Life and times of a Priestess : Ch.1: A Priestess In Shanla (Part 4: Returning To The Dormitory)

By Kurt Rellians
- 697 reads
(Part 4 : Returning To The Dormitory)
Exhausted from the ceremony Danella tied her robe around the waist and followed the other Priestesses from the temple. Another evening's work finished. Like everyone she enjoyed sexual activities and was happy to worship the Goddess. It had been a good evening. She could honestly say that the sexual performances she had witnessed had been exciting and entertained her, particularly Renate's energetic display.
She was content enough now to have been picked as an attendant. The farmer who had picked her had been handsome and she had enjoyed being penetrated by him. He had been more considerate than she had expected. He had excited her in all the ways he could and she had enjoyed it to a high degree. She would certainly remember his face, and his performance proved to her that she was still capable of enjoying the sexual activity provided by the system around her, despite not being able to choose her own path to pleasure and communion. She did not wish to perform daily or nightly to someone else's system of rules. There must be more importance to her life than this. If only she knew how to find it, but as a Priestess of the Goddess she was unaware of how she should change her life. She had no plan as yet, and so was consigned to drift endlessly along the path designed for her and women like her by the Priesthood.
She followed some of the Priestesses from her Dorm back to it. Here at the Temple of Shanla Priestesses slept together in large circular Dormitories built of stone and wood. Each Priestess was allotted her own pallet or bed and spent her nights there unless engaged in some duty or worship. Although Danella had her own pallet she could not think of it as her own.
It was merely feet away from the beds of her friends and sisters. Her own belongings stored in a low cupboard were little different from those of her sisters. Her desk contained papers and drawings which were mainly to do with her studies. There were some however which were personal. She unlike most Priestesses had begun to keep a personal diary some months before. In it she sometimes wrote when she had a spare moment about the pleasures or difficulties of the day or her thoughts about other people or the city she lived in. But it was rare to have the privacy or the time, so most of her thoughts were still within her head.
She was convinced that she was the only priestess in her dormitory with a diary and that she was the only priestess who enjoyed writing in this way. She had come to believe that she was not a normal Priestess. She often wondered what some of the other Priestesses would think if they read her diaries. She felt that she was more sensitive than many of them. She wanted to do something out of the ordinary with her life. The sexual lifestyle of the other Priestesses was becoming insufficient for her. She could not find complete contentment in the daily routines of a Priestess's life. She wanted to use her head more, to think, to explore and to appreciate a world around her. She liked books and she wanted to write.
As they left the temple into the cooler night air the priestesses began to group with their friends and talk as they went. The evening's ceremony left some of them tired and ready for sleep, but others felt awakened and stimulated, perhaps unfulfilled and unsatiated. Ninety five of the girls who had not been chosen tonight were likewise of varied thoughts. Some would be stimulated, others bored, some tired, some pleased to have remained unchosen, others feeling personal sadness or even shame that they were not chosen, although it would have been very rare for a priestess not to feel sexually wanted given the almost daily demands upon their skills.
Agnella walked alone in front of Danella. Danella, being often content with her own company, resisted the temptation to catch her up and talk to her friend, but Agnella looked around and waited for her when she saw her. Danella smiled in recognition.
"I saw you with that farmer. He was good," Agnella commented.
"You were watching me?"
"Yes, I was not chosen this time, although I would have liked to have been tonight," Agnella revealed.
"You had a rest. Sometimes it is better not to be chosen," said Danella trying to be kind to her friend..
"I prefer to be chosen. I was aching to join in, but I had to watch instead," she said.
"Ah, Agnella, I might have swapped with you," said Danella. "Until I was chosen I had hoped not to be." They had had these conversations before, but she would not have admitted this to just anyone. A certain amount of resignation and reticence was acceptable among the Priestesses but some would pick up on lack of keenness and laugh at her for it, or spread gossip which might even reach the High Priestesses. She did not want them to view her as an unwilling Priestess. They might cease to give her interesting work and some who showed boredom with their work were sometimes encouraged into other occupations.
"But he was so good. I know you enjoyed him," said Agnella.
"Yes he was very good, and I did enjoy it, but tonight I would have appreciated a rest. Sometimes I wish we could choose when to participate and stay away when we chose."
"If only we could have swapped. I still feel excited, and I'm not on duty until tomorrow evening." Agnella meant her next ceremony was tomorrow. There were work duties and activities during the day.
"Which one is that?" asked Danella, remembering that she had a duty the next morning.
"I am to attend the Dedication of New Priests."
"Oh, Agnella, I am glad it is you and not me," said Danella. This was an arduous ceremony for the four Priestesses usually selected. It involved the breaking in of usually around twenty new young Priests and could take hours. Each Priestess would have to take on five Priests who would be expected to work together on her, bringing her into repeated states of bliss. All five would have to place their seed into her during the long ceremony either in her normal passage or in her arse or her mouth. Sometimes they would be expected to each do this more than once. The main goal apart from this was to achieve repeated states of bliss lasting a considerable time in the female. The High Priests pontificating would decide when it was enough.
"I have done it before a number of times. It is one of my favourite ceremonies. I reach heaven every time and the priests are so young and fresh," said Agnella.
"It is well that you are selected then. For myself it is too long and I am pleased to avoid it," said Danella. "I have a duty with a General in the army tomorrow to give the Goddess's blessing before he goes away on a campaign," said Danella, "But it should not be too long, I hope."
"I would rather be at the dedication of the new priests," said Agnella, "It's more exciting than being with one man. I really can't wait. I need something tonight. I will go to the House of Light and see what I can find. Maybe I will find your farmer there!"
The House of Lights was a place Danella had not been to for some months, except for exceptional duties. Her sexual appetites were fully realised in the ceremonial duties of a priestess and she had no need for more adventure of that sort When she was younger and the worship of the Goddess had been new to her she had ventured there on occasion. It was a place where Priestesses and Priests and other common workers were able to go outside the ordinary ceremonies to find additional communion and to satiate their own desires and lusts. Group activities were the normal method of worship here. At all times of the day or night people would come and go from the House, keeping the 'Light' of the Goddess burning. The only rule was that the light must never go out. A priest and priestess were always on duty to ensure that if the house was otherwise empty the light of sexual union would not go out.
"You can come with me if you wish, but I don't suppose you do."
"No, Agnella, all I want is a good night's sleep and some privacy tonight after some food," said Danella.
"I'll eat later. See you later." With that she began to walk across the lawns towards the House of Lights which Danella could see. A few of the priestesses were moving that way and some of the visitors to the Temple, the male worshippers, were congregating outside it, those who were not yet fully satisfied. the popularity of the House of Lights was evidence, if anybody needed it, that the worship of the Goddess was conducted for more than the Goddess's sake, but also for the sake of the worshippers. They needed to worship the Goddess more than the Goddess needed them, she knew, and obviously when they came voluntarily to the House of Lights they were not really trying to worship the Goddess but themselves. She did not regard this as wrong but as further evidence that the Cult of the Goddess was quite artificial. However it was what the Goddess would have wanted. She wanted to see her people engaged in the pleasures of the flesh and considered all of it to be a form of worship.
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