Heaven's Reward (Islamic State Comes To Heaven): Ch.4: Islamic State Goes To Hell (At Last): Part 2 Hell's Angels
By Kurt Rellians
- 626 reads
(Part 2)
Islamic State fighters in hell are beset by gangs of hell’s angels, non believers who are racist and dismissive of all religions which they say has caused wars and is just nonsense. The beliefs of the ISIS fighters are put to the test. The bikers like taking it out on targets like this. The fighters are finding them frightening as in hell they can feel pain and be killed again and again. They try to behead some of the bikers, but they keep coming back to life, stronger and tougher than ever.
(Can I do a disclaimer here. I do not wish to insult bikers or ‘Hell’s Angels’. My characterizations are merely for effect in this story and not meant to mean that I consider them to be so violent, racist, or deserving of hell. I am sure there are plenty of reasonable bikers out there. The crimes of so called Islamic State are however a little bit too recent and extreme for them to be given the same kind of credit!)
The Islamic fighters surrounded the Hell’s Angel who had broken so many of them. They kicked him and slashed at him with their swords. When he could not move any more some of them held him down while two set about slashing the flesh away at his neck. He wasn’t moving or resisting now, resigned to death and incapacitated. They hacked and hacked making a bloody mess of his head and neck. This was tough meat to cut, but eventually the head came off, but this was hell and no sooner had it come off than the head moved straight back to the stump it had just been severed from.
“Hey that was one hell of a trip!” laughed the biker as consciousness returned when his head reattached itself. The blood washed away and he was back in business, like a demon reborn, smiling and laughing ready for his next victim now he had come back from the dead to his afterlife. Eyes glazed with the visions of Valhalla his sight began to fasten onto the Islamic State fighters who had engineered his head from body experience.
“Whoa!! He declared, shaking his head. “Helter Skelterr!! That was one hell of an experience!” He detected fear in his opponents and turned up his performance to create maximum consternation in these pretend pious chickens who stood before him. He was like a demon child, just come off the most extreme roller coaster ride at the fairground or theme park, ready to go straight back on the same ride before the adrenalin rush wore off.”
“Allah is angry with us,” said a jihadi. What have we done to deserve this?” At that moment he wished he could die, but he was already dead, and here in hell he could be killed again and again.
The huge biker brandished his chains menacingly, swinging them around and around. “Who’s gonna be next?”
“Allah be merciful please,” begged the terrified jihadi he chose to move on, “Please tell him to stop!”
The demon laughed, “That’ll do ya no good sonny. I don’t even believe in God, never did and never will. Here in hell we get to play the games we like forever and an eternity, and no one stops us, not God or the devil. How do ya wanna die this time sonny? I think I’ll behead you, like you just did me. I gotta just say, before I kill you again, this beheading business is good. I don’t know why our gang never did it before. To inflict it is gonna be a great joy to me, but to experience it is one hell of a rush. Thank you guys!”
There were a lot of bikers in hell. Many of them did some serious crimes at some time in the past. The ones in hell were the hard core hell’s angels, mainly those who actually enjoyed or believed in violence against those who they thought deserved it, such as rival gangs, sometimes policemen, and groups they thought did not belong in the places where they lived or existed, including hell. Many of them did not like muslims generally or people they described as blacks.
The Islamic State fighters, as they entered hell with their smug belief in their own superiority over all non believers, or all those of the wrong faith or different variants of the correct faith , or those of no faith at all, became the perfect group for the hell’s angels to pick on. They could bring down these arrogant jihadis and really take down their smug sense of superiority. Many of the Hell’s Angels thought they were going to have a real party with these warriors as they entered hell. After all they knew that even if they were injured or killed they would soon be ‘brought back to life’, as it were, in Hell, so there was nothing to lose except a bit of passing pain. For those with a strong psychology hell could be a great place to hang out. Islamic State on the other hand might not thrive as, although they had tried and pretty much succeeded in creating hell on Earth in the places they had inhabited and conquered on Earth, they were not the kind of guys who truly believed in any kind of anarchy. They wanted to create a prison of the soul on Earth, with restrictions in every aspect of life.
The Hell’s Angels instinctively knew that these guys could not take a joke. They were worse than the old Nazis because they were brainwashed by their religion, whereas many of the Nazis had not really been encumbered by religion at all. Oh, the Hell’s bikers were going to have some fun with Islamic State, oh yes they were. Hell was going to become a very entertaining place, probably for all eternity. The only problem might be if Islamic state fighters and their brainwashed wives came to hell in such large numbers that they became a majority. How many of these crazies could the world of the living really produce before the movement ran out of members? Being such an aberration from normal political and military organizations it was surely unlikely they could remain popular with large numbers of people. The conquered people even of their own Sunni Arab or Sunni Muslim kinds generally hated the burden that had been placed upon them, but the people were scared , terrified, and could still be brainwashed.
As with the Nazis and many other extreme organizations of the past they took their manpower from the youth. Youth could be brainwashed to become fanatical, and Islamic State was busy in Life, or on earth, building armies of young conscripts, some as young as 8 years old. Kids as young as that could be moulded into believing all sorts of rubbish and into thinking that extreme thinking was normal. These were the future killers and suicide bombers who could come to hell to join the ranks, and they might well outnumber the Hell’s Angels and the other groups sooner or later. Then they’d all be clamouring to get into heaven to get away from the jihadis for sure.
“We’re going to have problems here in Hell fellow brothers. Allah does not seem to want to protect us here.” Ahmed knew why they were here now. He realized they had been doing wrong. This was not the heaven a true follower of Allah would be sent to. The Christians were right about this place. This was hell where the evildoers went. He knew that because they had met some of them. They had been allowed into heaven by luck alone. The people their Caliphate had killed had so crowded the Gates of Heaven that they had been allowed in without the proper border controls. If only they had behaved themselves they would have been able to stay there forever. Perhaps some of them, would even have proceeded up into the higher levels of heaven if they had learned the lessons of real humility and love.
Now they would have to face the company of evil people even worse than themselves, the violent and ignorant of the worst kinds. Many of them followed codes which meant something to them, but that often gave them more to hate the jihadis for. Ahmed wished he could die cleanly and end his consciousness forever. This existence was constant fear and torture. There were definitely no virgins here and no kind people, except a few perhaps who had learned the lessons of their incarceration here and were hoping perhaps that their God would one day show mercy to them if they became enlightened and deserving of elevation to a better place at last. Ahmed had not seen any reason for hope since he came here. Those who aimed for salvation were still stewing here in hell. He was quite sure they had all been here for long times. He wondered whether there might just be cause for a glimmer of hope, but he had seen no evidence for it.
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