The Outcast - Chapter Four
By Leno
- 612 reads
He pauses and turns to look at me. "It's okay," he says with a small smile. "I don't mind leaving. If this is your place, I'll leave you to it. It doesn't bother me any, I understand."
The strange thing is, he really DOES understand. I can see it in his blue eyes. "No," I say. "Really, it's okay. You can stay."
"Are you sure? I can go-"
"No," I cut in, maybe a little too quickly. I mentally shake myself before continuing. "Honestly, you're not bothering me. Yes, this is kinda my place, I guess, but you can stay." Damn it, why is there a desperate tone in my voice? I struggle to rid myself of it. "Really."
He frowns. "If you're sure," he says quietly, and then turns back to face the water. "I won't bother you too long." he sits down on the ground at the water's edge.
"What do you mean?" I question, sitting down next to him. He hasn't decided that he hates me yet, maybe he won't. I don't want him to hate me like everyone else.
"If this is your place, I won't intrude long. I'll leave here in a minute."
"But-" he cuts me off.
"No, it's okay," he says with an easy smile that I find myself returning. I can't help it, it's contagious. "Besides, I have to be getting back anyway."
"Back where?"
He doesn't answer.
"....Do you go to school?"
He sighs. "Maybe. If we stay here."
"You're new?" I ask, then mentally slap myself. Of course he's new; I've never seen him before. Duh. Idiot.
He nods. "Yeah, I'm new. If we stay here, I'll be going to school, but if not...." he shrugs for an answer. I sigh and close my eyes, letting the cool evening breeze filter around me. He seems content to let it dance around him, too. When I open my eyes again, he's looking at me. "What's your name?" he asks.
I pause. "Kyal," I answer without much thought.
He nods. "I'm Jordan, nice to meet ya."
"Likewise," I say, a smile in my voice. He hears it and smiles, then returns his attention to the water.
A silence passes over us, but it's not awkward. It's comfortable and natural. We're content, or at least I am. I think he is too. Then, after a few minutes, he rises to his feet and stretches. I look at him, puzzled.
"I gotta go, kid," he says.
Kid. Again. I've been reduced to kid. But the way he says it...I dunno, it doesn't seem so bad. "Why?" I hear myself ask. Inwardly, I frown. I shouldn't be questioning him, but I am. I give a mental shrug and go with it.
"I just do, it's getting late. Thanks for letting me stay here, it really calmed me down." he smiles again. I smile back and get to my feet.
"Will you come back?" I ask, meaning: will I see you here again?
He pauses, sensing my loaded question. "I dunno," he answers at last, with a small sigh in his voice. My eyes drop to the ground. "We might be leaving in the morning. If we are, then I won't. If we stay, then...I'll be seeing you around."
I nod; I have to accept it.
"Okay," I murmur.
He gives a chuckle to himself at my obvious discomfort to this fact. "Don't worry so much," he says. "We'll probably stay, but I can't rightly say for sure." he turns to leave, his hand raised in farewell. "See ya around, maybe."
"Yeah," I call back. "See ya..." I sigh. Maybe.
He doesn't hate me.
He has to be the first.
He doesn't resent me for no reason.
He's giving me a chance.
Thank you.
I turn and head back to the house. Hopefully, Dad is still conked out on the couch and I can just go up and get some sleep. Maybe tonight's dreams will be pleasant; hopefully I've forgotten about Sandra's death and can focus on the meeting of, hopefully, a friend.
A friend.
That's a nice thought.
I hope it's more than just a thought.
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