Alien Opportunities Introduction
By Kurt Rellians
- 1219 reads
From the void we had long hoped would not be empty came the strange people of Starmanena. When the aliens first came, some years before, Earth governments were in great fear of them because of their obvious relative technological superiority. Afraid to start a war they agreed to the aliens’ trading treaty terms. Certain planetary materials and technologies were exchanged on both sides. It seemed the aliens, who were very humanoid in appearance, were keen traders, and wanted to find out what of value earth had. As time developed it became evident that the trade which most interests the aliens was in cultural matters. They liked the variety which earth could offer. They said they valued humans as artists and musicians. They claimed to love Earth music – classical, jazz, soul, rock and so on, which was different from their own, although rumour had it that they made some good music themselves. They apparently appreciated our dance, and literature, our photography, and were fascinated by our history. There were many who distrusted their motives and some who fought to resist their all pervasive growing influence on Earth, their virtual bypassing of Earth authorities by unnatural treaties, and by their appeal over the heads of governments direct to the people, and the brain drain they had created, as many of the young turned their backs on the old ways and the rigorous learning, opting in droves for service to the aliens. Some even left for the alien planets, worked for aliens, or entered alien households on this one. Not only the young left, but all ages took that leap of faith to a new world, including some of the aged who suspected they might be treated by the aliens to extend life. This was an unproven rumour, which was spreading amongst many older people in those days.
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