A Legend Lives
By Lore
- 141 reads
“You’re finally awake.” Lore stood over Pwy’he’s slowly stirring form as he turned to face them. “There’s a drink for you on the side. Up and ready in five.” They knelt to kiss him. He moved out of the way and wrapped Lore in his embrace. “Well this is nice.”
“Rwy’ch Derbyme.” It took Lore a moment to realise what he had said. He opened his mouth to repeat himself.
“Alright. This mission? You’re sure?” Pwy’he nodded. “Well, it’s a good thing your mother has already signed off on you coming then.”
“Really?” Pwy’he was instantly alert. “She said I can come?”
“Well… I need to know if yesterday was an isolated incident first.” Pwy’he’s glare shot to the floor.
“I don’t know.” Pwy’he began to tear up. Before the first tear fell, Lore was catching it.
“I think I need to talk with mum.” Lore reluctantly separated themselves.
The silent walk to Char spoke volumes of Lore’s shame. The light from the black hole was blinding as they stepped out, onto the training field. Char sat alone sipping at her drink, staring off into space. Lore tapped her gently on the shoulder, acting as a child a fraction of their age would in their situation.
“Char… We need to talk.” Lore crouched beside her. The look of concern that crossed their face tore Char’s heart in two.
“What’s up darling?”
“I… I really don’t know the best way to tell you…” Char grabbed at Lore’s hands, trying to make them more comfortable but nothing was helping. “On Pwy’he’s seventh birthday I saw something. For a moment, the present changed. I tried not to think about it but every so often, I saw…” Lore tried to swallow down the lump in their throat. “The end of everything. Pwy’he…” Lore’s voice failed them.
“No he isn’t.” She sighed, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Char seemed more alarmed than concerned. She looked ready to run.
“Because I’ve been training him since then to use his powers responsibly.” Char’s eyes widened further than Lore thought possible. “I know, I know. You didn’t want him using them till he was of age but if I didn’t, hell on Earth.”
“Lore. Lore. Lore. I love you.” She kissed them on the cheek. “But you really should have come to me first.” And with that, she got up and moved towards the house. She made her way to Pwy’he. She shook her head. “You’re right, it’s really hard to get mad at them for this.”
“You’re not mad?” Lore was trying to smile but their partner had them in the palm of her hand. “Aren’t you?”
“I’ve had years to prepare for this moment.” She removed her bracelet and unscrewed the charm. “I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”
“Is that all?” Pwy’he’s eyes darted between them.
“Yes. But I’m disappointed in you too. You could have told me about the fainting.” Char shook her head. “This is why I didn’t think we could live on Earth. Niwen have a pre-puberty period. It’s nothing to worry about but it can be quite scary. The mental projections of doom is unique but not unheard of.” Char was unbelievably calm. “If you had told me, I could have properly prepared the booster you would have received if we lived on Quatarr.” Pwy’he smiled and produced an empty syringe. Char dropped the bead into the syringes glass body. “That’ll do.” Char smiled. “Come here Lore.” She beckoned them with the calmness of a convicted murderer. “Or I’ll come over there.” Lore reluctantly joined her. Although they saw it coming, their fate was already sealed. The needle was already in their arm. “Quick shake.” The vial went from the expected crimson red to having a slight, ethereal glow to it. “Well that’s not quite right but… Should be fine.” Char added her own blood to the mix. “This should stabilise you and keep you in fighting shape till we get home.” She injected Pwy’he. She dabbed the injection site with her sleeve before kissing it better. The needle prick illuminated for a moment as the bloody mixture flowed through his veins.
“Why is there so much blood swapping in Quatarrian culture.” Lore was somewhere between disgust and genuine inquiry.
“Basically, to put it into human terms, all Quatarrian blood types are universal donors and acceptors and our blood carries our healing abilities. Separate out all of the good stuff or leave it ‘raw’ and we can jam our blood into anyone who needs it and, for a bit, they’ll be perfectly alright. It doesn’t last long but it’s better than nothing. Tolan was using it as a stop-gap on the Rexel stations during the plague. Magical blood if you’ll pardon the pun.” Lore nodded, satisfied with the answer.
“You’ll be alright getting yourself sorted?” Lore looked to an energised Pwy’he. He nodded furiously.
Revitalised and properly dressed, Pwy’he joined the rest of the group in front of Varkral’s house. His own clothes had been drenched during the episode leaving him only with Varkral’s cast offs. With a wave of his staff, the clothes shrunk to fit Pwy’he’s frame. Aloe appeared from around the front of the house, waving her thumb in the air. “We’re all done here!” She shouted.
“What’s she talking about?” Varkral examined his handywork.
“You didn’t think I was going to leave you homeless?” Lore smirked. “These beacons will generate a field that should protect your house from the changes we’re about to make. Thought it would be nice for you to have a home to come back to once we’re finished.”
Varkral didn’t speak, instead he wrapped himself around Lore. “Thank you.” Lore was concerned at how quickly he had teared up and how emotional he was getting while they awkwardly stood there, taking his hug. “Thank you.”
“Shall we get on?” Lore tried to squirm their way out of his iron grasp. “Political leader to get assassinated and all that?”
He sniffled. “Yeah.” With a swallow, it was as if nothing had happened and he was back to his usual, stony self. “What about us? It’s all well and good protecting my home but what becomes of us when Merlyn dies?”
“Hadn’t thought about that… We’re all safe because it’s not our timeline but you…” Char tapped their shoulder. “It’s alright I’ll get it.”
“You’ve got it.” She smiled. Lore paused.
“Yes I do.” Lore scanned them with their Breacher just to be sure. “Your quantum signature doesn’t quite match this universe so you should be almost completely ignored by it changing.”
“Almost?” Varkral raised an eyebrow.
“Good enough, let’s go.” And with that, their Breacher flashed and engulfed them all. Negotiations were short.
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