The Kiss
By maddi
- 592 reads
As she felt the suffocating, foul-tasting slime force its way into her mouth, choking even her ability to fight back, she knew this was a nightmare she would not easily forget.
It had all started in a very ordinary lunch break. Alice had gone with her friend Sarah, as usual, to the shop a few minutes from the school gates, spending their combined lunch money on a greasy, gluey bag of chips and ten B&H ciggies. Feeling grown-up and rebellious as they hid under the dripping flyover, they shared toke by toke the smooth white fag pulled from its gold bar box, swapping it between them ceremoniously with every drag. A few of the usual suspects were around, in twos and threes performing the same earnest ritual. A couple of lads came over to her and Sarah, reeking of bargain bucket aftershave and stale smoke.
“We're goin' up the woods', said the lanky one with the grubby trainers.
“Wanna come?”, grunted his chubbier friend, looking intently at his shoes.
They scrambled down the muddy bank, the girls trying desperately not to get mud on their grey pencil skirts, the boys leaping from halfway up looking as proud at the end of their stunt as a young caveman dragging home a first bloodied carcass. As if predetermined, or decided between the cocky boys at morning break, they waited either side of the girls then put an arm possessively round their chosen prey's shoulder. As the four walked deeper into the woods, the boys guided the two girls further and further apart. Neither of the couples had much to say to each other, so the boys dominated the conversation with bragging tales of exploits shop-lifting and smoking cheap dry weed in hormone-sodden bedrooms.
Several times Alice looked over to Sarah, each time further away, until she was hidden behind the scrubby undergrowth. As the silence of the woods grew, the boy's arm reached around her waist, holding her a little too tightly. Alice checked her pocket and realised with guilty relief that she had the girls' shared box of fags in her pocket. As she reached deeper to find the box of matches, she was spun about by the arm around her. She was shaking too much to fight back as the boy pulled her close to him, both her arms flattened to her side by his grasp. His face loomed so close she could feel as well as smell his fetid breath, unlike anything she had ever smelt before. Her racing brain tried to think of a way out of this as he came closer still. The boy's eyes were wide and hungry as he opened his mouth and lunged towards her lips.
Alice confirmed what she'd always suspected. Kissing boys was revolting. She would never do it again.
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