leggings now n then
By maisie
- 555 reads
I was half awake when the 'voice' began reading me it's life's story. Harsh, angry edge. The girl who had nearly been trepanned half a century ago. As usual I was put in her place, and rescued by Mr. Ee...
She hurried on with her story faster and faster.
“You know I'm you're opposlite number,” she said, as her husband laughed and jeered behind her. “The bad side think midnight gardens... the dark side. We've been fishing out the south seas, and we put in the Parhana/. Now we're here to take it all again. Think you can preserve the fish do you?”
I moved restlessly. The fish was an old plan with advice on her to regenate the other seas left me by my Grandfather – echoing in my ears. 50 years about does it, he'd say, Only now it is more complex. Now the Parahno has to be fished out first. To give the other species a fair chance.
“Think you can save your family from us/” she went on, “Why do you think theres no action? No matter how high up they are they are scared of us.... It's a long time since you ruled the seas...”
I had a visitor, and yet the tormenting went on. She is always relentless. I knew her to have done this to Clive Barker, who I knew from Cheshire. Long ago. Eventually he got away. Probably with a partner. She is relentless. She likes to own people or their work....
So again... she starts, “Don't you realise we've used your family already, and we'll leave them the blame. They will be deported like you should have been so you were not in my way..... They are in tears now... and even if they were partly guilty.. You can bet they did it to save their nearest and dearest... from us.. If that were possible. They don't have our facilities and in the end, I'll not be blamed for all this...”
Conceited as always this woman. - who was introduced to the Devil years agao, and made her bargain for power – which for the family she comes from steeped in black magic and paganism – is madantary.
They made me do it as a small child ,and I gave up the colour of my hair on the advice of my Grandfather who said to choose something really small and never to do it again. You never get away from the devil twice. They took me into a dark room, and I had to say what \i would give up, and if the devil agreed, I had to sign a form in my own blood. He asked for more – I refused. He laughed. I had to die my hair after that. It was abnormal on a child. This was a foster family. They were not nice. All arrangements with the devil are secret. I only assume they gave their souls, as they told me that they knew the soul to be useless. It was all the brain, they said. They were incapable of thinking outside the box...
People who did not know where I'd come from tried to make me say I was one of their children. I wasn;t so they made me go with them anyway.... As they needed help to get along in England. They were too different. I left as soon as I could.
They willing gave up their souls and are already dead. As such they fear no-one. Alhtough they may act it out. Which they do constantly. It pays to cry well.
As a Christian I do not fear them – even if they pretend church involvment – they poison – not sweeten the atmosphere. Hold your head up, God gives sleep to the innocent, and their dark deeds are often done in the dark – and Christains must sleep, and be innocent. Remember if you are their victim as I am now, without you to hurt – they cammt do anything....
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