The Rebellion from Awe
By lailoken
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At the time of awe, humanity had yet to be differentiated from the animals. The Kingdom of Heaven, then, as now, was ruled by the omnipotent sky god Jove, under his austere dictatorship, heaven was very peaceful, but some might have said, a little boring.
Now, Shetani, the goddess of magic, was admired by many, and even Jove himself was not averse to an infrequent illicit rendezvous in her apple grove, despite his loathing of serpents. Eventually, their union produced a son, who was given the title Prince Lucifer; the child of light, for Lucifer was a golden child who brought joy and laughter to the suppressed realm.
As Lucifer grew he invented culture, passing it on to both gods and mortals, till their lives were filled with music, song and dance, poetry, theatre, art and philosophy. Yet some inevitably grew jealous of the prince’s popularity, including the warrior gods Gabriel and Mikael. The archangels plotted against Lucifer, sowing the seeds of suspicion in the mind of their Lord, who was already disgruntled with the noisome nature of humour and entertainment.
So, eventually, the golden boy was brought before the All Seeing Father to answer the charges of treason brought by the warrior gods.
Rumblings of thunder and flashes of lightning accompanied the words of God: “My son, you bring rebellion and discontent to my kingdom with your new fangled ideas and self-indulgent ways. So I demand a return to the peace and tranquillity of the time before you were born, and an oath that from now on, you will faithfully follow the path that I tread.”
Lucifer bowed respectfully as he spoke in a soft melodic voice: “My Lord I cannot do so, for such is not my nature and I will not swear false oaths.”
The gods of war began drawing their blades, but Jove commanded them to heel, before passing his judgement. “You shall return to your palace and there carefully contemplate the consequences of high treason.”
Lucifer found the palace thronged with supporters who had flocked to Shetani’s side upon hearing the news of the arrest. By virtue of her magical arts, they were able to escape the city of God and ascend higher up the mountain, followed closely by the battalions of Mikael. Below the snow capped peak, the rebels made their last stand, as the host of heaven, bolstered by Gabriel’s division, closed in on three sides.
“They are legion,” cried Shetani. “My enchantments can no longer hold them.
Up arose prince Lucifer in starlight
Wielding the sword of destiny,
The light of the world.
The first battle of Armageddon was joined, as angel mutilated angel in the bitter frenzy of internecine warfare. Initially, the rebels were able to hold their own, till the superior numbers of their persecutors began to tell, pushing them towards the brink of the summit.
A horn sounded and Gabriel stepped forward to deliver an ultimatum: “Yield now or face banishment forever, for none may withstand the wrath of Jove.”
Smiling like a devil, Lucifer leapt from the mountain, followed by Shetani and their comrades in arms.
But some say that Shetani was the daughter of the Universal Mother, whom even Jove the usurper dare not displease, and so the earth opened up to accommodate them. And thus the rebels found sanctuary in the underworld, among Shetani’s sisters, from whence they sally forth at every opportunity, bringing joy and enlightenment to humanity.