the path’s reveal unwind
By MarciaMarcia
- 302 reads
the path’s reveal unwind
By MarciaMarcia
I thought I knew the me of me
Inside the depth and breadth of me
where seeds of possibility
lay sleeping dormant...still
outside the cultivated manyness of me
that only eyes of other’s see
walking workings
of each day’s
rhythmic cadence beats
in way
at playground pace
where inner child and
older face await
commencement’s search
in space to find
destiny’s path reveal...
a telling cloth provides our safe, enfolded
holding place
beneath its woven tapestry diverse of strong, courageous colored threads
in chosen troth
...we step..
the journeys back
to where
we both were taught
pensively we walk
the path
in backward flow of time
retracing there, in slowed embrace
scenes analogized
and seeing first
a sapling sprout
its seeded place holds fast
while reaching out from pod’s reside to find its self
in forest twisting pasts
making note of memory’s mind
we.....child and I unearth
many tort-turned frames
of alternate design
a seed
through trusted shelter’s
taken cue
appears within
this, then perceived overview
our child inside,
uncovers now
a noticed first,
judgement’s twisted mime
viewed in blinding glare
truth...truth’s blatant stare
falsified by time’s
refracted tare
we hear a thwarted
song in rhyme
nursed of thistled stem
and prickled thread-like
slithering tendrillous grasp
of suckling vine’s rapacious wine ....
this sapling’s ill-nurturing, tending vine
has fed it full
its grape’s impeding
liquor’s quench
meant a stunting crime
all of Innocence
we observe
this sapling’s sees,
refraction’s face
in mirrored place
there ....resigned
not grown
from pod to seed
to sapling flower’s crest
becomes, instead
one fragile weed
left to fill to fullness there
in wait
it grows no buds
to flowered petals sweet
but turns instead, undone within,
its stems bared of leaf and fruit
this fledge-weed lingers long.....
in longing for its change...
we turn-a new path, back
the child and I
step on
and find this weed resound
in questioned cries
in queried thoughts
beneath its inner eye.
as we step and further look
from passed to future scenes
its living growth of spirit-self
renews in time,
in change has changed
from budded seed
to pod to sapling weed...
to founding nature firmly wrought...
it springs its Spring... of sounding truth
which cannot not be denied
and grows and grows in beau-tied strength and stature prime
and seeking refuge of a kind
in-expression’s nurturing nest
creating and becoming
what it’s waiting workings seek......its best
there before us stands anew
where weed is pushing
reaching due
beyond the earth to sky and cloud
it’s many stemmed facade......stands proud
In dusted chalk and rain washed hues,
of multi colored dappled lights
of process born
in seek and find
this sapling knows where
courage grows...
in wanders-ways
of founding truth
in flight of mind
in art of kind
its proof abounds
with blossomed leaves and flowering fruit
upon, within transformation’s sounding root.
Marcia D Miller
September 14, 2019
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