By Lore
- 275 reads
Groaning. The First lowered their Breacher and slammed their fist against their anchor. Charrlene was quick to tend to them.
“What’s happened?”
“Destiny’s just got a message through from the present team. Seems they’ve met with heavier resistance than expected. They’re going to be a few more minutes but knowing Quart, a few means at least fifteen.” The First sucked at their slightly swollen digits.
“Charrlene to past team, we’re going to have to hold our positions for now. Clone teams forty to fifty one, when you land, Join the present team. Remaining troops are to meet at the anchors as soon as possible.”
Of the hundred and four clones they had brought, the sixty six they were expecting arrived at the anchors bringing with them The Guild’s advanced attack forces. The first of the anchors lit with a golden flash, the first Reaper had entered the fray. From their position near the centre of the anchor field, Lore could only just see the battle but they knew it would soon be over. They were right. The troops, while well trained were no match for the clones let alone a Reaper and the Quatarrian militia. Things swiftly changed. This first attack had taken soldiers from all around the outer perimeter, strengthening the west but weakening the whole. There was an explosion. Landing pods crashed down in the sands around them, encompassing the entire field. From each, six troopers poured. The original plan was to weigh anchor and start pulling immediately but plans change.
“All pairs, let’s show them who’s in charge. Reaper up and report to the perimeter.” The First ended their transmission, taking Charrlene’s hand. Their Reaper stood tall, unfurling a sizable pistol before heading north.
Lore and Char followed suit and headed west. They were the last of their seven to make it to the line and found the battle long started. The sand hid the stains of war well but was slowly forming a moist crust. They stood there, helpless and confused.
“We need to push them back to that line!” Allana shouted, pointing at the fields outer perimeter.
There were about a hundred and fifty of The Guilds troops between them and the objective and that number was only rising. Without their fleet above them, more and more of the landers were making it to the surface. The Reaper raised their scythe and readied themselves for a charge. Their feet remained levitating, pushing off of reality itself as they propelled their way through the clone ranks and the other Reapers. In an instant they had reached the front line and so the fun could truly begin. Although their speed made them hard to hit, it also hindered their ability to attack. Their first pass complete, they turned to look at their handywork. They had barely dented the troopers but had managed to divide the group in two with a clean line through the middle of their battalion. There was a deafening boom as more landers joined the battle. The Reaper looked to their scythe and smiled. They moved towards the would be landing spot for one of the ships and waited. The ship came closer and closer but The Reaper remained still. Meters away, The Reaper took their swing. Intending to launch the ship back into orbit, they were disappointed when instead their scythe simply glided through the ship’s hull which exploded in their face. Knocked down and seeing the stars, they were the first to clock their next challenge. Royal blue and spotless silver cleaved its way towards the surface, classical music blasting from its speakers. Its arrival had temporarily halted the fighting allowing the deep sighs of every Reaper present to contend with the newcomer’s dramatic entrance. Several metal giants fell from the beasts belly as it circled the anchor field.
“Well, when I thought you had run out of ways to surprise me. Always happy to be wrong when you’re involved.” They all recognised the smarmy voice the moment they opened their mouth. “Thanks for the idea by the way. Would have never thought of that. Oh and your other team were doing a great job of losing when we left.” Crait allowed the music to resume as they dropped their ships anchor into the sandy sea below.
Lore began their return to the inner ring, mowing The Guild’s forces as the weeds they were. The swath they cut put the other Reapers to shame but together they had achieved their goal.
“Anchors are green. If you can, get ready.” A Reaper’s voice blasted from their Breacher. The second after saw the golden glow of the outer ring move inwards.
Now back at their own anchors, The Reapers stood in wait. Watching the green light for it to turn to gold. Realising the others were probably doing the same, Lore began pouring their energy into the anchor. A beam of gold stretched from their anchor and into the stars above. The space around it soon darkened further as a tear began to form. One by one, the other Reapers began activating their anchors. The beams danced through the sky, twisting and tangling, eventually coalescing into a single, widening light. With every beam added, the rift grew wider and by the time the last anchor was lit, the rift was ready to absorb the planet. They were expecting something to happen but remembered The First’s demonstration. The anchors lights faded from the solid gold to transparency. Panicking, The Reaper turned to their peers. They were all hovering their hand near their anchor’s emitter. They followed suit and copied the others when they slammed their hands over the top of the anchor. The beams were broken but the rift remained. A wave of golden light quickly grew. Starting between The First’s and Lore’s anchors, the spherical wave grew and grew. Almost instantly it engulfed the field and it continued until it had swallowed the entire planet, its upper atmosphere and Johned. There was a jolt as the planet and its moon were torn from their orbit. The rift’s interior was much like its exterior, a pitch black void with only two sources of light. The golden balls moved towards each other at speeds normally imperceptible, quickly reaching the middle of the Null space. The two planets became caught in one another’s gravity as planned however if this mission had been anything, it had been unpredictable. The planet and its moon came face to face with its future. A third field began to grow around Quatarr’s past.
“Thing is, Null Space is only timeless when it’s closed.” Crait began.
“But if you tear a hole to get in then it’s bound to leak a little.” They continued. However, the voice had a different host.
“Two heads.” Crait shouted over to their future self. “We’re here for…” They scoured the past’s field until they reached Lore. “You.”
“Right here, right now, this ends. You’re the only one who can keep the cycle alive, lets change that.” Crait smiled. Planetary alignment.
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