The Undead Journey - Chapter 2
By Leno
- 519 reads
Great. Just bloody great. Wonderful. Can you hear my sarcasm? A vampire. I'm a bloody vampire. I sighed heavily and kicked at the front left tire of the car, scowling to myself. Of all the rotten luck. How was this even possible? How could I be a vampire? How could I be dead? I tried to remember what had happened, but nothing came into mind. Maybe it was just as well, too, for I wasn't in the right mood for thinking of it and dealing with it. I was panicking, though silent my panic was. Had my heart been functioning properly, it would have been pounding at my chest and demanding that I let it out. I sighed again and started walking down the road, listening as the sirens got closer. What was I going to do? Vampires, from what I had heard, had a very strict diet, which consisted primarily of a liquid red substance that was found in everyone. Blood. I groaned inwardly. What was I going to do? Damn it, I didn't want this. I was a writer; all I wanted to do was write. Was that so much? I had never caused anyone any harm, at least not that I could think of. I had been a decent guy, or at least I thought so. Perhaps those who killed me thought otherwise. Maybe I was still a decent guy, maybe I wasn't a monster like all of those books referred to about vampires. My head spun at my thinking, and I moved forward a little quicker. I was hungry. No, wait, that wasn't quite right. It wasn't that I was just hungry, I was thirsty too. I didn't feel the same as longing for water or for a coke or cheeseburger. No. It was something very different, and it was unnerving. With a shudder I hardly managed to hide, I rounded a corner and marched through the streets. The bloodsmell was so strong, coming from the people safely nestled into their warm and enviting beds. I frowned. They weren't safe. At least not from me, for I was sure that if I really wanted to, I could break in without any problems and kill them all in their sleep. I felt like a different person, and I truly hated it. What were my parents going to think if they ever found out that Thomas Avalo, their seventeen-year-old son who had just graduated from school and moved away, was dead? That he was a vampire? I shook my head. They couldn't find out; they would never except me, they would never understand. I walked to the park, which was only a few yards away, and sat down on a bench, leaning forward, my head in my hands as my elbows rested upon my knees, holding them up. What a night. Day. Whatever. It sucked.
"Seems you've had a rough night, kid," a sudden voice spoke from my left. I stiffened and brought my eyes up to see who it was. A boy stood next to me, leaning against a tree, smiling softly. His black bangs dangled in front of his auburn eyes as they sparkled kindly.
"Yeah," I whispered with a sigh. "I guess you could say that..."
He chuckled. "I know what it's like, don't worry. some nights are better than others."
He yawned and closed his eyes. "It's getting late. Or should I say early? Meh. Either way, I must be going."
"Yeah..." I frowned at him. Who was he? "Who are you?" I found myself asking before I had time to think things through. He smiled.
"You can call me Alex."
"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Thomas, but you can call me Tom." I wasn't sure why I was telling him, not sure why I cared who he was. There was something about him that made me seem to instantly trust him.
"Cool. Nice to meet you too. What are you going to do about eating?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.
I froze. "What-"
"You're a vampire now. How do I know?" he'd correctly read my face. "I'm one too. So what are you going to do about eating? You choose to go for people and you and I aren't going to get along well at all."
"...I...I don't know..." I mumbled, averting my gaze to glare at the ground.
He chuckled. "Follow me." he turned and began to walk away. I stared after him, then gave a breathless sigh and rose to my feet, rushing after him.
"...Where are we going?" I asked when we came to a small farm. I could smell the blood of the farmers and animals, and it was making my mouth water. I had to shake my head to think straight. "What are we doing here?"
"You're eating. C'mon." he continued forward, heading to one of the barns. We were just a few yards from the door when he suddenly vanished, leaving me speechless and frozen in shock.
"...W...What?" I stammered. I felt a cool breeze float past me, and jumped back with a quiet yelp. "Where are you? What's going on?"
There was a chuckle and he reappeared right in front me, arms crossed. "Shh, kid. C'mon. Into the barn." he vanished again.
I gulped and took a step forward, opening the door of the barn just enough for me to slip through. Once inside, the bloodsmell hit me like a brick wall, making my head go into a slight daze.
"Control yourself," Alex hissed, and suddenly he was next to me again. "Only take what you need, we don't want to hurt the animal and we don't want anyone noticing."
I nodded, barely, as I seemed to glide forward toward a horse. The horse snorted and narrowed its eyes at me. "Shh, it's okay. Easy," I whispered, locking my eyes onto its. The horse calmed and began nibbling its hay again. I moved toward its neck by pure instint, and felt two large fangs slide out, poking my tongue. I opened my mouth and delicately and easily sliced open a vein. I stopped thinking and began drinking. The horse paid no mind. I could vaguely feel Alex's eyes on me, but I didn't care. The liquid was like a drug; I was already addicted, and I continued to drink.
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