Life and Times of a Priestess : Ch.14 : The New Lovers : Part 2

By Kurt Rellians
- 507 reads
Chapter 14 : The New Lovers : Part 2
Valery’s penis periodically hardened of its own accord and it became clear that he wished to be satisfied again.
Danella said what was in both their minds, “Shall we go and discover what games they are playing along the corridor. Do you think they could accept our intervention?”
“I do not know. They might be angry with us if we go against their express instructions,” he said.
“They may accuse us of not being trustworthy,” she said. It was against the habit of a Priestess to be an obstacle to the wishes of another. Unless it was the part of a specific ceremony which demanded it, and the participants were always those who volunteered and accepted the rules of the ceremony, Priestesses never forced anyone to take part in ceremonies and sexual worship against their will.
“They can always tell us to disappear, and if they do then we will leave them in peace. I think they are open enough not to be shocked by our intrusion.
I think they could not suffer great agonies of embarrassment. I know Jeanette. She might pretend to want one man at a time, but you can see that she is unable to settle for any one man. A woman of her beauty and wealth has received much attention over the years. She plays with men, and fobs them off against each other when she has tired of them or when they are becoming too close, just as I might. She would love to try new excitements. To make love in the same room as another couple, to be watched by others in the throes of orgasm. .To be taken by two men at once. These would excite her and drive her to new heights of passion if only she would allow herself.”
“She is beautiful,” admitted Danella. “Tonight I did not understand her to begin with. I thought she disapproved of me, because she would not reveal her true thoughts. The more I found out of her the more I realised her insecurity. Her need to show others only what she will permit. She realised after some time that I was not a threat to her, rather a kindred spirit who wishes to fly freely through life. For a Prancirian I think she does fly freely through life, far more than most are able to. She is privileged because she has wealth, but she is free because she chooses not to be enslaved by the institution of marriage. She appears, like many in Pirion, myself included, to have so far rejected the responsibility of having children. She is free because she has that choice and she exercises it. So many in Prancir are not free, either because they have no wealth and can therefore exercise little choice in their lives, or because they do not realise they have a choice and they do what does not suit them.”
“Perhaps she has much to learn from you,” said Valery.
“I think she has learned most of it herself already. But there are certainly things I could teach her if she will let me. People who are nearly complete in their outlook upon life often lack those keys which could complete the process. They remain too fixed to complete the final changes. She could be one of those people, but I believe I can give her the remaining directions which she needs, whether she knows it or not.”
“Come on, let’s do it,” she declared, grasping Valery’s arm and dragging him playfully from the bed. She felt like a young Priestess again in those first exciting yeas when all the ceremonies were adventures and she had raved in the delight of being able to spread her new-found natural desires wherever she wished. The inhibitions of the Prancirians, even Valery, who even by Pirionite standards was hardly inhibited, gave the act of love a risk and an excitement she had not known since those very early days when it was all new. The joy of the Prancirian males she had become close to had been wonderful to behold and to experience; particularly Paul, Ravelleon, Mireau and now Valery, as well as the joyless guard who had tried to rape her and succeeded only in providing her with a magnificent pleasure to counteract her disappointment.
“Are you sure,” protested Valery, suddenly shy.
“Shush,” she whispered, “we will soon find out. I think we should be quiet and not startle them. If we do not go now they will have finished and gone to sleep.”
“They may already have done so.” He cautioned.
They went silently, naked, Valery’s penis rising before him as the idea of this intrusion excited him. Valery led the way now as he knew his own house better. They listened at the closed doors of some rooms and even put their heads around some doors which were opened.
“Jeanette must have gone to the farthest room,” he suggested. When they arrived they held each other while they listened for sounds of lovemaking. The door was closed but sure enough Jeanette’s cries of passion merged with the heavy breath of Mireau.
“I think we are in luck,” said Danella, “I will try the door gently. We will go in and watch, perhaps make love to each other and see how they react. Will it open soundlessly?”
“I hope so,” he said. She fumbled with the handle. They both heard the slight squeak as the handle turned, but it was very little. She moved inward to peer around the door. The room was spacious although not so large as Valery’s. It was dominated by a large double bed. It was a modern wallpapered room. A mirror on the opposite wall gave her a good view of the couple on the bed, the blonde woman pinned by the handsome Mireau as his penis pierced her slim body, repeatedly causing him to breathe heavily, resting awkwardly on his two outstretched arms. She saw them directly also, Mireau’s buttocks jutting as he quickly bucked her. Her legs were wide and her moans were loud. The mirror gave a sideways view and Danella could see the sides of their faces more clearly. There was no sign that either of the lovers were aware they were being watched.
Danella led Valery in. He saw the view with mounting excitement. She bade him to sit against the wall so he might watch and enjoy the lovers. She knelt before him and, stretching her limbs so that she was on all fours, she bent her head to him and began juicily to suck his already outstretched penis as he watched his friend and occasional lover Jeanette enjoying the labours of Mireau. Valery appreciated the prone body of Jeanette as her slim shaped legs shook under the movement of Mireau, while he passed his gaze also over the lovely body of Danella, as her stomach muscles stretched and her hips swayed slowly before him. He reached out to cup her ample dangling breasts, pausing occasionally to brush her lovely brow as she gently sucked him. He began then to massage her shoulders gently rewarding her for her efforts to bring them all to new and liberating experiences. Tiring of the exercise of her mouth she crawled up into Valery’s warm embrace sitting alongside him against the wall slipping her right arm gently around his back to knead his right hip and side, while her left arm continued to gently wank him, occasionally brushing his testicles. Her face closed against his turning slightly to admire the couple on the bed before them.
There was no indication that Mireau was yet aware of their presence in the room so intent was he upon the lovely prone body before him, but Danella caught the glance of Jeanette which proved that she had seen and accepted the intrusion. Perhaps Jeanette had noticed soon after they first came into the room as she shook her head in relaxation, or maybe she realised only later, after her cries of excitement had persisted for some time, or maybe her realisation of other presence’s had been the reason for her excitement. But now she shared her vision between Mireau’s slim and tidy body above her and the view of Valery’s strong body caressed by Danella’s lovely hands and mouth. Perhaps even the sight Danella’s lithe and bountiful form excited her. Danella noted to herself that she would have to put that to the test soon, maybe tonight or maybe on some later occasion. She would have to see how things went.
Valery reached his left arm around Danella, nudging her closer to him. His right hand reached across her as she gently wanked him, muscling softly into her silky mound. He urged the tiny hood of her hidden clitoris from its tender spot causing it to swell in sharp pleasure as he softly brushed it. Delicate pleasure radiated from it and Danella began to feel again the heat of sexual arousal. She gazed at him taking in the contours of his body as he tenderly brushed the flesh around her vagina, occasionally straying to the sensual region between vagina and rectum, tickling and brushing.
Groans came from the direction of the bed. Danella turned in the midst of her own satisfaction to see. After all she and Valery had come here to encourage those two to further pleasures. As a Priestess she took an interest in leading these students in the ways of the Goddess to further explorations. She wanted them to learn the joys of sexual sharing. Mireau’s grunts were animal and blended with Jeanette’s savage keen as he came, bursting inside her with savage energy, his lips bucking and muscles smarting as he sought to penetrate deeper into her lusciousness. Her groans cracked as his own final eruption assured her of her own orgasm. Mireau surged forward onto her chest, crumpling over her as her body shook with throbbing ecstasy, and lay panting heavily on top of her, moaning and easing to stillness as the warm glow of aftermath spread over them.
Valery was before Danella now, his mouth pressed to her glossy mound. She opened her thighs more widely, offering her delicate wet flesh for him to feast upon. He lay on his back, head held back as she massaged his chest. Danella was unable to reach his upright penis so he gently massaged his own as he feasted upon her, his other arm reaching for her breasts. She cried gently as he lapped her, gazing still upon the resting lovers on the bed. Jeanette watched them now. Mireau too had certainly by now noticed their presence in the room as he heard their sucking sounds and their heavy breathing. Whether he had been aware before his climax was doubtful but now he was finished he had looked briefly and understood but his gaze seemed to refuse to watch, while Jeanette seemed transfixed by their spectacle and happy that they could perform to each other.
Danella sensed Mireau’s embarrassment. Nothing could have stopped his riding once he was deep into the act of sex, but now the shyness returned. Danella & Valery had come to them without introduction, surprising them. Perhaps he felt humiliated that someone, none-participants in his own lovemaking, had observed his own animal instincts. He was familiar with Danella his lover, so perhaps he would feel no shame, but Danella sensed his embarrassment to be observed in the sexual act by the distinguished figure of Valery. Perhaps he did not wish to share his privacy with another man or maybe he was in awe of Valery’s power and position in the world and found it impossible to think of such an important man indulging in these acts of carnality. Perhaps he feared for his own standing in the world, but in so fearing he allowed the dull work ethic of Prancir to cloud his treatment of the people around him. Perhaps he believed that once he emerged from this house he would be denounced to the world for his sexual crimes.
“Come to me Mireau,” she cried. Directness was the only way to overcome his fears she concluded. “Help me while Valery eats me. Stroke my shoulders and soothe my breasts. Kiss me while I come.”
Mireau did not move from the bed. Shrugging his shoulders he said, “I cannot. You should have stayed in your own room. I wished to be alone with Jeanette.”
“Don’t tell me you did not enjoy the sight of us while you fucked and were not enriched by the knowledge that others watched you.”
“I did not know you were here,” he said. Danella was not quite sure that he spoke the truth. If he had not known they were there then he could not have derived pleasure from the knowledge of their presence. Perhaps it did come as a shock that on the completion of his act he should learn that the stranger Valery and herself should have been watching. But if so it would make no difference. She knew his eroticism and soon he would come to hunger for a wider feasting.
Jeanette spoke now, her eyes lit with excitement that the pleasures she had previously thought to the perverse and beyond her reach were now hers for the taking. Only Mireau’s embarrassed intransigence new stood in the way of pursuits she had always secretly hoped for. Only now after her open acceptance of Mireau in front of her friends at the ball, had she begun to tread the path of open promiscuity which she had always craved, but practised only secretly and behind closed doors. She wanted to shine for the world. She wanted to be appreciated for her beauty and for her passion. The lust she felt towards the men of the world could now be made more open. Instead of picking them one by one in the privacy of their own rooms she could now take them together, in two’s and three’s maybe more, like the Pirionite Priestesses. A secretive childhood and a careful adulthood might now be superseded by the true adventures of human lust. She had known the effect she had on men for many years. Any man she had ever become close to had wanted her for her beauty more than her personality perhaps but that had always suited her, wanting by nature to avoid entanglements, despite living in a society where entanglement was demanded of a woman if she was to be seen as worthwhile or successful.
The lovemaking Jeanette had just experienced with Mireau had seemed normal enough despite the casual nature of their introduction. She had been engrossed in the enjoyment of being invaded and surveyed by a stranger whom she had only been introduced to earlier this evening when she had become aware of quiet sounds to her left. Twisting her head she had seen the uninvited lovers parading without shame on the carpeted floor against the wall. She had seen Danella sucking gently at Valery’s stem, observed and appreciated the fine display of her shapely body while she enjoyed the sight of Valery’s muscled form, and took pleasure from his pained expression as his excitement ebbed and flowed. She had observed with interest how gracefully Danella rose and took her place beside him gently squeezing his firm penis as she stimulated it while he fingered her.
She had imagined herself receiving the gentle ministrations of Valery even as Mireau’s straining form locked into her. Then she had returned her attention to Mireau’s strong but dainty body as she sensed that her own and his mounting excitement would converge, all the while driven by the knowledge that she was being watched by the other lovers. The effect of being watched had been quite magical. Their presence in the room was the symbol of their encouragement. Their lovemaking made it a shared experience lessening the importance of her own performance. She could take her time in falling to the depths of pleasure. The observers were not counting her orgasms or measuring her pleasure. Even so she felt slightly cheated that they would pursue their own pursuits, observing her own performance the less. She could now admit to herself because she had experienced the feelings, that she wanted others to watch her in the act of making love. When Valery and Danella’s eyes had been upon her she felt the greatest of thrills, which had spurred her on to orgasm.
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