Alien Opportunities Ch.3 : Alien Practices Part 2

By Kurt Rellians
- 415 reads
Chris went after lunch to the house of Urilt and his wives, relieved that for the next few hours he would not have to face the possibility of confrontation with Urilt. He was nervous however, of Braidt this time. It would be like meeting someone new, for the first time, in the sense that whatever happened now their relationship was on a new footing. He would never be able to chat to her again, in the innocent way they had done before. Despite his daydreams he had vowed not to be weak with Braidt if she asked him to be sexual again. He would not have any kind of sex with her today, he would try to return their relationship back to ‘normality’. If he was to have any more sex with her ever, he would need to think about it carefully first. At the moment he was too confused.
He entered the building as ever. The door was unlocked. The aliens did not share humans’ fear of crime yet. Probably they would learn soon. But he supposed there were quite a few of them in or around the building at all times, the security risk was not great. He went inside, down the corridor and into the lounge. One of Urilt’s daughters was there, a young adult by the name of Credardt. Chris had met her there before. She was friendly and like Braidt, very interested in literature and films. Chris did not yet know whether she was Braidt’s daughter or one of the other two wives. “Hi Credardt, have you seen Braidt around the house this afternoon?” he asked.
“She is in her room at present,” said Credardt, “But she may be busy at the moment. You can go to her if you wish, but why not talk to me for a time first.”
Chris thought that Braidt might well have instructed this daughter to keep him away until she was ready to see him, but he knew that Credardt would be pleasant to talk to, like Braidt, although he doubted that she would be quite such good company, being less experienced in life, and less knowledgeable than Braidt. “That would be pleasant,” he said, “if you think it is best. I am here all afternoon and probably well into the evening. Is there any work instruction?”
“Work?” she almost laughed in the deadpan way aliens so often had. “No there is little you would call work at the moment. Your work can be to talk to me, for a while. You may be able to teach me things I do not know or appreciate.” From down the corridor there was a sound of heavy breathing, and what sounded like scratching, which sounded familiar. He put it to the back of his mind immediately and concentrated on talking to this civilised daughter.
“What would you like to talk about first?” said Chris.
“I don’t know Credardt,” he laughed, “I am working for your household so what would you like to talk about?”
“I don’t know where to start,” she said. “There is so much to your Earth World. Much of it is very interesting to me.”
“What are your particular interests then,” he asked. “I mean Braidt likes fiction a lot. We were having an interesting discussion about fantasy fiction the other day. Do you like our books. Which ones have you been reading recently?” He felt more comfortable now that this conversation was developing in the way he was used to.
“I have read quite a few of your books, but I think I particularly enjoy your films….. You know the thing I find most strange about you humans is that you really do worship each other’s bodies,” said Credardt. “You select the best looking ones in your generally accepted view, you make pictures of them, or let them star in films, and you worship them as ideal partners. You are unusual people because you have strong desires, most of you, to be with these stars and models, but you settle for lives which prevent you from meeting those people of your desiring.”
“Do we?” reacted Chris. “We worship the bodies of our beautiful people, that much is true, I agree. But many of us find partners who are like those people we so desire. Many of us do live lives which allow them to find what they do desire.”
“I do not think that you lead a life which allows you to meet or to take what you want,” she persisted.
“Well that is certainly true of myself. I have not been able to find a partner who is like my desires, or any partner, for that matter.”
“Why don’t you?” she asked.
“I guess there are many reasons,” he said, wondering how it was that this alien knew so much about him, and why he was explaining his personal failures to this alien, who was very much a stranger to him. Nonetheless her questions were valid and he did feel sufficiently relaxed in her attentive company. “I suppose partly my upbringing. I lived in a protected environment when I was young, and I was quite shy of other people, particularly women. I have never really found the right methods to attract women. I suppose it boils down to lack of confidence. The other guys always seem to get the women, and I don’t really try hard enough. I think I am one of those men who would rather it was the women who made the moves, but most of them don’t.”
“So you have tried to find partners?” she asked.
“Yes. I have tried to date women, through advertisements in newspapers and dating agencies.”
“What happened?”
“I usually managed to persuade the women to go on the dates. This was by phone conversations. Usually they were keen enough to meet, because, after all, they wanted to date men as much as I wanted to date women, they had joined the organisations with that purpose in mind. The dates were usually enjoyable, but at the end of them usually they did not want to see me again. I wasn’t usually too bothered about them either, but in quite a few cases I was interested. The ones I wanted usually weren’t interested and the ones I wasn’t particularly interested in often weren’t interested in me either, although sometimes they were, and I said no to them. What I found was that those women were usually polite and friendly, but they didn’t show enough interest in me, they weren’t persuasive. I was expected to do most of the asking, even though they were in the same position as me.
“At the end of the day it isn’t easy to communicate your feelings and it isn’t easy to know what a woman thinks or wants. My whole experience with women on the romantic or sexual level has been miscommunication, as well as lack of confidence, for my own part. It was time consuming and inefficient. I found that to win a woman you have to be very dedicated to her, and I found that difficult to be as well. The whole thing rarely works, from my experience, and we lead lives which are too cluttered with other considerations. Meeting women at work or in social clubs and organisations or through friends is also time consuming and difficult. Many of the same problems apply, and I always found it almost impossible to be direct with women in a non dating situation.” Chris was surprised at himself for unloading his frustrations onto this young alien whom he hardly knew, but she had asked the right questions and seemed to know how to listen.
“Why bother with Earth women Chris?” said Credardt. “There are many Starmanenan women, men as well if you would like that, who would be very keen to share your body. Maybe you are looking for a closer attachment than we could offer, Earth culture seems to encourage marriage, but you would find that we can be very close without demanding what you would call ‘possession’.”
Chris talked for a long time with Credardt. He found she was very similar to Braidt, whom he suspected now might well be her mother. She asked the same sort of questions, and once he got used to the inexpressive alien exterior of polite civility, he could glimpse the passions which he suspected she might share with the mother. She asked questions which were more personal than any which Braidt had so far asked, but Braidt had shown enough interest in his background. In the background he heard the scrapings and heavy breathing from down the corridor. It was a familiar sound. At once he realised that these were the sounds of his previous visit here, last night, the sounds of Braidt making love. At the realisation he felt an instant tingling of excitement. So Braidt did not only make love to her new human servant, himself. She could not be with her husband Urilt because he remained still, as was his routine, at the office. Who could she be with now; the sounds were of more than one person breathing. He could not guess. He felt some excitement that Braidt’s long orgasms were happening again so close. He also felt embarrassed to be hearing them in the presence of this polite alien female who could be Braidt’s daughter. The younger alien must be embarrassed, although she did not show it. He had been on the point of enquiring whether she was Braidt’s daughter, but there was no way he would ask such a question now. Credardt continued her conversation as if she could hear nothing, or was completely disinterested. There was no sign that she had even registered what was going on so plainly up the corridor. Chris was distracted by the noises, and at times found it different to concentrate on his conversation, where he had been doing so well before.
Credardt looked at him closely as she spoke to him, fixing him, in the way which reminded him of Braidt last night. “Would you relax with me Chris?”
He sat upright quickly, “Relax?” He knew what it meant, and it startled him. He had thought he was having a good conversation with a polite young alien, who appeared to be only a few years younger than he. He had not thought that the events of last night were to be repeated, with someone other than Braidt. He assumed that what went on last night was between himself and Braidt, despite the intrusions of unwanted visitors. Credardt was like a younger version of Braidt, but he had never thought she would actually behave in the same way. Credardt was not a head of the household, as Braidt was.
“Yes,” she said, casually. “I want to appreciate you more. I like your mind and the knowledge you carry, and now I would like to know more about you. You were with Braidt last night, I saw you, and you enjoyed relaxing with her. I could tell. Now I wish you to do the same for me. You call it ‘making love’.” She looked at him intently, slipping her robe from herself as she did to reveal a body, smaller in build, younger looking, but otherwise quite similar to Braidt’s; smallish but shapely breasts, thickset muscular neck arms and shoulders, and a generous backside. The greyish skin, the prominent nose, the freckles and the big feet with seven toes made her more alien than he cared for. He anticipated the dog’s tongue, which could doubtless whip a man’s penis into erect shape, as Braidt’s had done. He was stirred by the sight, remembering last night’s pleasure. Just minutes ago he had been unaware of the possibility, and now he was faced by this. Should he accept her offer to avoid rudeness, or would Braidt be angry that her servant was being seduced. He still did not know whether Credardt was Braidt’s child. If so surely she would be very annoyed by her daughter’s behaviour. But maybe such behaviour was sanctioned by the aliens. Credardt had evidently been the female who had come to watch at the entrance to the room last night, and Braidt had not sought to prevent her then, if she had even been aware. Urilt’s presence had likewise gone unremarked.
Chris had come here today with the intention of talking to Braidt and putting yesterday’s adventure behind him. He needed to work here without the upset and complication of sexual adventures. He admitted to himself that he had appreciated yesterday’s experience, and he respected and liked Braidt, and he did not deny the possibility that he might allow himself to do the same with her again when he was ready, but he had no intention of repeating the experience today, even with Braidt. Even as he thought these thoughts he could hear the rising passions of his alien lover, as she called out in the ecstacy of orgasm. He wondered who she was making love to this time.
“It was you who came into the room yesterday was it?” he asked.
“Yes it was. Braidt was very aroused,” she said.
“I should not have allowed her to do that. I was unready for such an experience. And I cannot do the same with you. Credardt, is Braidt your mother?”
“No she is not my mother, but she has taken a share in parenting me,” answered the younger alien.
“Which one is your mother?”
“My birth mother is Sparnil, but you have not met her. She is not here at the moment. She has another husband too and is with his household in Starmanena.”
“How many wives does Urilt have?” he asked.
“He has 6 wives. 4 of them are here in this household, and 2 are currently away with their other husbands, both in Starmanena.”
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