Dark Dreams

By Kurt Rellians
- 508 reads
Dark Dreams
Black cowled figures chased him over rocks and barren land.
They would kill him for the thoughts in his mind, for the freedom of his actions.
He had been an adulterer.
Many women had he seduced, and given pleasure to, but the religious authorities had found out and sent their assassins and soldiers out to have ‘justice done’.
They bore circular shields and curved long knives and swords.
Before him were women wearing veils,
who knew what lay behind those masks? :
real women or more dark soldiers attempting to entrap him?
Evil’s servants bullied their way through a frightened population,
separating the people into classifications.
They wanted the women as rewards for the warriors.
But the men were not needed.
They were enemies unless they could be of the ‘true’ religion and tricked into joining the army of scoundrels and dreamers,
ready to give up the rest of their lives,
which had been so full of promise at birth,
but were now to be given to the gods of war and cruelty,
even though they pretended it was to the one true God.
How should we employ the young to serve society’s needs?
Do we send them to war in cruel negation of life’s promise,
to serve evil masters who brainwash and extinguish the real life promise of the planet? Do we let them stew in racial ghettoes of unemployment and low worth,
shining shoes and making burgers,
or scrambling up the ladder of repetition to top jobs as salesmen and conmen,
working for the big men at the top who enslave in subtle ways and always leave us dissatisfied!
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