwind time? Or all of the above?
Maybe I'm a bit codependent...
I lead a Lifeguard/ Search & Rescue (SAR) team of power girls and rescue cowboys (I coined that phrase), all of them are tuned up professionals. (I love them all) even though some days it’s like herding a pack of wild animals. It's a world of ever changing extreme weather, fast boats, helicopters plus other spotter aircraft, police, illegal migrants, high tech Comm's and we deliver a few babies in all this more than several times a season and now we have some rich international gangsters hang'n out in our sector, suspects, responsible for dead #ö/%x!, washing up on the beach. And to top it off, we have climate change upping the risk = (ain’t that a bitch*)! Pardon me... We actually have
a saying in the biz, "We rescue them all; the good, the bad, the stupid and the intoxicated ugly".
My question(s).... Do I keep it as is, i.e. with the same answer every day? Come home, same answer with a bouquet of flowers? Or do I roust my wife out of bed pre-dawn, suit her up, and
take her to work with me....for like a week?, so she understands what
that same answer, blank expression, means every day?…
RSVP, Lifeguard Captain
P.s. I love my wife......
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Perhaps you should just ask
Perhaps you should just ask her if she would like to be a power girl and see what happens.
You never know ...
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