The die is cast but I haven't crossed the Rubicon, yet.
I have texted Willy and asked if it was in order for him to come over to my place for afternoon tea. I have an inkling that such a move may contravene the official guidelines on socialising but as we have both been tested negative I am prepared to take the risk.
I have deliberately specified an afternoon meeting so that he doesn't feel threatened. I don't want to give him the impression that my intentions are libidinous, which of course they are. If he is as horny as I am he will come running.
Mustn't build up my hopes too much: he hasn't answered yet. It's now seven o'clock and my prospect is evaporating when the intercom buzzes and his face is reflected on the screen. I press the button to open the front door and let him in.
He looks sheepish and apologises for the lateness. From his serious countenance it is obvious that he is not going to rip my clothes off and make love to me right away, so I curb my enthusiasm and prepare to listen to what he is about to say. We sit down and I am astounded by what I hear. First of all he explains why he didn't reply to my text and why he has come in person.
“The cell phone that Gideon sent you when your landline was compromised is also rigged. All your calls and texts can be intercepted and your movements tracked by him and his accomplices in this skulduggery.”
I can hardly contain my incredulity as I ask: “What is his motivation?”
“Well, he is a control freak; it is a fact well known throughout the section. His ambition has always been to replace the Top Man, who is on the verge of retirement.”
“Is Hilary Moneypound in league with that cunning bastard?!
“Good grief, no. She is vying for the top position herself and for a girl, who started as a humble typist, it would be a great achievement.”
“I thought her usual position was horizontal and that Gideon was bonking her.”
“In his dreams! If anyone, it would be the Top Man.”
“Are you suggesting favouritism?”
“Not at all, she's got there on her own merit. She excels in her job.”
In the pause that follows I can see a certain interest arising in my companion and, in the interest of fair play, I discreetly let my short skirt slide up a bit more so that he can have an unobstructed view of my naked thighs.
That does trick, Slowly his lips and mine join in a lingering kiss at the end of which I smile contently.
“Why are you smiling?”, he asks.
“Because I was wondering how long it would take you to kiss me.”, I reply.
The reason, of course, is that I feel like the cat who's got the cream.
I am not going to detail what happens next. Those who have experienced it, will know its ecstatic effect, those who don't, won't know what they are missing.
© Luigi Pagano 2020
See also: