Alien Opportunities Ch.3 : Alien Practices Part 1

By Kurt Rellians
- 434 reads
Ch. 3 : Alien Practices
As soon as he arrived home he went straight under the shower to wash off the alien smell which covered him. He knew he would not be able to sleep without that cleansing. He used near half a bar of soap in his scrubbing. Even so sleep would not come to him when he climbed into his own bed, although he felt drained from the physical activity he had endured. Mental guilt hammered at him and he could not relax. Also there was the fear of Urilt. He felt sure his boss would be angry, even though Braidt had given him the impression that she had permission to do what she wished. Certainly she had shown no sign of concern at her husband’s presence, and no attempt to disguise her deeds. She had still been naked when he left. He feared what the next day would bring. As well as Urilt he feared Braidt. Would she be annoyed at his final rejection of her. Would she seek to persuade him to repeat his errors. She was a temptress, luring a harmless young human man away from his own people, seeking to entrap him in a lifestyle which was indolent and corrupt. He could see now that she wanted to turn him into a sexual servant, a kind of prostitute. He felt confused. He had enjoyed these weeks until now. Braidt had seemed a genuine and sociable alien. The work at Urilt’s office had been gentle and sociable, a welcome change from the cut and thrust of human business, and its depressing relentlessness. Now due to this incident, which could hardly be passed off as a mere incident, he felt he should review his whole presence amongst the aliens. But he did not want to return to his old kind of work.
There must be a catch to the aliens’ kind fascination, a crueller more self interested side. So many of the speculations and predictions of alienness had been disproved by these unexpected grey beings, who had proved to be so similar to humans. But it occurred to Chris, sometimes, in moments of rationality, that there could be dangers to Earth in accepting so much of the gifts and attention which the strangers gave to us. Perhaps our friends presented a false visage when they expressed the deepest interest in everything, even the arts, we produced. What knowledge might they be trying to acquire, which might be turned to their advantage when they had finished their scrutiny of us? Were they looking for the keys to penetrating our defences in some later battle for the planet, or were they trying to understand the depths of our psychology before using their knowledge to undermine or control us in some unexpected mental tactics? Perhaps they wanted us as slaves or servants? Their employment of humans was growing alarmingly on Earth. Would it be turned to exploitation and control when the time came?
As he searched for sleep, unbidden images of the evening’s depravity came unbidden to his mind, images of Braidt’s smooth grey face, and her flickering tongue. He could feel the sensation of that tongue wrapping itself around his penis, more sensitive than any sucking he had ever before experienced, whipping over his nipples. Unbidden he found that his penis was aroused again. He tried to calm it, by thinking of his fears, but the image of Braidt’s shapely grey breasts came to him and he could imagine her turning over and himself mounting his penis into her sticky vagina from behind, warm inside her generous almost human backside. And then he thought of Urilt watching expressionless as he fucked his wife and exploded his seed within her. Try as he might he could not rid himself of those dirty images inside his brain. He felt the feeling of abandonment which had taken over him as he had ejaculated under Urilt’s gaze before. Something inside him wanted to repeat that ejaculation, observed again by an authority figure such as Urilt. He realised that he would not get to sleep this way. There was a strong sexual fantasy in his mind and peace would only come when he exorcised it. Half reluctantly, and half with relief, he reached down into his pyjamas, and took his penis in his hand. He lowered his pyjama trousers and began to stimulate himself, allowing himself to enjoy the images which came to him. The wank was strong and powerful. Waves of feeling came to him straight away, and he sought to extend it, slowing down his masturbation. Images of human women came into his mind as well as Braidt, and all the time he imagined that Urilt was watching. He came hard, intensely, imagining himself inside the alien woman, while the human girl, a blonde, stroked his flailing limbs and implored him to come. He was aware of Urilt watching to the end.
After another visit to the toilet, he felt relaxed again, and sleep came upon him almost immediately.
Chris went to work at the office again the next morning. Sleep pounded in his head as the time to rise approached, due to his inability to sleep earlier in the night, but nonetheless the sleep he had had refreshed him. Once he began he found he woke up well enough to face what promised to be a difficult day for him. Strong trepidation filled his stomach and swirled in his brain. The memories of the previous night filled him now with a sense of excitement. He remembered his ardent masturbation of the previous night; perhaps those feelings had been the true feelings of his body and soul, not those initial reactions of disgust. How daring he had been, to have sex with an alien woman, and one whom he respected and liked as a being. He was a little proud of himself. But he did not want to face any more upheaval now, not until he had completely rested and come to terms with what he and Braidt had done. The morning had come too fast and he was not ready. Most of all he feared the meeting with Urilt. Would he really keep his job? Urilt might sack him or worse? There was no knowing what went on behind that impervious façade. Perhaps having sampled him as a sexual servant Braidt would be happy to sacrifice his job, although he did not feel that reaction was likely from her. Nothing he knew about her suggested that she would change from her attitude of strong interest towards his cultural knowledge and tastes, as well as his sexual essence. He cautioned himself to relax. What would be would be, and had not Braidt told him that he was welcome and everything would be as it was before.
Despite his unease there was no unusual atmosphere at the office in the morning, except perhaps in his own mind. The other employees were normal in their behaviour, casual and humorous with each other, seeming to enjoy their work, which did not take up all of their time. No one seemed to be under pressure, but work was being done as well. The managers seemed to exert no undue effort to encourage work. Human workers enjoyed their work evidently. The aliens here were less jovial. Humour seemed less important to them. As characters they seemed more restrained in attitude, but they could appreciate human wit, and enjoyed conversation. Chris wondered whether any of the other humans had been introduced to Braidt’s sexual passion, or whether he was the only one. Was it possible that any of them had engaged with other alien employees from the office? His friend Michael had certainly warned him of alien willingness to have relationships with humans at his alien college. How widespread could this behaviour be. He was not about to ask any of them. He felt the human shame which he believed would be attached by most fellow Earth people to people who became sexually involved with aliens. He saw Urilt working in his office. Once or twice he looked up to find Urilt’s gaze upon him. Quickly Chris would avert his eyes, hoping that he could ignore what had happened last night, as long as his boss made no issue of it. Urilt’s gaze would not stay upon him any more than was usual, but he preferred not to test it by holding it. Urilt hopefully seemed to be ignoring what had happened, for the moment at least. Chris hoped this would continue. Urilt was a more relaxed boss than his appearance had led Chris to expect; perhaps he was a more relaxed husband also. When Urilt came into the main part of the office he was always busy. Urilt had no need to talk to Chris this morning, so he did not come close. Chris began to think Urilt might be trying to avoid him.
Afternoon came. Chris ate his sandwiches and talked about general matters with his fellow workers, human and alien. He mentally undressed the female Starmanenans, as he would not have done before yesterday. Like most humans are taught to think of the opposite sex as sexually desirable, but their own sex as forbidden to thoughts of sex, he realised he had considered alien females as off limits, despite his friend Michael’s admission of an alien relationship. The thought that he might have sex with one of them had never seriously entered his head. Now he knew that it was possible to have sex of some kind with them, and enjoy it to some extent, although he was not completely comfortable with the idea. It was as if someone had told him that he could have gay sex with a fellow man, and to his own surprise he had decided that he liked it. He realised that all the alien women had features he could admire, their strong noses, their flashing alien eyes, their muscled necks. He knew what lay below those robes, breasts like human breasts, muscled torsos, big arses. They were not as beautiful as human women, but in the absence of access to fussy human women, they were perhaps after all a credible alternative.
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