Tides of Time Part Four
By Leno
- 573 reads
Journal of Andy Allen (Lou Spark)
Hello to anyone who may find this. Know that I have no idea what is going on, and that this is the only way for me to get my thoughts out and keep myself at least partially sane. To whoever may find this, know that I am not lying. Know that this is all true. And please try to understand what I'm going through as I write this down.
It still pains me to write any of this down, but even so, I know I have to. Maybe writing it down will help me recover, though I greatly doubt it.
The boat stopped quickly enough, and I was thrown off onto land. I rolled on the ground and stumbled blindly to my feet. I tripped over something, but Reese caught the back of my arm to stop me from falling into the dirt. He made an annoyed sound at the back of his throat.
I didn't want to die.
Why hadn't I listened?
Now I was going to pay for it.
Me and my big mouth.
After walking a little ways, turning this way and that until I was so confused my head was spinning, we stopped, and Reese shoved me, hard, onto the ground. Dirt drifted up into my nostrils, and I sneezed.
The moment I was done sneezing, something hard connected with my side. Ow!
I cried out painfully, for I was already sore. The pain came again, and again, becoming harder each time. With my hands bound behind me, I couldn't defend myself. Everytime I moved my arms, the dambed chain and wire hurt me. Warm blood ran from my wrists as I writhed on the ground as the pain continued.
He was kicking me.
Damn him.
The kicking stopped abruptly. I was left gasping for air, tears in my eyes behind the blindfold. Suddenly, Reese's voice whispered in my ear, his hot breath running along my neck and making me shiver, "You should have listened to me, Andy. I warned you. Now you have to pay. You're going to suffer until I decide to let you die."
I froze as he said this. I didn't like this at all. I did't want to die, damn it, I wanted to live! And I didn't want to suffer!
Laughing, there was a sudden, sharp pain in my head. Sparks flashed behind my eyelids, and I found myself too stunned by the pain to draw in a breath.
Damn it, I didn't want it to end this way.
I wanted to go home, with my friends and family.
I wanted to leave this place, but not like this.
I wished none of this had ever happened.
More sharp pain. The breath I could draw in was to cry out with. I didn't like being a screamer, but damn it, it hurt. I wasn't used to this torture yet, I hadn't been there that long.
The table Tal was lying on was painted with blood, as was Tal's torso. Borris was still cutting him up, peeling skin away and knifing him. The pain was so intense that Tal couldn't stand to keep his eyes open.
He was so tired...
...he just wanted to sleep...
....just for a little while....
Borris slapped him. "Don't die just yet, I'm not done with you."
Tal blinked his eyes open. They were turning dull, glazing over in death. His breaths rattled as they came out, and he shuddered as he breathed. He shivered suddenly.
Why was it suddenly so cold?
Who turned off the heat?
Unable to stand the cold, he shivered uncontrollably, struggling to keep his teeth from chattering. If they chattered, Borris might think it was from fear rather than the sudden cold.
Borris didn't seem bothered by the cold.
Was he the only one feeling it?
It was so cold...
He tried to keep his eyes open, but it they came down like bricks. It was too much of a struggle to re-open them.
It wasn't worth it, anyway.
He didn't want to see that twisted face anymore.
He didn't want to see the blood leave his body.
He just wanted to sleep...
...just for a little while...
....he was so tired....
The time? I didn't know. The day? I didn't know. I couldn't remember a damn thing by the time Reese was done kicking my head. It hurt so badly I couldn't think. I didn't even know my name. Either of them. Reese bent down next to me and pulled the blindfold off, forcing my head up so I could meet his eyes.
"Had enough yet?" he asked, and undid my gag, allowing me speech.
"...W...Who..." I swallowed thinly. I couldn't work up enough saliva to talk, and it took a minute before I was ready. "Who...are you?"
He smiled. "I'm the Merciful God."
I nodded. I didn't know any better, I was in too much pain. Nodding just made the hammer in my head pound harder. White hot pain. Damn it, it hurt.
"Do you know who you are?" He asked, his voice amused.
He was laughing at my pain.
Damn him.
Damn him to hell.
I looked blankly at him, confused as to what he was talking about.
"You're the dog."
I nodded again. I was the dog. Okay, whatever. I didn't understand what he meant, but the white hot pain didn't allow for any thought. I just had to accept what he was saying.
And then the gag was tied back, tighter than before, putting a painful strain on my mouth. I yelped as the kicking started again.
A tiny voice in my head said, "Welcome to hell, kid."
I believed it.
This was hell.
And it hurt.
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