Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.10: Love Grows (Part 1)

By Kurt Rellians
- 369 reads
Ch.10 : Love Grows
Part 1
Two days later she returned at the appointed hour dressed in her finest Prancirian dress. Ravelleon was courteous again but gone was the reserve which had still been present at their second dining. They spoke little of politics and war this time and more of feelings and tenderness. Clearly Ravelleon had been thinking of her much. Danella had always meant much to the men she consorted with, even the Pirionites who were well used to the loving of women, but Ravelleon’s interest in her seemed particularly intense. She liked that sense of being the object of his complete desire. Pirionites had such access to the pleasures women could bring that their desires never became wild or obsessive. However, she sensed in Ravelleon a growing obsession for her. She did not wish to be constrained or dominated by his obsession for her but for the present she enjoyed receiving his fullest attention. She knew he was hopelessly attracted by her. The petty regulations he made up to control himself and remain ‘loyal’ to his wife were being swept away, revised and swept away again, one by one.
This time he invited her straight into his bedroom after their meal was over. Again they made love passionately as they had before without his penis entering her. She sucked and licked him and played with his penis, and he wanked himself over her as she soothed him. After she had emptied his testicles completely of their fluids she lay curled in his strong arms and he soothed her happily for a long time, bringing her to heightened orgasms as he played with her.
After he talked again, “You are the best looking woman I have ever loved!”
“What about your wife?” Danella asked.
“Oh she’s lovely. I thought she was the best until I met you. But she’s not as lovely as you.”
“Do you need to compare us?” she asked.
“No I suppose not. But I can’t help it. Your skin is so smooth. Stay the whole night with me if you would like.”
She was enjoying this lover tremendously and this bed was wide and luxurious and she liked to be away from the gaze of Priestess and soldiers sometimes. ‘Why not?’ she wondered. She laughed, childishly, “Last time you said you could not have me in your bed all night. What has changed? Am I more beautiful tonight than before, or are you beginning to forget some of those rules you try to abide by?”
Seriously he said, “I think I am more in love than I was the last time. Every time I see you it doubles in its effect. I am in danger of giving myself to you completely”
This last sentence was said with more humour, as if he understood his predicament and could see it from outside himself, as a commentator.
“Oh Ravelleon, let your lust take its course. Why try to restrain it. If you feel you want to possess me there is nothing to prevent you from doing so. Place your penis inside me and let it fill me with your semen. I know you really want to. Your satisfaction from your eruption would be far greater if you could sometimes empty your seed within me. You will find in the end that I am just another woman, probably no better or worse than your wife. But you don’t need to marry me to enjoy me as you would your wife. I am free, yours for the taking, as I am for the taking by many other men.”
“I cannot make proper love to you, I know I want to and therefore I have already failed my wife, but I must fulfil my contract with her by limiting my affection for you,” he spoke sadly, as if unwilling to be reminded of his ‘obligations’ to his wife.
“I will wait then. If you change your mind you can enter me now. If not it is your decision. But I would suggest that you are thousands of miles from your wife. What possible harm could you do her by being happy. Surely if she loves you she would be happy that you are taking pleasure and being fulfilled. Pirionite partners are happy when their partners find new and more varied lovers. A sexually active person is more healthy. He or she breathes life to others, renewing at the same time their lovers and partners of the past.
“Danella I cannot and will not, but please do spend the whole night with me. What possible difference can this make? You will be able to comfort me when I wake in the morning, and soothe me in my dreams.”
“You tempt me,” she exhaled, playfully, “If I were a Prancirian, I would say I had a job to do in the morning, or I would say that I can’t sleep with you unless you marry me and make me wealthy. But as I am not a Prancirian, I am free to do exactly as I please. As I like your company I think I will accept on one condition, or let me make it with conditions. Give me at least one more orgasm tonight and at least one tomorrow morning. Only then will I accept.”
“Alright” he smiled “I accept”.
The world would point and snigger to learn that General Ravelleon was living with a 28 year old Pirionite Priestess. The world need not learn. Ravelleon could move her to a private house, could make sure her address stayed private. He wouldn’t care, wrapped in the warm cocoon of life, protected from the arrows of accusation and judgement from the judgmental and the extreme nationalists. To hell with the majority of those who might know, to the cold hell he always consigned people whom he did not like. They were nothing anyway!
He worried. Did she have any more in mind than a few weeks or months of luxurious living, allied with the pleasures of the flesh she had been raised to enjoy. He loved her, admired her intellect! He wanted more than just her body for a few weeks or months. But what if she wanted no more than a short romp? That was insufficient for him, but if it was all she had to offer him, then he would have to take it. Why not a romp then? What harm could it do? Afterwards she would have to decide whether to end the relationship, or whether to stay with him. If she wished to end it, it would hurt him. And if they did go on for a while, at last she may grow restless and leave. That would leave him hobbling around for the rest of his life as a wounded soldier. If that was to be his fate, would it have been worth it? He was quite sure that he would never grow tired of her body or her mind. He hoped she would be his mistress for life, maybe one day his wife.
“I am falling,” he admitted, “falling, with no end in sight, in love with you!” His eyes were transfixed by her. She could feel his admiration enveloping her in their obsession. He lowered himself to nuzzle her neck. The leisurely arousal from sleep was nearly complete. She smiled inwardly at the power she now held over him. “Do you mean that” she asked lazily. “Yes,” into her hair he spoke. “Here beside you I mean it. You have replaced my wife in my affections. I prefer you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”
“Surely your love for me need not replace your love for your wife. What about all your pretty speeches about your loyalty to her. You have said you love her many times to me. Surely you will not suddenly suspend your love?”
“I did not wish to. But I cannot help it. The decision is taken from me. My feelings have changed. At first I felt temptation for you. Temptation turned to love, and where there is love everything else falls by the wayside. I have been helplessly falling in love with you. I tried to resist it for the sake of my wife and family. But I could not and now I have admitted to myself that I prefer you to my wife.”
“Why must you prefer me to her? You can love us both. We in Pirion, love as many people as we care to. Why restrict your love to one person?”
“No, love is not like that,” declared Ravelleon. “At one time I must love one person above all others, and at this time that person is you. These last days I have hardly thought of my wife, so besotted am I with you.”
Sorrow crossed her mind. He was like a child, not a General. How could such a powerful man cast aside all logic and sanity to believe so strongly that his sanity lay not with the healthy love of many, but with the all powerful love of just one person. Such thoughts which she was now able to observe in a Prancirian for the first time were a sign of fear of the world around him. Ravelleon was like a child who needed to attach himself to someone who could give him the protection he had not enjoyed before. Ravelleon had found he could achieve a state of fulfilment with her which gave him confidence and foundation. She had become such a comfort to him that his wife, so far away, no longer was able to give him the comfort he needed. He amazed her that a General so commanding in his public life should feel the need of such nonsensical attachment. The mature man, in Danella’s way of thinking would welcome ‘love’ wherever he could find it, build a network of mature friendships and lovers, to provide himself with variety and security.
The proof of his love was that after a few times, she had dined and made tender love with him, and the few nights they had spend now together in Ravelleons bed he was now ready to enter her completely as if she were his wife. He had declared that he loved her more than his wife so it followed that he should wish to go where he had only been with his wife in the years of his marriage.
Danella was pleased, she wished to hold his shaking body within her and to feel the strength of his ample size filling her and prodding her to orgasms. She had enjoyed the companionship and shared excitement of the love they had made but being so used to being fully used she wanted the connection with her lover that she so readily enjoyed from most of the men she met.
The first time he penetrated her was a quick occasion. At the first sensation of himself riding deep within her sensuous flesh, he become quickly excited and gushed his seed within her before she could begin to enjoy the sensation properly. She bent before him to the task of raising him to complete arousal, tasting the succulence of his recent produce as she took his glistening shaft within her pretty mouth. Satisfied with its hardness she exhorted him to take her again. This time he roasted her from behind on the heated spit of his penis. Her head twisted as she surveyed his strong physique as he beat himself against her. More than once she brought herself to quivering orgasm as he rogered her before he turned her around again. They held each other staring into each others eyes as they pummelled each other. As he thundered to his conclusion she ached in her own ecstasy, crying out loudly so that even the guard downstairs must have heard.
During the day she played the complete hostess to the soldiers and officers who had leave to visit, reading and mixing with her friends when she was not on duty. Most of her nights now were spent with her new lover the General. He wanted her to be with him every night now, but she resisted him, to satisfy her continuing special relationship with Paul and with occasional others. From time to time she also accompanied Sreela and some of the others to ceremonies and orgies with Pirionite returnees from the camps.
As Danella became a regular attender at Ravelleon’s rooms the guards came to recognise that he regarded her as his mistress. She was evidently more to him than a favoured prostitute. It was noticed that she sometimes would stay overnight, but she would always be gone before the offices opened for the General’s staff. There were times when the offices would be staffed in the evening for war meetings, but she was often there waiting in the Generals bedroom for him to finish.
The guard who had tried to force himself upon her after the first meeting with Ravelleon was still in his service. He treated her with respect now and pleaded with her for her free services. But although she might have responded to his plea sometime it was impossible to consort with him at Ravelleon’s offices, he would have to come to the dormitory and pay like everyone else, she told him, when she was a working priestess at the dormitory.
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