Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.5: Cultural Exchange (Part 3: Section 1)

By Kurt Rellians
- 478 reads
Chapter 5 : Cultural Exchange
Part 3 : Section 1
She tired of the endless succession of soldiers. The Priestesses attempted to make their worship interesting. With the more adventurous soldiers they encouraged them to take part in group rituals of the sorts popular in Pirion. One soldier would be aroused by two, three, four or more Priestesses at the same time. While one took his penis in her mouth the others would kiss and fondle his body, one taking his mouth in a long sensual kiss while the others massaged this torso and stroked and slapped softly beneath his testicles and between his buttocks. They would hold and arouse him thus for a long time, even more than an hour, until he came in whimpering, shattering climax, or they would let him enter each of them in turn, in a variety of different positions until he came wildly inside one of them.
The Priestesses were now better able to choose the conditions of their employment. As the weeks since the surrender of the city passed the soldiers ceased to behave with the same degree of confidence and of violence. They seemed to recognise that after a period of time the normal rules of law returned even to a conquered city. They began to treat the ladies of Dalos as they would their own of Prancir, that is, with more than sexual respect, but with politeness and relative equality. They knew now that they could no longer beat and dominate these ladies, and if they spoke angrily or rudely to them they would not receive the special treatment they so desired. When a Priestess was tired of a certain position it was better for them to withdraw and follow her will. When a Priestess was sore they might perhaps allow her to apply more lubricant or be persuaded to let her finish him off with her hands, against her breasts or her mouth.
The Priestesses began to show the men their tricks. They would pant without modesty as they instructed their ‘customers’ how to excite them. Sometimes they would arouse each other for the benefit of onlooking soldiers. Danella enjoyed the activities of sex again after the harmful misuses which had nearly destroyed its pleasure at the conquest. Again the Priestesses began to worship not only with their bodies, but with their minds also. They were able to control their activities by pretending they were busy when they wished to rest, and by taking it in turns to be on duty.
Life was beginning to seem, very much as it had done before the Empire was invaded by the Vanmarian armies in some respects. The Priestesses reverted to their role as willing sexual servants for the male population, except that now the male population were foreign soldiers who initially at least treated them as subservient. They organised themselves and their ‘customers’ until they had as much choice about the frequency and quality of their ‘worship’ as they had done before. The males of the Empire had always been their equals in every respect. The Vanmarians had a different way. The men were accustomed to respect from women but the Priestesses soon found they had a control over these men which could not have been possible in Pirion.
The Prancirian men were not accustomed to the sexual variety or the tender care the Priestesses offered so they became more humble and grateful in their presence. Very soon many of them showed great respect towards the Priestesses.
Danella was pleased that life for the Priestesses and the other ladies of Dalos was returning to some kind of normality.
Nothing could excuse the needless deaths, the painful injuries, the wasted time, and all the misery of the conquered . The males of the city were treated less well than the Priestesses and other ladies pressed into the service of the new masters. They worked in camps for the conquerors doing the various tasks that their conquerors required of them, or in the city, rebuilding and repairing for the use of the conquerors. They were worked long hours and hard by their captors. The work they performed was not all necessary. Many of the officers assigned to administer them seemed to take enjoyment in treating their prisoners harshly. Many duties were pointless, such as building something which they were then instructed to knock down. Materials would be ordered to be carried from one place to another. Then the officer in charge would shake his head and decide that it should have been taken to another place, and order it done, even if the men were exhausted from moving the original distance. Then it would still not be right and would have to be moved again, and again. They were purposely set tasks which had no logical purpose. It appeared that there was a policy to make them work hard, even if there was no work which needed doing.
Danella began to feel secure gain. Months had passed since the conquest of the city. They were all becoming citizens again. Changes were appearing in the government of the city. The Prancirian armies no longer treated Dalos as an outpost to be held against possible counter attack from the Imperial forces. The front had moved on and the soldiers were leaving the city on a new campaign further south towards the heartland of the Empire. This fact did not make her comfortable. She hated to think that these foreign destroyers were winning the war and steadily carving up the territory of the Empire amongst themselves.
Her own civilisation which had controlled this continent and most of the world for as long as the memory of her people could remember, was being gradually reduced. If it continued there would come a time when it would collapse. The control of the surviving armies would be lost and the armies would be spread, fighting rearguard actions in the mountains, jungles and deserts. When that time came there would be no purpose in fighting on. There would be no civilisation of the Goddess left. The people would be under the control of the Vanmarian nations and they would be forced to join the strange traditions of the men from across the sea, the full extent of which she did not yet fully appreciate. She had already tasted their ways in these months of warfare, misery, death and servitude. They were barbarians really, with little respect for life and pleasure, driven by heartless leaders who knew only warfare, conquest and competition. Their leaders could only reward their soldiers with conquered populations on which to carry out their neglected lust. She did not want her own people to end up like this, their lives wasted and bitter, but the Vanmarians were inexorably moving towards that goal.
Many of the soldiers stayed in Dalos as many others left to further conquests, but new soldiers came to take their place from Prancir. Dalos was an occupied city and troops still needed to occupy and hold it if only to create unnecessary work for the men in the camps, and to enjoy the pleasures of the exotic captive priestesses.
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