Princil's Magic : Charlerion's Concubine : Ch.7 (Part 1)

By Kurt Rellians
- 557 reads
Chapter 7 :Charlerion’s Concubine (Part 1)
The hotel which King Charlerion had occupied reminded her of Guthelm’s. The new Palace was one of the leading hostelries of the city, picked by the leaders of the new occupation. There were carvings of figures of men and women in poses of enjoyment and relaxation, semi and fully naked, all over the frontage. They were a celebration of Shalirion’s leisurely lifestyle of the past and the skill and artistry of its craftsmen and women.
Charlerion, the King, dressed in his finest blue tunic, had come to stand in front of his new Palace to greet her. She felt the tingle of excitement she had felt when she had first seen him, and when their eyes had met at the feast. He had made it plain he wanted her, and she had gone so far as to kiss her. She felt the same strong attraction she had felt before. Partly she wondered why this high born man might want her, but she was grateful to be freed from the enslavement of being Guthelm’s concubine, a man she could only despise.
“I welcome you Remzain, into my Household,” he greeted her. “I place this ring upon your beautiful finger as a symbol of your service to me as one of my concubines, but also as a sign of my commitment to look after you, to treat you as a member of my Household, and of my Royal Court. You may bear me children, and serve me with your beauty and your attention.”
Guthelm had done nothing like this. She felt Charlerion’s gift was almost like the offer of marriage. Despite the desperate straits of her city, her family and her land, she found she was able to let him slip it on her finger without feeling any complaint within her. Her heart was able to leap, and when he kissed her her response was the genuine seal of some kind of mutual contract, despite her status as a concubine.
There were cheers from soldiers nearby, and from courtiers and ladies present.
Charlerion welcomed her, “Come into your new home Remzain! Do you like the new drapes I had brought in? Come upstairs. See the rooms in this building.” She realised, from his tone, these Animarians had not seen buildings quite this beautiful or well developed as these. Charlerion and his people were particularly impressed by them. He was excited to possess such buildings.
He took her hand and led her upstairs enthusiastically, “This is my suite.”
“Charlerion, sire. There is something I want to know,” she asked, finding it difficult to persuade him to listen.
“What, my love?”
“Do you have a queen?”
“Yes. She is in Pelancir. I also have two other concubines so far. Do not be worried Remzain. I favour you very much, but I look after those who I have chosen to be mine very well. Be assured you will have a good life with me. I feel great love towards you. You will be like a queen.
“One my concubines is with me here. You will meet her soon, later. Jacqueline will be like a sister to you. She will be a friend. She is not jealous. Like her you will find you have influence and a certain freedom.”
Despite her surprise at her newfound importance, and the seeming generosity of this beautiful man, she could not quite believe the words he was telling her. He was an Animarian King, as Guthelm was, and conqueror of her city. Despite his words she knew she must be at his mercy. She could hardly be a Queen of Pelancir when there was one of those already. Perhaps one day she would be discarded by him, as Guthelm had so easily discarded her.
She followed the long haired King up the staircase, he leading her by the hand. They had left behind the other servants of the King.
“I am so pleased you were able to come to me,” he declared, overjoyed it seemed.
“King Guthelm has given me to you,” she said.
“I hope you are pleased. Of course I arranged it with him. Please tell me you are grateful beautiful lady.”
“I am grateful! I do not think King Guthelm appreciated me all that much,” she admitted.
“I will certainly appreciate you. To me you are amongst the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I would like to prove it now. Your bags are safe in the hostel. We will show you which room is to be yours later, but you will not need to sleep there tonight. Tonight you will sleep with me, and right now we will discover each other. Are you ready Remzain? Or do I make you uncomfortable?”
She felt much elevated in status. This King appeared to be so besotted with her. She worried that he had placed his expectations too high, that she might not live up to them. Like all adult women of Shalirion she was very familiar with the sexual arts and had enjoyed many partners, even though she was yet young. But Charlerion was so important amongst his people, and so handsome, so charming. She wondered whether he would remain so satisfied with her as he seemed to be now. What if she disappointed him.
“I am ready whenever you want me my King. Obviously I would rather my city had not been invaded, that my people were alive and free. But I am very grateful that you seem to value me. My station has been much improved by joining your household. I will serve you well if you want me in your bedchamber, in gratitude. You are a man who can inspire my heart so I will love you as well as I can.”
“I am pleased to hear this Remzain. I can sympathise with the plight of your city, even though I have been a part of its downfall, but I am pleased to hear you are willing to serve me willingly. Please come in to my room and feel at home.” He led her into his room and brought her to him, smothering her with kisses and wrapping his arms around her. He found her pliant. Her mouth was soon open and he invaded it with his tongue. He began to loosen her dress and pulled it down to lay at her feet. Her underclothes were soon unfastened and he beheld her naked, running his warm hands over her flesh, kissing her breasts, her neck and shoulders.
Her passion was high. She could hardly wait to be possessed by him, after two weeks of abstinence except her possession by Guthelm’s crudeness and before that Aribor’s less than inspiring unwashed carcass. There was no resistance in her at all, not the slightest desire to halt the headlong rush of her passion.
He explored every crevasse and limb of her, brushed his powerful hands through her dark hair, and finally led her onto the four poster bed, as he came out of his own clothes as swiftly as he might. He was rampant, as beautiful and as powerful as a lion, strong and in the prime of life.
She eagerly opened herself to him and let him mount her urgently, taking him deep into her fragile body. He flung himself upon her working himself up towards a fine crescendo very swiftly. It seemed too quick for both of them. As she gazed into his eyes she began to flow with her own juice. Tormented with eager lust she gave in to the tides of passion which was upon her and allowed her pleasure to consume her. Seeing the beauty respond to him so well inspired the King also. As she melted in passion he fucked her hard with an overpowering passion. Quickly his seed spouted into her deepest cavern and his possession was complete.
They lay still for moments, then she wanted more, but she could not have it because he was spent for the time being. As consciousness returned she thought, ‘maybe I will have babies to this man!’ She had taken none of the remedies of Shalirion, there being none to be had in Guthelm’s new palace. She knew she should not want any conqueror’s babies, but she entertained the premonition that she could well mother this King’s children. She was not sure that it could be right, as her homeland lay in ruins, but she could not dislike the idea. Her body had craved for him. Mother nature, the Goddess, could not object. They were made for each other!
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