Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.9: Concessions (Part 5 - Section 2)

By Kurt Rellians
- 398 reads
“That’s right, you’re getting the hang of it,” she laughed. “I am your other wife, your mistress. I’ve read about them in Prancirian books. Every important Prancirian man has one. Now you’re in Pirion you can have as many as you want.”
“I don’t want any more. But I do want one.” He had turned quite serious now, “and you are the one I want.” He was on top of her now pinning her to the bed with his strong body, enfolding her pretty body in the tight shell of his arms and legs. She struggled gaily, laughing with pleasure and making mock resistance. He brought his face down to nuzzle against her throat, and licking profusely over her extended neck as she threw her head back in invitation. His chest bore down upon hers his own nipples brushing against hers as he swayed from side to side over her. She lifted her crotch to his and found his firm muscled leg to press against, bringing a quiver of pleasure to her. She felt also his hardened penis squashed against the flat of her stomach just above and to the side of her public bone. It added to her pleasure. Her arms enveloped him as he licked her face, finding her mouth and invading it with his tongue.
Again he made love to her in his own bed without penetrating her with his penis. This time his own needs were not immediately urgent and he turned his fingers to the task of moulding her sweet clitoris into ecstatic sensation. He held her down with his body as she thrust wildly beneath him, pushing her pulus against him as the waves of hunger took her. It seemed that she was like the vessel tossed helplessly on a wild sea as the tide and waves seared over her, causing her body to shudder and flinch in increasing torment. He controlled her nipples and her groin, turning her on and off at his wish. As she ground against him under the whiplash of her orgasm he wanted so much to plunge his enraged member deep into her ovaries, to make her his wife and to bring himself peace. But he held firmly to his principle and made do with its rubbing between his and her flesh until her orgasms subsided.
She tried to wriggle from under him as she sought his penis, but he would not let her at first. Then when the ache in his penis became too much to bear and he needed release he let her go. In an instant she made for his organ attaching it to the inside of her mouth as her tongue worked upon it. She had scrabbled and rolled around until she could reach him and not lay the other way around. He caught her quim in his own mouth and gobbled upon it hungrily, tasting the hairs and the lubricants which surrounded and came out of it. He buried his face in her hole, seeking the subterranean passages within his tongue snaking and flickering in every crevice drawing her towards new and more tumultuous orgasms.
She held his penis in her soft hands deep into her throat holding it there for long periods, sucking gently as if it were her mother’s teat before bringing it out so that she may breath more freely again and wank its wet foreskin quickly with tight fingers. He began to groan and the pace of his breathing became uneven and panicked. She was overtaken by a desire which came upon her to have his fierce engine between her legs and to feel its creamy emission deeper within her aching passageways. “Put it inside” she asked of him, “I need it,” but he was beyond words at first as he heaved in the panic of his own ecstasy.
Then he said, “I want to, but I must not.” His panic had subsided again and briefly he was in control again. “Let me place it between your breasts.” She nodded, knowing how close he was to eruption. He lifted himself quickly, his hands controlling his penis, and turned, sitting astride Danella’s stomach and placing his penis between her fleshy mounds. He leaned forward and placing one hand between arm and breast, with the other he pulled rapidly on his foreskin. She too reached for his organ, clumsily touching it as it wiped over her breasts pointing to her inert face. Jerking heavily his breath became ragged again. “Come into me. Squirt my face,” she said slowly, compelling him to target her and to follow her words. “Spill your juice all over me. Bathe me in your seed. Wash me with it.”
He howled without caution. No woman had ever spoken to him like this. It confirmed to him that she was a whore, but he did not despise her for it. She made him feel that he belonged to her. She controlled him. She had the power to make him come or to slow him. Without her words of instruction he could not ejaculate. She determined when he would come and when he should hold. He felt not like a General at that moment, but as a child. However much of his education and his authority surpassed hers it was unimportant. Her authority was greater for she controlled his whole being. He wanted to possess her completely, thrusting into her groin, but instead he stared demented at her succulent female form, the shape of her delicious shoulder, her full soft breasts against his penis, her pretty arms and the eyes boring into his, instructing him to bathe her with his fluid. Then the blinding fever was over him and the room spun as his penis erupted in his hand. For a long minute he jerked feverishly, agonising breath exhaled from his lips. Hot cream gushed from him, draping her, splashing first a thin column darting from her chin. Another splashed over her left breast, another her right, and the next funnelling between them. His penis waved around and messily deposited its excretions upon her. Then the feeling was gone as his hand continued mechanically to wank the carriage of his penis.
He surfaced to the world as he had known it. He was a General again and this was his room and he was fulfilled and happy. But the fever had gone. He was no longer under her control. With mystified pleasure he gazed as she brought his semen to her mouth wiping it up with her fingers from her chest, playing with it on her tongue and wiping it around her mouth over her lips. “Come let me lick it,” she beckoned him to bring his still erect penis to her mouth. Of his own free will he did so. She took the ball of his penis in her lips licking the seed, wrapping it around her tongue as his panting subsided.
“Shall I go now” asked Danella, after she had nursed him for a long time, as they lay together, in Ravelleon’s bed. It was late at night now, very late.
“I have work to do tomorrow,” said Ravelleon reluctantly. “You may postpone it if you like surely,” she suggested. “Not if I wish to maintain my position here,” he said dryly.
“Surely some of it could be delayed,” she said, not seriously. “Yes some,” he admitted. She thought of him living here in comfort while his troops suffered more cramped conditions. She wondered when he had last gazed at the barrels of Pirionite or Vanmarian guns, within range of them. She wondered when his authority had last been questioned by anyone around him. He was surely established and secure in his position.
“In wars a General is always under close scrutiny,” he said, as if to answer her unexpressed question. “If I do not act when I am supposed to act, or if I act unduly there is always criticism. The government is always conscious of public opinion and is itself under pressure.”
“I should go,” she conceded, “or I will spend the whole night here in your comfortable bed.” She wanted to sleep now but the General had seemed keen to cradle her and to talk gently, which she had enjoyed; He made her feel important. She loved the privacy of this large room and the luxury of all this space. She wanted to be away from the dormitory. For all that she loved and felt she belonged with her fellow Priestesses, she often ached to be alone, or more alone, not to have the prying eyes of her ‘sisters’ and the visiting soldiers observing her even as she engrossed herself in reading one of Paul’s books.
She liked to avoid sometimes the aimless chatter which ebbed and flowed among the Priestesses. It was for this reason partly that she had so enjoyed the times she spent with Paul. He, like Ravelleon, talked to her about matters which interested her. If Paul was a softer more easygoing character, Ravelleon was all the more attractive to her due to his strong good looks, and to the strength of his self confidence which, she supposed, came partly from being used to power, but also from something inside him. She had enjoyed particularly those occasional nights when Paul had invited her to stay overnight in his room, but she knew it cost him more and she was satisfied with evenings of sexual bonding and conversation. Paul had been willing to spend much of his money on her. She was special to him, and he to her. It seemed that now she would enjoy a similar relationship with Ravelleon, and she looked forward to it. But maybe for his own reasons he could not have her in his bed all night.
“I don’t want you to go,” he said, “I would prefer you to stay here in my rooms all the time. However, I am a General of Prancir and married. I owe my first duty to my country. That means I must be ready to rise in the morning and work hard for my country. My second duty is to my wife. I have broken some of the spirit of my duty to her by being with you like this but I must not break any more of my loyalty to her. I cannot let you stay until the morning. It would be another breach and it would be deemed by my officers and men to be more of a betrayal of my wife than spending time with a Priestess. So go now, when you are ready but I wish to see you again. Will you visit me again in 2 nights, at the same time of the day. Again I will feed you.”
Danella noticed that he did not suggest that she stay away if she wished. He wanted her and he would do everything possible to encourage her to visit him now. She guessed that even if she had wanted to refuse he would have used all his persuasion to encourage her to come to him. And if she had refused him, would he have ordered her to his bed? He had that power, but she could not put him to such a test. She wanted him as he wanted her. And so she went from him in the middle of the night. His guard was awoken from the chair where he slumbered to escort her back across the city. It was not the guard who had saved her from her nightmares three weeks before.
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