1:2:10 Undulia (Part 1)

By Lore
- 265 reads
Rapping. Ace’s fingers hit the table one at a time in sequence as they waited for Lore to stop pacing and deliver the plan.
They checked their tablet. “We’ve got what we came for then?”
“We’ve done everything you asked us to do and the map is safely stored in Curve’s wrist computer.” Destiny held up the disk. “Your message should go out the moment the tower starts transmitting.”
“Right, so the plan’s going to plan.” Lore gave them the thumbs up. “Fantastic.”
“Care to let us in on the plan?” Ace’s annoyance was becoming even more apparent.
Lore took a deep breath. “Time travel.”
“Time travel?” Curve repeated.
“Time travel. That’s the short answer anyway. One of the things that I told myself was to think fourth dimensionally so, I have been.”
“Are you sure?” Char took Lore’s hand endearingly. They nodded.
“Is that why you two took so long getting here?” Destiny looked to her wrist. “It took you nearly ten minutes more than it took us.”
“Lore made us wait out in the snow with those leaky bikes.” Char nursed her side.
“I made us wait in a cave out of eyesight of our perfectly fuel tight bikes. We’re going to use them in a bit.”
“So what’s the plan for now then?” Ace motioned them to continue. “Where do we all fit in?”
“At the moment, you’re all where I need you to be.” Lore thought for a moment. “No, right now I need you to stay here and be ready for when we get back.”
“We?” Ace’s head pricked up. “Who’re you taking?”
“Just Char. It has to be her.”
“I’m not going to be getting shot again am I? I already need a new shirt.”
Lore gasped. “Destiny, when did I record this?”
Destiny scoured the desk looking for the sheet of paper she gave to Magpie. “I’ll write them down for you.”
“Thanks.” Lore glanced over the paper before stowing it in their pocket.
“You guys are alright with that?” Ace turned to their siblings. “I know we’re supposed to take orders from you and all but really? Your mission was to get a map and now your recording messages and stealing your own bikes.”
“It’s not just about our mission.” Lore took a deep breath. “Our mere presence has altered the fate of Illia. The least we can do is try to help.”
“I’m sure the planet will keep spinning without you.” Ace shrugged.
“Our arrival caused the Sanctuary Point experiment to be wrapped up early. That experiment was never going to end well but, when coupled with the war that’s brewing in The Conglomeration thanks to Blue, it’s only a matter of time before one war spills into the other.” Char reached out for Lore’s hand. “I have seen the mess our creators leave behind. I refuse to contribute.”
The room went silent. Char brought Lore closer to her. She placed her hand on Lore’s shoulder and gave them a reassuring pat.
“If all goes to plan, everyone on Illia will benefit; Sat’Mach and human alike.” The silence persisted. “Right then, you all wait here, I’ll be back before you know it then we can hopefully sort this planet out.”
“Is there anything you want us to do in the meantime?” Destiny gestured toward the computer.
Lore took a moment to think. “Yeah actually. Could you put my wanted poster with the message. I need Undulia out of the city.”
“Ok. You do you.” Destiny turned back to the computer and tapped away at the keyboard. “Done.”
“See you in a mo.” Lore vanished in a flash of white.
Lore reappeared in the hallway outside of Tolan’s clinic. The whole situation was beginning to feel taboo but they pressed on. They opened the door as quietly as they could. Destiny and Tolan could be heard talking in the back room.
“Do you have a communications unit?” Destiny asked.
“Not here…” Tolan paused. “Clones have them all.”
“It’ll be alright.” Lore pushed the door ajar causing them both to flinch. Lore checked their Breacher. “Magpie should be coming through any time now. Then we’ll be coming through. Don’t tell me I was here.” Lore smiled. “It’s confusing I know.” Lore looked around. “You might want to clear an area. At least for now.”
“Just a bit.” Destiny chuckled.
“Have either of you got a microphone and a way of recording a voice message?”
“I’ve got a Discdeck somewhere.” Tolan barged past Destiny and rifled through the drawer by her ankle. “There you go. Built in microphone, three hours of recording time and one clean disk.”
“Thanks. I’ll just be a minute.” Lore took themselves away to the clone’s room and began recording their message.
Lore gave the device a once over to determine which button did what. They had a vague idea of what they wanted to say but they would have to make most of it up as they went.
“People of Celreagaire, I am Lore: Former Inquisitor of the fifty second order. I’m talking to you today to dispel some myths. This colony was founded thirty years ago. At that time, it was the diamond at the top of The Protectorate’s crown. Illia was proof that humanity was ready not only to explore space but to thrive amongst the stars. This was a lie. You have been told many things over the years and a scant few have been true; you’ve been told that Illia is out of communications range with The Protectorate, that the creatures that live below you are nothing more than tribal savages, that your every last minute needs to be accounted for to keep you safe. Yet more lies. All of these lies serve only to protect the grand truth, that Illia is nothing more than a petri dish for the rest of The Protectorate, something to observe and make notes of. You have been purposely divided, purposely kept in the dark so that your reactions can be studied and written about. For the last ten years, Sanctuary Point has been gathering this data and sending it to The Protectorate. On the orders of The Protectorate and The Military Guild, every transmission that Earth has ever sent has been kept from you. Years of progress halted to watch and learn.” Lore took a deep breath. “Once this message ends, you will have around five minutes before the wall comes tumbling down and the information starts becoming available. During this time, it is imperative that you make it somewhere safe. Undulia and her soldiers will be making their way to Sanctuary Point to arrest me but I doubt they will hesitate if anyone gets in their way. Let her pass and keep yourselves safe. The next few hours are going to be intense, believe me, I know but you have to try and remain calm, keep safe and look after one another. Thank you for listening.” Lore stopped the recording. They hoped that what they had said would be enough to soften the blow without adding too much pressure. They removed the disk and just held it in their hands. It felt significantly heavier than it did before they started recording. They looked at it, hoping to the gods that it would be enough to at least make a start. They pushed open the door and returned to the main clinic. Destiny and Tolan were still waiting for them.
“Here you go. Give this to Magpie when he comes through.” They looked to their Breacher. “In about a minute.” They gasped. “I better get off.” Lore nodded to them before vanishing in a flash of white.
“All done?” Destiny smirked.
“Think so.” Lore couldn’t help thinking that Destiny knew something they didn’t. Then it hit them. “Be right back.” They vanished once again. There was another white flash. “Oh, make sure you upload that disk to Sanctuary Point’s server. It needs to be the first thing broadcast. There needs to be a five minute pause between it and everything else.” Lore nodded. “That alright?” Destiny nodded and then they were gone again. Now back in the airlock control room Lore felt a small sense of relief, knowing that they could move on to the second stage of their plan.
“Is that the plan sorted then?” Ace moved to get up from their seat.
“That’s part one done… But here’s the bit where you guys get involved.” Lore gave a worrying smile. “On our way here, we travelled through this huge valley. Huge pool of blood at the exit?”
“We came the same way.” Curve paused. “Sorry about the blood, that was us.”
“Right… Anyway, the mouth of that valley is visible from Celreagaire and even better, it can be seen on camera.” Lore turned to Destiny. “Destiny, I’m going to take you and Char to Celreagaire. I need you to hack their camera feeds and, once the message has aired, I need you to point all cameras on the action and broadcast the whole thing planet wide.”
“Seems easy enough. Then what?”
“Get back to the ship and start the engines.” Lore nodded. “We’re going to need a quick escape.”
“What about us?” Ace gestured to their siblings.
“You’re going to be positioned at the mouth of that valley. Char and I will join you. You aren’t to do anything until we give the go ahead.”
“So, you want us to freeze our arses off?” Curve glanced out at the icy tundra. “Yay…”
“You shouldn’t be out there too long. Wait here, once the message starts playing, borrow a few of their bikes and you should get there just in time. Next to no unnecessary arse freezing.” Lore smirked.
“Shall we get going then?” Char nodded to Lore.
“We shall.” They held out their hand as they tapped in the co-ordinates into their Breacher. Char took it and together, they vanished.
For the last time, Lore appeared outside of Tolan’s clinic. They had cut it close as rushing down the hallway, out of the corner of their eye, Lore saw their past self running to the bikes.
“You’re going to have to carry it.” Lore smiled. “I’ll be just a moment.” Lore tried to open the door. “They’ve locked it…”
Char just tapped her wrist.
There was a blinding flash of light which reflected off of the shield and directly into Tolan’s eye.
“Hi.” Lore smiled. “Told you I’d be back.”
“Didn’t doubt it?” Tolan replied somewhat confused.
“I’ll just take that for a bit, thank you.” Lore tried to hoist the shield up by themselves but found their strength lacking.
“There you go.” Tolan pushed from the other side then ran around the front to ensure that it didn’t crush Lore.
“Thanks again.” They smiled. “I’d go pick up Pip from wherever they are right now and advise you to tell people to turn their radios on.” Lore winked.
“Now that would be telling but, little secret, if it works and it all goes to plan, it’s going to be fantastic.” And with that, and a second flash of white light, they were gone again, again.
“Right then, if you’d take that we can get on our way and give it back to the Sat’Mach.” Lore hoisted the shield onto Char’s back.
“Who are we giving it to anyway? I can’t imagine there’s a good option here.” Char moved to one side to allow a human school group to pass. “What about Alex? Does your plan account for them?”
“It’s less of a plan and more of a series of ideas that I am wildly trying to glue together. The picture is coming together but there are still bits that I’m not a hundred percent on.” Lore winced. “I’m still working on Alex. I’m open to ideas.”
“Whatever happens with this,” She pointed to the shield, “Alex and whatever they’ve got going on could undo it. I say we raid their base, steal their weapons. That way, it’s at least an even playing field.”
“Maybe…” Lore opened their map on their glasses, trying to remember where they had met Rhu’Anui. “I don’t suppose you remember the way back to Rhu’Anui’s room?”
Char thought for a moment, looking down the spiral. “I think I’ve got a better idea. How much time do we have?”
“Fifteen, twenty minutes. What’re you thinking?” Lore was still trying to work out a way to Rhu’Anui’s room.
Wordlessly, Char began down the spiral. As with her last journey down it, the locals avoided being within a two metre radius but with the shield on her back, there was almost a reverence to their separation. Lore caught up with her, their mind racing with potentials and what ifs; they wondered whether any of this would make any difference or if their efforts would be wasted. Char didn’t seem to share in their self-doubt as she strode with confidence down the dirt ramp. Then she came to a sudden stop. She turned left and her plan became clearer as she stepped onto the wooden platform. Any slack the ropes had was immediately tensioned with the added weight of the shield. Char made her way to the centre of the platform; she set the shield down on one of the trade tables. She lifted her wrist to her mouth and spoke into it.
She took a confident and commanding tone. “Rhu’Anui, Sat’Mach council, Middlethem of The Conglomeration,” which almost immediately vanished, “by the laws of your people, I hereby summon you to the Middlethem trading platform to discuss the future of your Conglomeration. I come bearing the shield of your chieftain. Time is of the essence.” She finished.
“Sounded official.” Lore gave the thumbs up.
“I’m sure it sounded alright but I made up the whole ‘laws of your people” bit. I’m kind of hoping it’s a they who hold the shield calls the shots sort of thing.” She shrugged.
Whether that were true or not, it had worked. Twelve of the thirteen councillors made their way onto the platform. Six of the elderly members took their seats opposite Lore and Char, the remaining six younger councillors stood behind them. Rhu’Anui was the only member not in attendance. The platform now at capacity, the Middlethem took their positions standing around the perimeter. Alex forced their way to the front; they stood back and watched as the moment panned out.
“You have summoned us. Now speak.” One of the elderly councillors barked.
“Give them a moment, I for one would like to verify the authenticity of the shield.” Another stood and began an examination of the shield.
“Get your hands off it!” One of the younger councillors snapped before grabbing their colleague’s shoulder.
“Everybody, back in your seats!” Char shouted over The Conglomeration’s speaker system. “Thank you.” She took a breath. “Lore would like to talk to you. Once they’ve finished, the shield will be back with your people, we promise.”
Lore could feel everyone staring at them. It wasn’t a figment of their imagination, it wasn’t paranoia, all eyes were on them. Hundreds of Middlethem watched from the spiral as Lore stood before the twelve council members and made their way to the shield. Their stomach felt as though it was going to climb out through their throat but, strangely, the closer they came to the shield, the better they felt. The short walk felt like a marathon but now it was over, Lore had to find the right words. They paused for a moment, their hand on the shield, searching for them.
“I am no prophet.” The spiral carried their voice well. Lore felt as though they were shouting but it was effective. “But you don’t need to see the whole future to know what is going to happen next, or at least to have a good idea of what’s going to happen next. Here, in my hand is your history; past, present and future.” They took a breath. Alex retreated from their spot and vanished into the crowd. “This shield represents what you were in your best days. It also reminds you of your worst day, the day it was taken and hidden away from you.” Lore took their hand of the shield and began pacing beside it, arms gesticulating as they talked. “Here in the present, it represents a great unifier. Humans and Sat’Mach gathered around for this shield. But I see a potential future. One where it is used once more; one where it’s past and present come together. A great protector and an even greater unifier. The humans above are about to learn a terrible truth, one that will divide them and likely result in civil war.” The younger council members looked to one another, pleased to learn this new information. “The Conglomeration will not be unaffected.” They immediately turned back to face Lore. “There are humans among you that are allied with the worst of the humans above; A group that are aligned with Undulia and her Military Guild. Likewise, there are Sat’Mach who have been preparing for this eventuality. Should war break out in Celreagaire, it won’t be long before it spreads down here.” Lore rifled through their bag, removing a bagged tin of beef and beans. Several Middlethem withdrew from the spiral. “There may be a way to prevent it however.” Lore gave time for the council to discuss their points as they scoured the spiral around them. Gaps were forming.
The council grumbled between themselves. “You’re an outsider, a human outsider no less, why should we even tolerate you?” Tau’Poss spoke up.
“Indeed.” An older Sat’Mach rose. “A human stole the shield, a human stole it again and now this one is holding it ransom. Why do we entertain this notion?”
The platform jolted as a new presence made themselves known. Their footsteps were slow and deliberate, halting the conversation with every ripple they created. Their damaged eyes bandaged tight, Rhu’Anui took a position beside Lore. “They are not your enemy.” Rhu’Anui’s voice boomed. “This human shows potential. They found the shield when none of us could and they have returned it when no-one else would.” Rhu’Anui looked down to Lore. “Please, continue.”
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