Crow- in Ivory White
- 449 reads
Friday is here
Clear fear from thy ear
Drink this magic elixir
Smear the walls with vile intent of lust
in the color red
Veer from thy holy path
Fear of god drags your name in the mud
Don’t be dumb
Follow 13th street
Everybody knows somebody
Just as misery loves company
“Where’s da feds anyways”
I heard they’re stationed at ol’ McDonalds Farm
Don’t ya know
Eeya Eeya Crow
In its majestic black coat which it loves to show
I love to see
Cannot get enough
Simply cannot get enough
But not so simple in that sense
Mental Hospital
Wish I was at my farm
He taunts me from the sky
I lay here in my gloomy mental disarray
As you scan the ground for souls to take away
But it won’t be me
No, you will never find what you seek
Even if you do
You will not take me
For my body lays here
Vacant of a soul
Friday the 13th
Mind-Body-Dave Grohl
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