Princil's Magic : Ch.10 : Festival At Bricas (Part 1: Section 2)

By Kurt Rellians
- 426 reads
The climb began along the path and upwards towards the pillars of the Palace, he began to pant and sweat and loosened his robes to cool down. Others seemed to be doing likewise. As they climbed, and he saw other festival goers on other paths heading up the same hill, some of the people began to discard more of their robes. He saw some younger women ahead take off their robes altogether, and to his great surprise, discard them completely beside the path. He was quite shocked at this sudden and unexpected event, and suddenly quite aroused by the beauty of these young women; even he who had seen many bodies, alive, dead and in pain, in his time, and who might have been expected to be quite unmoved by the human body by now. Others stripped parts of their garments, but most carried the discarded items with them. He now had a greater inkling of what direction this festival might be going in. He knew many rumours of the ways of Shalirion and could hardly be surprised at the sexual appearance of a festival of the lascivious Goddess of these people. He found the sexual promise, whatever it may turn out to be, to be exciting and arousing.
The Palace of the Goddess was very large. The festival communicants filed eagerly into the hall between the pillars on the first level. The hall was roofed but open to the elements between some of the pillars. He imagined that probably in winter screens might wall it from nature’s storms. But now in the high summer the warm continental air could circulate, and the sunlight. Priests and Priestesses stood at tables in the middle of the large hall, serving a drink from large bowls to the participants in silver goblets. As Aribor approached he joined a queue of people waiting for a Priestess to serve them. However goblets were to be shared for he was passed a goblet from a woman who had already drunk.
“Here sir, drink from the fountain of the Goddess,” said the bountiful woman, whose robe had slipped from one ample breast, but not the other.
“What is it?” he enquired of her, wondering if he would be wise to drink of it.
“Why, have you not drunk it before?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
“No. I am a stranger to this city,” he admitted.
“It is the nectar of the Goddess. I warn you that whoever you accept this from may become a sharer this eve,” she explained.
“You mean you will be mine?” he ventured.
“Or you will be mine, for by offering I have chosen you,” she explained, with a humour in her smile. He could not tell if she were completely serious in what she said.
As he had no objection to the woman who was middle aged and comely he said, “I would gladly accept a sip from a woman such as you if the aim is to find someone to share.” He did not know exactly if sharing were what he thought it might be, but he thought it was highly likely. “But do tell me what does the drink do, what is it?”
“The drink will put us all at our ease. We all drink it at this festival. It will make your cock stand tall with little effort, and us women will desire most men they can see.”
“Will we forget ourselves, lose our senses?” he asked.
“It will make you bolder, and greedier, but you will still know who you are. It is not harmful. Drink and you will find out!”
“I will,” he declared. He gently sipped at the nectar. A pleasant rich taste ran down his throat, it seemed harmless and pleasant enough.
He waited for some change in feeling but nothing obvious to him came. “Does it take a while, or is it instant?”
“It creeps up on you,” she laughed, “but do not be concerned. You will appreciate the change when you need it.”
“What happens next?” he asked.
“When you have drunk a few sips pass the goblet on. Find someone else nearby whom you find attractive and pass it on. They also will return the compliment later. The Priestesses and Priests will guide us.”
More Priestesses came to the bowls in the middle of the huge room. A High Priestess stood on a raised box or stage so she could be seen and heard. She was tall with a long and beautiful face, and began speaking. “The midsummer festival is upon us again. Yet this year there are disturbances in the balance of the world. Cruel invaders have landed in places upon our coast. Not content with laying waste in the north, they have landed at Cromilil and destroyed many lives and much history. They are proceeding along the coast towards Vedalis. So this festival has added purpose. We will celebrate our freedom and safety. We will bond ourselves together so that we give strength to each other. Remember we are not self. We are community, living and caring for each other, loving and taking sustenance and pleasure from each other!”
Without more ceremony music was struck up from the centre of the room. Stringed instruments created a rich and rhythmic tapestry of music, accompanied by drumbeats and the wailing of singers. The light dimmed as the sunlight diminished; lamps were lit inside. Priests and Priestesses came through the large hall, dividing the people into smaller groups, joining hands, linking strangers together, leading the dance, a communal dance , in which partners swapped and continually the people were mixed up with the others in their group. Aribor found the experience quite novel. It was many years since he had participated in dancing in the homeland of his youth. He and his people had changed since then. This seemed innocent by comparison with the dominating and brutal ways of his own people today. All here seemed innocent, innocent of guile or dishonesty, of cruelty and greed. He felt refreshed to be amongst them. He found many of the women appealing, the mature ones of his own age, and those who were younger. He danced with them smiling, conscious particularly of those who had discarded their robes already, or partially. He focused upon their ripe breasts and their smooth necklines, appreciating the shape of them as they danced. Perhaps the drug was helping him to feel attraction, he was not sure.
Suddenly the music stopped. The leading High Priestess shouted out, “Now is the time to disrobe. Please remove your clothing. Let us all be as one! Join with each other. Create the bonding we need. Our lusts will help to bring us closer, and to protect us all.”
Across the hall all of the participants who had not already done so took off their remaining clothes and robes, leaving them where they were on the floor. People who had been eyeing each other up offered themselves to each other. Priests and Priestesses, also disrobed, took an active role in introducing the people to each other.
A priestess joined his hands with the bountiful woman, the one who had first passed the goblet to him. She came close and embraced him immediately, melting into his arms. Hungrily he responded, finding a swift passion for her ample bosom, and her wet passages. His cock was instantly hardened , almost bursting from his foreskin. By mutual understanding she pulled him down to the soft floor and he was inside her with his cock, sharing it with her wet insides. Quickly she exhorted him to fuck her as hard as he could, and without much effort on his part, her wetness exploded, her head pulled back in orgasm, mouth open for breath, and wildly moaning. Her moans mixed with the moans of hundreds of others in these halls of communality. As she recovered she begged him to repeat his onslaught. He did so as he regarded the sea of bodies nearby, all moving in graceful ripples, like the rise and fall of waves emanating from his own movements upon that warm body. As her next orgasm developed he joined her this time, exhaling his tensions and his stresses, allowing the evils of his life to flood out of him and wash away.
As he rested his cock seemed not to lose its large shape. He observed all of the people around him in their sexual thrashings and their shaking orgasms, the beautiful women and the ardent men. The priestesses would not let them rest for long. An observant priestess, now unrobed but duty bound to bring the people together before she joined them in the general activity encouraged him up laying her soft hands upon him and bringing him to the attractive woman he had passed the goblet to. The woman was slender and younger than he, her hair dishevelled by the embraces she had already spent herself in. The drug must be powerful because she was more than ready for her next embrace, and he too, on seeing such a beautiful creature, was keen to use his already wet cock upon her. She hungrily came forward and kissed him on the lips, opening her mouth wide and pushing her tongue straight into his. Instantly he loved her taste, and his hands grasped her smooth buttocks and explored her dainty breasts. She beckoned him down onto the floor so she could mount him and he acquiesced without complaint, wanting with all his soul at that moment to connect with her in as many places as bodily possible. He wanted to become one with her as she evidently did with him. He could not really understand why she should take such an interest in one such as him who had grown so big in the belly as the years of wild feasting and drinking, and the evils of his magic had taken their toll upon his greedy body, but perhaps the drug made her impervious to all of that. It was true that he only saw beauty in the bodies of all the females around him. It appeared to be like a kind of magic, but he did not bother to question it as he swam in its delicious sea.
They were encouraged to engage with all of the appropriate opposite sex in their group in some form so the bonding was made communally. The priestesses brought them closer together. Another woman’s hips were placed over his face while the younger woman who straddled him began to fondle and explore the new woman’s body. Instinctively he began to lick the new woman’s wet crotch and found her juicy clitoris. They all became one. He, a stranger from a distant land, was able, with no questions asked, to join the most intimate activities of Shalirionite society with its innocent and unsuspecting people.
The new woman became close to her next orgasm and another man was bidden to come close and fuck her from behind. He witnessed her final shaking as the ecstasy came upon her, the wetness spraying over his head. The younger woman laid down for him and bid him to enter her again, as another man fondled and kissed her. He lost himself in her lovely flesh as he felt the warmth of many hands upon his flesh. He emptied his soul of the tensions which beset him and allowed their goddess to slip inside his mind.
As he came to the final moments of his sharing, the woman he was with became Remzain in his mind. He returned to those precious moments he had felt as he relieved himself into Remzain’s perfection. Afterwards, as reality returned he felt a peace he had not felt since he left the beauty to go to the Council Hall in Cromilil. He knew she was lost to him, but amongst her fellow Shalirionites he had been able to find her again.
As he woke up from the dreams which had been real, the women he had shared still surrounded him. Some had found new partners to satiate their continuing passions. Some shivered together in little groups, touching each other and holding hands, gazing into each other’s eyes as they thrashed in mutual orgasms, drawing inspiration from each other. The drug still throbbed in him and made him erect again, but he had found Remzain already and achieved his peace. He watched, absorbed by the continuing scenes around him.
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