By maisie
- 479 reads
"Oh Dear!" I said, moving around the room after my glorious shower, I had to go and cool down after watching the amateur film made by the bbc team about the Duchess's son - with the most laughable photo's I've ever seen, and the most american twist, with him convicted before the investigaion finishes, and any verdict is made.
I thought I'd feel awful, only now, I wonder did he make the film himself? Did he chose the most awful icky voice over voice to tell exactly how to feel? What to believe? Is it based on Uriah Heep? Is he hiding away somewhere watching all this excitement? I suppose not. He's always had the ability to make me laugh. Did he do it? He didn't like being touched. Not so very much. He had a remoteness, which he interupted when he was with people. When I was very little - and helpless, and after until we left Sc...........gh, I was always enveloped by his personality, not by his hands...
So I still find the whole thing scurrilous - and funny, and unbearable.
The night is noisy, full of cars, loud voices, as the Romanies and the Maggot's play out their mating ritual.
"Is he the one she really wants?"
"Yes this is the last one she can ask or think of..."
"He's mine then." She's the one that other authors have called Immaculata, Desease, or the daughter of same, a byblow... etc.
Well who-ever it is, I sure hope he runs off fast...
Someone says, "She won't come out will she?"
another voice, "She never does...."
1st voice, "She knows if she does she's for the crocodiles..."
I back away from the window...
a quiet outside, bar the street lamps on the city street. Then I get it.
I pick up the phone, I'm not sure she can manage a thought phone thingy. "Hi Kitty," I say rather too brightly, "Are you okay?"
She replies in a tiny scared voice, "Not really... They're at it again. After someone. I'm being threatened again."
"Don't take any notice of anyone unless they ring your doorbell. Or knock."
"I won't, and then it depends whose with them... Any of them and I'm not bothering..."
"Are they after you really? This time?"
"They keep on trying to kill me - by wearing me out - proving psychic stuff to people day and night. Eventually it's supposed to give humans brain cancer..."
"Well why haven't they got it?"
"Yeah my thought exactly. So it's like the voodoo they do, not believable."
"I think they are after someone who knows me; I'm a carrot, it's all a bit skinner."
I didn't know what to say to help out. Then I said clumsly, "Do you want me to come around for the night?"
"Would you?" Kitty said, "One of them woke me up the other night by claiming he was going to take tghe skin of something, and thrash the flesh to bits, he has to feed his crocodiles..."
"Cold like that?"
"Matter of fact, he had his assistant with him."
"So they;re furriers, doing people's pets?"
"I'm not sure it's fur or pets, they're after.... They don't seem to care..."
"God help this person that they're after...."
"People even in high places are scared stiff... It's no good being scared, it's better if you all band together, stick up for yourselves and ask the police to sort it out!"
"You should do that!"
"Yes, I would, only no one would believe me on my own."
"I'll drive over, be with you in about half an hour."
I pulled on my jacket over my pj's pikced up some clean clothes and handbag, jumped into the car and drove srraight there. It was noisy. Car's were coming and going.
Someone was screaming....
"Hi," said Kitty, "Come in quick. They're all mad as hatters..." She looked me up and down, and said jerkily, "Love those reindeer pj's!"
A voice sounded nearby, "She's got her friend in, we'd better shut up." They moved away across the room in the neighbouring house.
I smiled softly, it was going to be a quiet night, which we both needed...
A half hour later I was snuggled up in the spare bedroom with a book, and mug of chocolate, and Kitty was sleeping in the peace that had descended on her abode.
During the night, I heard the screaming start again, taking my torch, I left the house by the back door, and with my camera ready to film, I lighted up the next door garden and filmed while the occupants fled the area cursing madly.
I fled back to the house and locked up the door. I rang the police. I hoped when they saw the film it would all be over. Only I had overestimated my camera, it wasn't very clear - all muddly images... of people moving etc.
I waited for them to arrive in the front room, and went outside as the parked up. Next door the neighbours were packing up, faster. They were still cursing....
We went inside, and I explained. Keeping it quiet, and they took my digicamera with them to see if they could clarify the film a bit.
By the time I showed them out the neighbours were driving off... into the sunrise.
"Don't worry," said the Policeman thoughtfully, "If its good evidence we'll find them."
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