Shadow Field Prologue- Crystals
By Leno
- 635 reads
~Part One- Amaru the Dragon~
In the midst of all that there ever was, all that there is, and all that will ever be lies the crystal. The Crystal of Home is its name, though it has had many names, most of which have been lost to mankind. The Crystal of Hope lights our way, guiding us, and lets us keep hoping, even in the darkest of times. The crystal is a powerful object to be cherished and protected, of which many have been willing to do for a long time, guarding it with their lives. Lives were lost in some cases, and other lives were either badly injured or changed completely, their minds erased. The Crystal of Hope has three brothers: the Crystal of Despair, the Crystal of Darkness, and the Crystal of Light. Together, they kept the world balanced. If that balance was ever disturbed though, chaos would fall upon the land, destroying all that there was, all that there is, and all that will ever be. Or so that's the legend anyway, and those who guard the crystals know the risks, but are rather willing to defend it. If the crystals ever fell into the wronghands...the planet, Amia, would turn against the people. If that were to happen, disaster would befall all, extinguishing the thread that keeps humanity alive and thriving.
The people of Amia only arrived on it two hundred years ago, and they weren't sure what it was, other than a giant chunk of landmass. The waters had been dark, green, and hadn't smelled so hot. The forests that covered two-thirds of the land had been nothing but a hauntingly terrifying place to be, as the trees had been dark and scary looking, and the wind had howled as it raced through it, giving the people impressions of something coming at them. The forests had been dimly lit, and the people of Amia had been given the impression that there was someone, something, out there. Children had been known to disappear into the trees to never return, or so that's what parents told their kids to keep them from going in them, from going of sight without their knowing. NO one liked the trees, the fear, the knowledge that anything could be out there, and chances were whatever was out there wasn't too friendly, and was probably famished. Civilazation moved to a few of the less-crowded areas, where there weren't that many scary looking trees. Some found clearings in the woods, and were forced to be in by nightfall, as no one knew for sure what would happen if you were in the forest at night, what creatures lurked there, hungry and starving for the taste of human flesh.
For years, people learned the ways of the land. They learned that magical creatures thrived throughout Amia, and that some of them were ruthless and cruel, and wished humanity dead and gone from the land. But some were nice and wanted to help them. These that helped, these spirits, beings, whatever you wished to call them, were named Crusians. They were the guardians of the people in many ways, and civilization cherished having them on their side, as they were powerful. Whenever a human was born, they were given their own personal Crusian, of which would grow with the human and guard them dearly. Parents felt safer with the guardians there, protecting both them and their young.
But some still worried about the crystals, and for good reason. The land began to turn on them suddenly, and it was so unexpected that many lost their lives, as they hadn't seen it coming, they hadn't been able to prepare or anything. For many years, battles raged througout Amia, land agaisnt flesh. It was nothing but a blood bath, for the humans hadn't the slightest idea how to kill the planet, nor did they want to. They couldn't understand what had happened. When they learned, though, it came as a shock.
The crystals, three of them, had been stolen, their guards slain and beheaded. They'd gone missing, and someone or something was using their powers against makind, forcing them back into darkness. Nowhere was realtively safe, but they found places where some of the beings wanted to help them. Many of the humans were forced out into the Dry Lands, and they struggled to find food and water. It was safer out there, but not better really. Some stayed in the trees, training young men and women to fight and defend the young, so that they, if not the elders, could have a chance at a better life.
The humans lived in fear, despereately hoping that something would happen. They didn't want to feel that way anymore; so they hoped and prayed. So did their guardians. They al hoped that there would be a miracle, that someone would hear their prayers and come to their aid. They prayed to Ariiu, their god.
They needed a miracle. They needed a miracle that even Ariiu himself couldn't make happen. they wanted to be free of the land, to live as they once had, to have a better place for their children, and their chiledren's children, to thrive and grow, to become charming and brave men and women. They needed a miracle.
But that miracle isn't going to be what they expected. Oh no, it's going to come from a young boy, traveling to help, and his friends. Their bond will be strong, their will and might a force to be reckoned with. A force that the Dark Master can't afford to have around, and must soon extinguish.
That miracle is coming.
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